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Haryana discovery that promises to challenge our ancient history

More Horseplay at Harappa ........

He is the IAS officer who unearthed Robert Vadra's land dealing in Gurgaon.
:lol: :lol:
Sorry could not stop laughing after I read that word. I hope he's able to "unearth" something worthwhile in Rakhigarhi too.

More Horseplay at Harappa ........

Rakhigarhi is around 350-hectare (3.5 km2) making it the largest sindhu-Saraswati civilisation site in India, Pakistan & Afghanistan. I know why you're jealous. :P
A country where ppl dont give an inch of their land for the expansion of roads, do you think they would agree for relocation just so that a few archeologists could excavate a 5000yr old site? Next to impossible!!!:tsk:

You're right AMT (Aryan migration theory) is accepted but not AIT (Aryan invasion theory). Whatever happened to Dravidans!!!
Can we discuss genetics on pdf??? lol

Who's that?
how would that help???

I don't think genetics is banned here. Show gun rants about genetics day in and day out.

What happened to Dravidians?

Most got assimilated, some moved South.

A thing you should remember is that Population ratios are not static. When Aryans arrived in India, India was sparsely populated because most of the land was uninhabitable due to dense forest cover. There was a population explosion in India during Iron age when use of Iron made clearing of dense forests possible, hence bringing most of land under plough. At least until satvahanas, land was granted under finders-keepers rule in which if you clear a patch of forest and start cultivating it, it became yours.

It is due to this population explosion that Aryans were last major group to cause demographic change in India. By end of Iron age, population of India has increased to such an extent that no new migrant group could cause genetic change , except in some sparsely populated pockets (happened in Baluchistan just 400 years ago).

Also older civilizations were mostly based in deserts because , before the advent of Iron, it was not easy/possible to clear dense forests.Even older settlements like one found in Bihar, are at confluence of Ganga, Ghagra, and Son where floods have cleared out a substantial area.
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The ancient society resembled todays society. There is influx of tribes into Indian Sub continent one after the other through out the history. They mixed together reason why DNA samples show commonality.

There are dark skinned people in North and white skinned people in the south.

The culture, customs, wisdom etc...etc.. are a mix.
I don't think genetics is banned here. Show gun rants about genetics day in and day out.

What happened to Dravidians?

Most got assimilated, some moved South.

A thing you should remember is that Population ratios are not static. When Aryans arrived in India, India was sparsely populated. There was a population explosion in India during Iron age when use of Iron made clearing of dense forests possible, hence bringing most of land under plough. At least until satvahanas, land was granted under finders-keepers rule in which if you clear a patch of forest and start cultivating it, it became yours.

It is due to this population explosion that Aryans were last major group to cause demographic change in India. By end of Iron age, population of India has increased to such an extent that no new migrant group could cause genetic change , except in some sparsely populated pockets (happened in Baluchistan just 400 years ago).

Also older civilizations were mostly based in deserts because , before the advent of Iron, it was not easy/possible to clear dense forests.
Genetic Change in Balochistan 400 years Ago ??

Can you plZ elaborate,thanks.
Genetic Change in Balochistan 400 years Ago ??

Can you plZ elaborate,thanks.

Baloch are not original inhabitants of Balochistan. They started migrating to Balochistan at the start of this millenium , and that migration ended only 300-400 years ago.

This is even on wikipedia.

History of the Baloch people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol: :lol:
Sorry could not stop laughing after I read that word. I hope he's able to "unearth" something worthwhile in Rakhigarhi too.

Rakhigarhi is around 350-hectare (3.5 km2) making it the largest sindhu-Saraswati civilisation site in India, Pakistan & Afghanistan. I know why you're jealous. :P

The best Pakistanis could do is squirm and post some article about a known pseudo-Historian whose theories have been proved wrong.

This won't change that this is a genuine archeological discovery by ASI and would be recognized as a UNESCO heritage site.

Poor Pakistanis, we are taking away whatever little identity they had to begin with. First it was Harappa then directly jump to Qasim, now they would have to start with Qasim himself. Poor Poor Pakistanis.
Baloch are not original inhabitants of Balochistan. They started migrating to Balochistan at the start of this millenium , and that migration ended only 300-400 years ago.

This is even on wikipedia.

loch people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]

The best Pakistanis could do is squirm and post some article about a known pseudo-Historian whose theories have been proved wrong.

This won't change that this is a genuine archeological discovery by ASI and would be recognized as a UNESCO heritage site.

Poor Pakistanis, we are taking away whatever little identity they had to begin with. First it was Harappa then directly jump to Qasim, now they would have to start with Qasim himself. Poor Poor Pakistanis.
They should name their missiles and warships after Hindushahi kings,Raja Dahir,porus and Kushans like the great kanishka rather than those Muslims who persecuted and enslaved them.
They should name their missiles and warships after Hindushahi kings,Raja Dahir,porus and Kushans like the great kanishka rather than those Muslims who persecuted and enslaved them.

Identity crisis dude, identity crisis.

Even Afghans make fun of these Pakistanis who glorify murderers of their Ancestors.

Pakistan hijacked our heroes, says Kabul - Telegraph
Identity crisis dude, identity crisis.

Even Afghans make fun of these Pakistanis who glorify murderers of their Ancestors.

s/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/1511377/Pakistan-hijacked-our-heroes-says-Kabul.html"]Pakistan hijacked our heroes, says Kabul - Telegraph[/url]

But except Indian subcontinent, no Muslims country dumped her past and achievements of their ancestors. For example

Iranians,turks,Indonesia etc they Even named their Airline GARUD.

Pakistanis should also adoption this and should be named

porus khan

Dahir Ali

:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:just imagine the face of Atanz ...and all his hard work going to drain...

He was trying to prove right which was wrong. Everyone knows what will be the end result of such futile exercise.

But except Indian subcontinent, no Muslims country dumped her past and achievements of their ancestors. For example

Iranians,turks,Indonesia etc they Even named their Airline GARUD.

Pakistanis should also adoption this and should be named

porus khan

Dahir Ali


Of these, Turks did not had any pre-Islamic history. Their whole history starts with Islam. Same with Arabs, though Arabs had a proper civilization, though nothing as rocking as others had.
This is another out of India theory :omghaha: Only Indians will believe.

Dr Vasant Shinde, vice-chancellor of the college and director of the Rakhigarhi excavation, on Saturday announced and as reported by Indian newspaper: “We want to study the DNA of the Harappan people and try to find out who they were. So we excavated the skeletons scientifically at Rakhigarhi. There was no contamination. All the four skeletons are in good condition.

The facial bones of two skeletons are intact. We are going to show the world how the Harappan man looked like. This will happen in July. It will be a breakthrough in Harappan studies.”

“…using the DNA to be extracted from the four full-sized skeletons excavated… and a novel software developed in South Korea, archaeologists of the Deccan College Postgraduate and Research Institute, Pune, are confident of projecting, in a few months, how the Harappans looked like 4,500 years ago — their build, the colour of their skin or hair, their facial features and so on”.

The archaeologists of the Deccan institute, and Haryana’s Department of Archaeology, have stated that the skeletons belonged to the Mature Harappan period (2600 BCE-1900 BCE). The tests will be done by the college staff and forensic scientists of Seoul National University, South Korea.

This is very interesting, lets wait and see.

I think Indians have realized that they can't shift Indus Valley into India, So now they came with theory of opposite drift of population.? So, How IVC people reached Haryana? Any trace in South India? Or they landed there directly from Mars?

Its embarrassing, these so called Indian archaeologist main aim is always to prove out of india theory.
That argument is a bit of a leap. there is no real evidence of any "Dravidian" presence in north India, all there are are leaps of imagination.
You gotta be kidding me. The altars found in some of harappan cities were same as those found in Kerala,which 're still in use. It was Michel Danino who said this, the man who is credited for researching extensively in this field

Most got assimilated, some moved South.
Well they moved both eastwards and southwards. There is evidence of desertion in stage VII of harappan cities and this coincides with the time when Saraswati dried up.
And somehow I am not sure what was happening down south 5000yrs back. I'm sure you must 've heard of Brahui language which is a Dravidan language spoken in Baluchistan region of Af-Pak.

A thing you should remember is that Population ratios are not static. When Aryans arrived in India, India was sparsely populated because most of the land was uninhabitable due to dense forest cover. There was a population explosion in India during Iron age when use of Iron made clearing of dense forests possible, hence bringing most of land under plough. At least until satvahanas, land was granted under finders-keepers rule in which if you clear a patch of forest and start cultivating it, it became yours.

It is due to this population explosion that Aryans were last major group to cause demographic change in India. By end of Iron age, population of India has increased to such an extent that no new migrant group could cause genetic change , except in some sparsely populated pockets (happened in Baluchistan just 400 years ago).

Also older civilizations were mostly based in deserts because , before the advent of Iron, it was not easy/possible to clear dense forests.Even older settlements like one found in Bihar, are at confluence of Ganga, Ghagra, and Son where floods have cleared out a substantial area.

Why dont you create your own thread so that I can occasionally refer to it? Lol

This is another out of India theory :omghaha: Only Indians will believe
Are you denying the fact that Rakhigarhi is the biggest Harappan site ever found???
Btw the presence of Hakra-ware in this site also establishes that the epicenter of Sindu-saraswati civilisation lies in Haryana-Rajasthan region.
Pls dont die of a heart attack now. :haha:
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Lots of new info. Thanks to contributors.

The lack of arguments made some serial "ha ha" makers look stupid , with them running for cover words which was epic.

I always knew IVC started in our territory and moved to all other parts.

Keep going. Shed whatever new comes online and educate us.
You gotta be kidding me. The altars found in some of harappan cities were same as those found in Kerala,which 're still in use. I am not saying it, but Michel Danino who is credited for researching extensively in this field.
View attachment 218782

Well they moved both eastwards and southwards. There is evidence of desertion in stage VII of harappan cities and this coincides with the time when Saraswati dried up.
And somehow I am not sure what was happening down south 5000yrs back. I'm sure you must 've heard of Brahui language which is a Dravidan language spoken in Baluchistan region of Af-Pak.

Why dont you create your own thread so that I can occasionally refer to it? Lol

Brahui people were residing in cut off area and they spoke Dravidian language as Aryan wave skipped their area. Presence of these kind of pockets actually strengthens AMT.

Similar thing happened with Hinduism in Afghanistan. Nuristan, which was a cut off area in Afghanistan, was Hindu even 100 years ago. It escaped Islamic conquest because it was cut off from even Afghanistan.

Nuristan Province - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@SpArK Do visit this thread too. The myth of Prithviraj Raso, and an account of Ghurid invasion.

I forgot to quote you and @SamantK in that thread.
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