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Harop, CBU-105: India's reply to terror squads

well i am quite new but according to me the CBU-105 is good for our air force as the most advanced air force use it then why shouldn't we goooo india go:sniper::sniper:
Title should be "India replies WITH terror squads." Haha because we are a terrorist nation, we support the war OF terror in Afghan and in our own nation.

BHAIJAAN may be u should change ur flags...its better to live with ur own identity and then make ur point rather then hiding behind flags and shamming:devil:
guys harop is an expensive self destructive uav,it wont be used to take out transient terror camps made of tents..it is to take out high priority targets which are heavely defended and are fixed structures like radar installation,ships,destroyers or any target where human life will not be required to be put on risk..we are not buying it in big numbers which a slight indication towards its use..MOST of the surgical strikes are carried out without much fanfare i.e using airpower,it is more of special forces job to take out these camps.
BHAIJAAN may be u should change ur flags...its better to live with ur own identity and then make ur point rather then hiding behind flags and shamming:devil:

bud bud used to be a racist remark the english used to say to people from india and pakistan
country as poor as India was during 1960-1990 with adversaries like China and Pak on both sides of the border imports become an obvious choice...

india was better off than china during 1960.
then there went something really wrong with our strategy and we lost to china.. and we are still not learning our lessons......we should start our indigenous R&D in almost every core field and provide full financial/ moral support to our scientists with a simultaneous effort to get rid off the beaurocracy & bring about more accountability.

See mate army will always goes for what it sees best...Such decisions about diverting money from R&D is MOD's work...However i agree that our planners including Army did not make a good decision by ignoring R&D...Though don't agree it was out of arrogance but was due to serious budget shortage....

A large amount in our defence budget remains UNUTILISED. we are short of a visionary among us.

This is another painful truth...However it can't be just Army...If you are not talking to me than i should reach out to you...So DRDO has to share some blame there....

rightly said.

Not sure if i agree there...In fact people seems to have realized this mistake and if you og by reports you tend to get an inclination that there is more co-operation between Army and DRDO...Though the pace and effectiveness is debatable....

this doesnt show on the ground.... very much debatable.

I must say i am ignorant about this...So will go by your words...Though as per my limited understanding it was not the lack of funds but the sanctions(after nuclear test) and DRDO problems with engine Kaveri that are primarily responsible for delays...The fact that GOI is still keeping both the programmes alive gives an inclination about resolve of GOI behind these programmes...

NO. its not the resolve but the fear of losing votes.. and they are supporting indigenous R & D only at a min level....we need n times more R &D than what it is today.

its shameful for us if we claim a super power status and still are in the top 5 arms importing nations..

We desperately need a visionary in our MoD
Lets see how long it this takes to materialize, the IA has talked a big game before, but we haven't bought artillery in over 2 decades.
Title should be "India replies WITH terror squads." Haha because we are a terrorist nation, we support the war OF terror in Afghan and in our own nation.

Nope the title should be bud bud replies with fake id because he has identity crisis and dont want to represent his country because he is ashamed of it.

“The wise understand by themselves; fools follow the reports of others”- Tibetan proverb.
India is not Pakistan. India and China are two civilizations. Pakistan is not. Its a rented-state. Can you explain what similarity you found between India & Pakistan?

What you call a civilization is actually a stable government. I would rather not talk to your intellect about civilizations as history books should be referenced for a better grasp. Your disillusioned opinions are better served in your own countries forums. Talk sense here.
Originally Posted by Aryaputra
India is not Pakistan. India and China are two civilizations. Pakistan is not. Its a rented-state. Can you explain what similarity you found between India & Pakistan?

Mr ARYA putra. i guess u are too ignorant to know that the Indian civilisation has its roots in present day pakistani sites of Indus valley...

pakistan a rented state??/ please explain what u mean by that????

tell me what similarity u find between assamese and a rajastani or maybe a punjabi and a tamilian?? or maybe a bengali and a telugu...

if u dont know how to speak up.. then shut up... dont put all ur BS in the forum...
india was better off than china during 1960.
then there went something really wrong with our strategy and we lost to china.. and we are still not learning our lessons......we should start our indigenous R&D in almost every core field and provide full financial/ moral support to our scientists with a simultaneous effort to get rid off the beaurocracy & bring about more accountability

Are you sure...China was ahead of us in leaps and bouds by the year 1960..there is a reason they kicked our a$$ in 1962....You might want to say 1950 when both the countries were fairly at par...In case you have doubts this is a good paper to read...

Daniel Roberts: India and China - A Contrast (Summer 1960)

Look my friend indegenous is very lucrative...However you got to have a balance...You very well know about our socialistic policies and intentions of self-sufficiency...However once we got the taste of bankruptcy in 1991 we realized globalization is the way to go...Now again i am not saying we should not invest in indegenous products/R&D but we need to ensure we are keeping a balance between our long term desire vs increasing gap between our most potential adversaries.... The GOI term of forcing foreign companies to invest in India(around 27% i guess) for any defence contract is one such move which gives you an inclination that realization is very much there....

A large amount in our defence budget remains UNUTILISED. we are short of a visionary among us.
Agreed...but its the babudom whose a$$ should be kicked for that....

this doesnt show on the ground.... very much debatable
As said the pace is debatable...However intent is very much visible...

NO. its not the resolve but the fear of losing votes.. and they are supporting indigenous R & D only at a min level....we need n times more R &D than what it is today.

Care to exlpain me here...How come failure of(God forbids) tejas will convert to loosing of votes...The whole blame(like in the past) will go to DRDO...Are you sure indian voter give two hoots about success of Tejas before voting for Govt???

its shameful for us if we claim a super power status and still are in the top 5 arms importing nations..We desperately need a visionary in our MoD
Can't agree more...My debate with you is only on circumstances vs arrogance of Armed Forces...
Title should be "India replies WITH terror squads." Haha because we are a terrorist nation, we support the war OF terror in Afghan and in our own nation.

To the indian guys here,these bud_bud guy is not an indian.I have been following this forum for quite a long time and i remember this guys previous appearance.One senior indian member was informed by the mods that this guy is our chinese member "lock33d"from usa.And in some other thread that indian member informed this"lock33d" about this,And this "lock33d" moron was boasting that he fooled most of the indians in this forum with this bud_bud id.He even boasted that mods didn't ban him and he was just informed by mods to stop using fake id.He even posted that message from mods to show he was not threatened to get banned (i'll dig out that thread when i'm free).Now this guy is back with bud_bud id,without any shame.(mayb from different computer)This shows how shameless and disgusting a man can be.
To the indian guys here,these bud_bud guy is not an indian.I have been following this forum for quite a long time and i remember this guys previous appearance.One senior indian member was informed by the mods that this guy is our chinese member "lock33d"from usa.And in some other thread that indian member informed this"lock33d" about this,And this "lock33d" moron was boasting that he fooled most of the indians in this forum with this bud_bud id.He even boasted that mods didn't ban him and he was just informed by mods to stop using fake id.He even posted that message from mods to show he was not threatened to get banned (i'll dig out that thread when i'm free).Now this guy is back with bud_bud id,without any shame.(mayb from different computer)This shows how shameless and disgusting a man can be.

yes the member "seiko" reported it to the Mods about his dual IDs.

Don't worry soon Mods will ban him.
To the indian guys here,these bud_bud guy is not an indian.I have been following this forum for quite a long time and i remember this guys previous appearance.One senior indian member was informed by the mods that this guy is our chinese member "lock33d"from usa.And in some other thread that indian member informed this"lock33d" about this,And this "lock33d" moron was boasting that he fooled most of the indians in this forum with this bud_bud id.He even boasted that mods didn't ban him and he was just informed by mods to stop using fake id.He even posted that message from mods to show he was not threatened to get banned (i'll dig out that thread when i'm free).Now this guy is back with bud_bud id,without any shame.(mayb from different computer)This shows how shameless and disgusting a man can be.

Recently, I doubted a guys who are using chinese flag, and I proved he is not a chinese. There are some indian members jumped out told me "you should not doubt one's nationality from his view." like a god father. They acted like indian members never doubt one's nationality from his view. But in this thread, you just showed me what is double standard.

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