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Has anyone experience with aquarium here?

Feb 11, 2017
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I think about getting a small aquarium for my living room. I looked around for special fish and found this species here:


They are called "Betta hendra" and are a wild species of fighting fish. As far as i know they are not agressive and not very big. You can keep 2 males and 2 females in a 50l tank.

As far as i know you need lots of plants as cover for them and they prefer more acidic water.

What do you say?
I think about getting a small aquarium for my living room. I looked around for special fish and found this species here:


They are called "Betta hendra" and are a wild species of fighting fish. As far as i know they are not agressive and not very big. You can keep 2 males and 2 females in a 50l tank.

As far as i know you need lots of plants as cover for them and they prefer more acidic water.

What do you say?

I don't have any direct experience with Betta Hendras, but I do with Betta Splendens.

If they are similar (which I think they are) You should not put 2 of them together they will fight each other to death. These fish are best kept alone or with "friendly" fish of other species.
I don't have any direct experience with Betta Hendras, but I do with Betta Splendens.

If they are similar (which I think they are) You should not put 2 of them together they will fight each other to death. These fish are best kept alone or with "friendly" fish of other species.

I already checked that. They are not similar. Betta hendra is rather peaceful.

Most keep 2 males and 2 females in a 50 litre tank


I thought about getting a pair first. As far as i know they need super much plants in their tank and some say that no filter should be attached because tehy dont like flowing water?
. . .
dude seriously give this article a read (dont judge it by the title im sure you will learn a thing or two from it ):

I had 4 Betta fish in separate sections of some fish tanks and they tolerated chlorinated tap water just fine. I think one lived close to 5 years in it. Yes, in the beginning I would give them better water but after initially prepping the water about a dozen times they simply got it straight from the tap afterwards. Yes, if you want a good aquarium it will cost you dough. My kids had theirs in simple little fishbowls that cost almost nothing. When I was a kid I had a big tank with filters and stuff and that was a bit of a hassle to keep clean. With little bowls you can pop the fish out and clean it in a minute.

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