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Haryana: 40 Muslim families convert to Hinduism

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I an well settled but marginalisation hits community as a whole.

A government that is hostile to Muslims countless times is not going to help unless Muslims unite as 1 and demand rights. 200 million is a lot of people. People have done a lot more with a lot less. The reason people are leaving Islam is not because of poverty or because the man is out to get them. Its because Muslims are not good and they do not unite. They have no identity.

No one has ever uplifted their communities with government jobs. Hindu society is an abomination and Look how they treat their own. You think they will treat you better because they wear the secular label? Look at turkey they tried wearing the secular label and EU won't even let them sit with them.. Once a Muslim always a Muslim no matter what costume you wear for that year.

How do you think they train their soldiers for the war in Kashmir? Do you think they make them wear a secular banner? NO, it is Hindu vs Muslim. Look at the politics Hindu vs Muslim.. Media Hindu vs Muslim.. When it comes to Pakistan it is Hindu vs Muslim. So when they hear this shit all day why would they give Muslims government jobs... It is asinine.

On Friday, 250 Muslims from 40 families converted to Hinduism in Bidhmira village in Hisar district of Haryana, reported The Times of India. The people in the village reportedly lead a Hindu way of life but follow the Islamic custom of burying the dead only during the last rites of a deceased. The families lived at Danoda Kalan village before Independence.

A local resident Satbir who had recently converted to Hinduism to cremate his 80 year-old mother Phooli Devi,as per Hindu customs, has conceded that he belonged to the Doom cate whose families had converted to Islam during the rule of Aurangzeb. He also denied any foul play or efforts at forced conversion.

A villager named Majid, however, said, “It is only when we bury our dead, that the villagers looked at us differently. Therefore, looking at the future of children, we decided to convert.” He conceded that people now know about their past due to education.

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Harfool Khan Bhatti, Haryana State President of Muslims Welfare Organisation has claimed that the mass religious conversion from Islam to Hinduism was the ‘greed behind availing caste-based reservations’. As per Bhatti, Muslims and Christians cannot get Doom caste quota due to a 1951 notification.

25,000 Muslims and Christians converted to Hinduism in 2018
In November last year, A Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader informed that the Hindu cultural organisation has managed to reconvert 25,000 Muslims and Christians back to Hinduism in 2018. Speaking to media, VHP’s secretary-general stated that the organisation had conducted drives for reconversion across the country. Such events are called ‘Ghar-Wapsi’, meaning coming back to the original faith.
There is nothing called the caste system in hindus also, it is a varna system of social stratification and it is there amongst muslims also.
A Syed, Pathan, Bohra, Memon,Jat, regional muslim are not the same. There are many other occupational varnas amongst muslims too like Ansari the weaver, Artisans, Qasai the butcher or Qureshi, Horse trader or Soldier Pathans. Don't deny reality.

Why are you talking about Islam? you Don't know about it. Moderators need to ban this guy.. Islam doesn't have uncivilized systems of oppression like Hindusim. There is no Caste system in Islam no matter how much the Khans try to promote this.
There is nothing called the caste system in hindus also, it is a varna system of social stratification and it is there amongst muslims also.
A Syed, Pathan, Bohra, Memon,Jat, regional muslim are not the same. There are many other occupational varnas amongst muslims too like Ansari the weaver, Artisans, Qasai the butcher or Qureshi, Horse trader or Soldier Pathans. Don't deny reality.

I am not denying reality. I am denying the stuff that you think is reality.

Listen Vadapav, you can scream as much as you want that the caste system exists within Muslims and conflate Muslim sects and taxi drivers with some sort of castes, but that is just your figment of imagination furiously at work.
Why are you talking about Islam? you Don't know about it. Moderators need to ban this guy.. Islam doesn't have uncivilized systems of oppression like Hindusim. There is no Caste system in Islam no matter how much the Khans try to promote this.

I am talking about the reality in India. If you think they are not real muslims, talk to them directly.
A government that is hostile to Muslims countless times is not going to help unless Muslims unite as 1 and demand rights. 200 million is a lot of people. People have done a lot more with a lot less. The reason people are leaving Islam is not because of poverty or because the man is out to get them. Its because Muslims are not good and they do not unite. They have no identity.

No one has ever uplifted their communities with government jobs. Hindu society is an abomination and Look how they treat their own. You think they will treat you better because they wear the secular label? Look at turkey they tried wearing the secular label and EU won't even let them sit with them.. Once a Muslim always a Muslim no matter what costume you wear for that year.

How do you think they train their soldiers for the war in Kashmir? Do you think they make them wear a secular banner? NO, it is Hindu vs Muslim. Look at the politics Hindu vs Muslim.. Media Hindu vs Muslim.. When it comes to Pakistan it is Hindu vs Muslim. So when they hear this shit all day why would they give Muslims government jobs... It is asinine.
Why do you think we don't know this?
I am not denying reality. I am denying the stuff that you think is reality.

Listen Vadapav, you can scream as much as you want that the caste system exists within Muslims and conflate Muslim sects and taxi drivers with some sort of castes, but that is just your figment of imagination furiously at work.

I am idly dosa not vadapav and I am not screaming. Why are you getting nervous?
I am idly dosa not vadapav and I am not screaming. Why are you getting nervous?

You can't even correctly distinguish between nervousness and irritation and expect to distinguish between the mythical castes of Muslims?
In my state AP also many Muslim communities are there for ex: Dudekula sayibulu they all have CASTE relations with Hindus with muslim names!!

Anyway,it is just the beginning more to follow and then mass movement.Arya samaj,VHP and BD will push further Legally.

I think it was either the British or Congress or Nehru who did all this. Thank them![/QUOTE]
Unless the religion itself is flexible, no religious reform can be there.

Numerous Muslim lands were ruled by British empire too. Isn't numerous issues still the same ?
Pakistan has Blasphemy Laws. It was under same British empire. It is down to flexibility or rigidity of the concerned faiths.
Both sides arguing about conversions and all. I'll just say religion is going to get obsolete in the future so all this is pointless. These are only temporary things that you are fighting for.
There is nothing called the caste system in hindus also, it is a varna system of social stratification and it is there amongst muslims also.
A Syed, Pathan, Bohra, Memon,Jat, regional muslim are not the same. There are many other occupational varnas amongst muslims too like Ansari the weaver, Artisans, Qasai the butcher or Qureshi, Horse trader or Soldier Pathans. Don't deny reality.

Muslims only follow tribes, professions and sects.
What's wrong with having a contract? Have you had any contracts in your life for Job, Renting or Marriage? Why should it be any different for religion?

Islam is an organized religion. It is not a rest area where anyone can just walk-in and walk-out. When you walk-in you better adhere to the rules.

There is nothing wrong with contracts. I just can't worship one. Thanks.
oh latest news from India....There is NO caste system in India.......kiya fatu log hain ue andh bakht bhi....
Yeah. Contract is meant for people who can use their brain. Not meant for low IQ emotional sanghis.

I say good riddance. It is better we get rid of these type of closet Hindus.

Everybody knew How High IQ People Jews and Chinese treats muslims (Paliestien & Uighar).


What rubbish some people are talking here, even in Pakistan 98% Muslim country they all know HOW STRONG THE CASTE SYSTEM among themselves and here many so-called Indian muslims denying it completely.:lol:
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