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Has India Bought A 4.5 Generation Rafale Fighter For The Price Of A Fifth Generation F-35?

Butthurt is high...LOLz. At the end you can't awake someone who is pretending to sleep.
This Guy a 50 center I have seen Him He Has Survive on PDF only on Trolling And Flamebaiting
Good ...we are on same page....we are celebrating also for Rafale deal....:D

8 billion dollars for 36 fighters. You just keep celebrating LOL

This Guy a 50 center I have seen Him He Has Survive on PDF only on Trolling And Flamebaiting

Hey, don't hate me for expressing the facts. I know they hurt your butt LOL
Hey, don't hate me for expressing the facts. I know they hurt your butt LOL
Facts of fanboy is Calling Trolling as facts You have Made you arguments With zero Factual and technical Inputs this is Defense Forum Noob Not Facebook :D
8 billion dollars for 36 fighters. You just keep celebrating LOL

Hey, don't hate me for expressing the facts. I know they hurt your butt LOL
I can see whose butt is hurting...unless you would have not wasted your so much time on this thread..
I Am ready Listen Some these So Fifth gen capabilities In technical Details

Highlight few Let's hear It In List Such Super Capabilities Please Which as per you greater than rafale

Look Noob I am no Fanboy So Let's See How Much Technical Depth you got in Factual Arguments Lets hear Some

As Fo generation Its Just Word depend on Counties to countries PLAAF call there J-20 "Fourth generation "


Stop jumping up and down, Indian. Get off the high horse and stop worshipping the Rafale like it is the next thing since sliced bread. Also, put your Indian nationalism aside for a moment. Your country can make mistakes and it did by going for the insanely expensive Rafale.

Sure thing buddy. Everyone has gone crazy by investing in 5th gen platforms. Everyone should just get the Rafale. LOL You happy now kid? Wait let me give you some lollipop.

I can see whose butt is hurting...unless you would have not wasted your so much time on this thread..

Not one single argument, but that is to be expected.
Stop jumping up and down, Indian. Get off the high horse and stop worshipping the Rafale like it is the next think since sliced bread. Also put your Indian nationalism aside for a moment.

Sure. Everyone has gone crazy by investing in 5th gen platforms. Everyone should just get the Rafale. LOL
Do you Even Know Difference BTW Fourth gen and fifth generation

State few Let Us you Technical depth Don't Start Posting Wiki gibberish to me Stare Factual and Technical inputs Noob
Stop jumping up and down, Indian. Get off the high horse and stop worshipping the Rafale like it is the next think since sliced bread. Also put your Indian nationalism aside for a moment.

Sure. Everyone has gone crazy by investing in 5th gen platforms. Everyone should just get the Rafale. LOL

Not one single argument, but that is to be expected.
No argument for you....you are hurt....take care
Stop jumping up and down, Indian. Get off the high horse and stop worshipping the Rafale like it is the next thing since sliced bread. Also, put your Indian nationalism aside for a moment. Your country can make mistakes and it did by going for the insanely expensive Rafale.

Sure thing buddy. Everyone has gone crazy by investing in 5th gen platforms. Everyone should just get the Rafale. LOL
Again I Asked Technical Inputs Please or I start reporting
Facts of fanboy is Calling Trolling as facts You have Made you arguments With zero Factual and technical Inputs this is Defense Forum Noob Not Facebook :D

8 billion dollars for 36 fighters. Don't hate me for pointing this out.

Again I Asked Technical Inputs Please or I start reporting

What are you going to report me for? For pointing out the obvious which is that the deal is expensive and not very wise? LOL

Stop making a fool out of yourself. Stop comparing 5th generation platforms with Rafale.
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1. The 50% offset might be tempting for India, but the French aren't crazy either. They are not going to commit to a deal they have not much to gain from. The price is ridiculous. No doubt the Russians have similar capability for a much more favorable cost.

2. All gimmick talk. You don't know squat about how much and where exactly the money is going to be spent. All these big empty claims remain to be seen. The MMRCA tender circus proves otherwise.

3. LOL 8 billion spent on a capability which isn't even going to tackle next gen threats. Talk about admission.

4. No you don't. You only have one confirmed 5th gen project which is the Russian JV. India has neither confirmed nor shown any interest in F-35 thus far. Refrain from makimg false claims.

5. Incoherent and illogical argument. Many if not all major 5th gen platforms today offer multirole combat capabilities. You don't know what you are going on about.
First go through the Rafale deal( recent ones) from start and then claim things....
1.50% offset was one of the conditions and French agreed to it after rounds of negotiations...
2. India knows exactly where those offset money will be invested upon....30% for techs which India has sought and 20% for Rafale components.
3. Sorry to say but in real world, begging and aid don't work...you have to spend money to get special weapons....UAE, Egypt, Qatar,Brazil had some western aircraft deals recently and you can check their costs that too without offset. Not to forget even F-16s( 52s) now cost around 100 million...if we go by recent 8 F-16s for Pak fiasco...
4.We have 2 5th gen programs running...FGFA and Indigenous AMCA. I already said lets not talk about F-35s as its not clear yet.
5. No they dont. They need to maintain their stealth and inner bays are not enough for heavy loads.
8 billion dollars for 36 fighters. Don't hate me for pointing this out.
I don't hate i only Laugh At you You umn Pre Mature teen Surfing on Net Came to defence Forum without Proper Skill

8 billion dollars for 36 fighters. Don't hate me for pointing this out.

Why are you going to report me for? For pointing out the obvious which is that the deal is expensive and not very wise? LOL

Stop making a fool out of yourself. Stop comparing 5th generation platforms with Rafale.
@WAJsal @waz See this Bot wasting Forums bandwidth
Facts of fanboy is Calling Trolling as facts You have Made you arguments With zero Factual and technical Inputs this is Defense Forum Noob Not Facebook :D

You have nothing to negate my arguments kid. Go and have some sleep.

I don't hate i only Laugh At you You umn Pre Mature teen Surfing on Net Came to defence Forum without Proper Skill

@WAJsal @waz See this Bot wasting Forums bandwidth

LOL Go and fix Kashmir little Indian. You can't feed millions of people and are playing with Rafales.

First go through the Rafale deal( recent ones) from start and then claim things....
1.50% offset was one of the conditions and French agreed to it after rounds of negotiations...
2. India knows exactly where those offset money will be invested upon....30% for techs which India has sought and 20% for Rafale components.
3. Sorry to say but in real world, begging and aid don't work...you have to spend money to get special weapons....UAE, Egypt, Qatar,Brazil had some western aircraft deals recently and you can check their costs that too without offset. Not to forget even F-16s( 52s) now cost around 100 million...if we go by recent 8 F-16s for Pak fiasco...
4.We have 2 5th gen programs running...FGFA and Indigenous AMCA. I already said lets not talk about F-35s as its not clear yet.
5. No they dont. They need to maintain their stealth and inner bays are not enough for heavy loads.

1. Like I said, the French are making mighty handsome profit. No matter how much you sugarcoat this deal, the French are in it for maximum profit and even much more. They are not going to hand you their best fighter for a dime LOL Everyone who has been following the MMRCA tender knows what kind of fiasco it has been. Shaking hands, doing photo ops and cancelling the deal afterwards. The Indians have still been suckered big time. No doubt about it. You are going to pay big time. Only for these fighters to rust in hangars. Not a chance you will ever use them against anyone.

2. That is what you keep claiming, but that remains to be seen. Also, that is if everything goes smoothly as planned. You are making very big claims and we know that Indians are terrible planners. History is testimony of this fact.

3. Look who is talking about begging and aid. A country that claims to be self sufficient yet receives aid from many countries around the world. As for begging, we know who is begging to which countries to isolate Pakistan LOL A terribly failed attempt may I say.

Only an ignorant fool would bring Pakistan's recent acquisition of 8 F-16s into this discussion. There is no comparison whatsoever. Pakistan already operates F-16s and has the entire infrastructure, know how etc. all in place. For Pakistan it is a matter of taking the delivery and inducting without minimal fuss. Also, the cost is very favorable considering the entire package. Obviously you have no clue about the entire package. Do you even know that the addition of only 8 F-16s will bring the total tally to 80 for PAF?

India on the other hand is inducting an entirely new aircraft. Do I need to explain to you how much time, effort, and money goes into the induction of an entirely new platform as opposed to an already inducted aircraft? Your comparison is full of holes. It is going to require years and years of planning and resources to fully induct and integrate the Rafales into the air force. You think that Pakistan will sit on its laurels all that time?

4. Again, you don't. You only have one 5th gen JV with Russia.

5. You don't know what you are talking about. Let's put the stealth argument aside for a moment which obviously gives the latest block of F-35 a clear edge over Rafale. If one looks at the newest technologies incorporated into the F-35 there is only one clear winner. The latest radar, electronic sensors, weapons etc. all speak volume. The F-35 is evolving massively with so many countries working and ironing out every detail. In other words, the F-35 will only get better and better in time with many upgrades. The Rafale on the other is a matured platform with nothing much to add or change. You get what you see.
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Is that your justification for spending a whopping 8 billion for this initial delivery? You have already admitted that the price is too high. Rafale won't offer quantum leap capability. It is 4.5 tech at best. No doubt the latest F-16s that Pakistan has can match this fighter in many areas. India has been robbed and I'm putting it very lightly. There is a reason why these talks have been stalled for so long. The price and capability on offer don't match and the Indian negotiators know this.

India would have done excellently by going for a Russian fighter as a stop gap until the 5th gen Russian JV. India has missed the trick completely and burdened its air force with an expensive option. The logistics of it all is another major headache. I think this deal is not terrible for PAF. By the time India has these fighters in effective numbers the PAF will have beefed up its air force with a 5th gen fighter from China.

you are assuming china and russia can deliver 5th generation fighters in the near term. even if they make it will it be available for export ?

has anyone independent even evaluated fourth generation chinese combat aircraft ? china is still buying 4th generation aircraft from Russia. the engines for so-called 4th generation jf-17 are russian.

I can see the rafale deal has you really worked up...


Not everybody can buy used fighters for peanuts OR grant aided fighters .

Some nations have to pay hard cash .
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