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Harder & harder to be a Muslim everyday

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New Recruit

Jul 2, 2010
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It is getting harder & harder to live as a Muslim, whether you live in a non-Muslim or Muslim country. Muslims have disgraced not only their religion, but themselves. The reputation that Muslims are getting all over the world is becoming more & more justified everyday, but Islam does not deserve this reputation. Muslims today are a disgrace. Muslim nations today are a disgrace.

It shames & pains me to say this, but Muslims today are associated solely with savagery & suicide bombings. Right now, the arena on the WOT is Afghanistan-Pakistan, but it is about to shift very quickly to the Middle East & North Africa, with the rising presence of the AQAP, AQIM, groups like Al-Shabaab etc. The Muslim world in the Middle East & Africa is gripped in turmoil & anarchy.

Muslims have disgraced themselves all over the world, by showing no respect to innocent non-Muslims & their innocent fellow Muslims. People talk about how Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, but it seems to me like extremism is increasing, it is amongst the ignorant & the desperate in poor nations that Islam is spreading the fastest. Educated people are going away from Islam, & it is the Muslims that are responsible for that. People are getting disillusioned with Muslims.
second breaking point of Bilal on pdf :P
It is getting harder & harder to live as a Muslim, whether you live in a non-Muslim or Muslim country. Muslims have disgraced not only their religion, but themselves. The reputation that Muslims are getting all over the world is becoming more & more justified everyday, but Islam does not deserve this reputation. Muslims today are a disgrace. Muslim nations today are a disgrace.

It shames & pains me to say this, but Muslims today are associated solely with savagery & suicide bombings. Right now, the arena on the WOT is Afghanistan-Pakistan, but it is about to shift very quickly to the Middle East & North Africa, with the rising presence of the AQAP, AQIM, groups like Al-Shabaab etc. The Muslim world in the Middle East & Africa is gripped in turmoil & anarchy.

Muslims have disgraced themselves all over the world, by showing no respect to innocent non-Muslims & their innocent fellow Muslims. People talk about how Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, but it seems to me like extremism is increasing, it is amongst the ignorant & the desperate in poor nations that Islam is spreading the fastest. Educated people are going away from Islam, & it is the Muslims that are responsible for that. People are getting disillusioned with Muslims & Islam.

Relax... ..
It is getting harder & harder to live as a Muslim, whether you live in a non-Muslim or Muslim country. Muslims have disgraced not only their religion, but themselves. The reputation that Muslims are getting all over the world is becoming more & more justified everyday, but Islam does not deserve this reputation. Muslims today are a disgrace. Muslim nations today are a disgrace.

It shames & pains me to say this, but Muslims today are associated solely with savagery & suicide bombings. Right now, the arena on the WOT is Afghanistan-Pakistan, but it is about to shift very quickly to the Middle East & North Africa, with the rising presence of the AQAP, AQIM, groups like Al-Shabaab etc. The Muslim world in the Middle East & Africa is gripped in turmoil & anarchy.

Muslims have disgraced themselves all over the world, by showing no respect to innocent non-Muslims & their innocent fellow Muslims. People talk about how Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, but it seems to me like extremism is increasing, it is amongst the ignorant & the desperate in poor nations that Islam is spreading the fastest. Educated people are going away from Islam, & it is the Muslims that are responsible for that. People are getting disillusioned with Muslims & Islam.

Hard Harder and Hardest....

Go and take a look from your cozy life.... before just talking.... There is another blast in Panjab 3 police men died.....

Come and One new R@pe thread about how women in India.
islam will once again rise bilal bhai , keep faith in allah , these are testing time's for islam and pakistan , islam will once again attain it's lost glory .
Many Muslims today need to learn on how to respect their nation first before their quest for the "Muslim Ummah". Muslims living abroad in foreign nations conduct themselves better than many Muslims living in their own home countries. How can one treat their home like this?
cm on- why the least expected bloke always turns out to be the biggest ----- FILL IN THE BLANK -----

Bro- Be Brave- Have Faith and Patience- You may not be able to see Muslims prospers- but your children or grand children will certainly do- just like our fore fathers did in their time- This is just a bad phase in Muslim history and its part of life-
Many Muslims today need to learn on how to respect their nation first before their quest for the "Muslim Ummah". Muslims living abroad in foreign nations conduct themselves better than many Muslims living in their own home countries. How can one treat their home like this?

Maybe you should move to Pakistan and fix things.:tongue:
Hard Harder and Hardest....

Go and take a look from your cozy life.... before just talking.... There is another blast in Panjab 3 police men died.....

Come and One new R@pe thread about how women in India.

Boy- have you learned the same English which i have?? :what:
wth are you talking about?-
Why this emotional atyachar ?

The only people responsible are the Muslims themselves.

Many Muslims today need to learn on how to respect their nation first before their quest for the "Muslim Ummah". Muslims living abroad in foreign nations conduct themselves better than many Muslims living in their own home countries. How can one treat their home like this?

Rather than that they need to come to terms with the right to existence of other religions and not branding them Kaffirs or Infidels.

Once that is done 90% of the problems of this world will vanish.
as some one said (i don't remember the exact words and who said it but it meant) west has Islam without Muslims and we have Muslims without Islam.
Many Muslims today need to learn on how to respect their nation first before their quest for the "Muslim Ummah". Muslims living abroad in foreign nations conduct themselves better than many Muslims living in their own home countries. How can one treat their home like this?

please look at countries like malaysia or indonesia , even they are muslim nations , even they went through trouble's aren't they growing now , be positive , no nation is perfect inshallah pakistan win once again grow
This is not a criticism of Islam here. I was just talking about what a bad reputation Muslims & Islam unfortunately have in this part of the world. I openly speak against my (US) country's imperialistic tendencies, acting against my other home country (Pakistan) & Afghanistan. But that doesn't mean I support terrorists & extremists that blow up innocent people & security personnel. I speak against America's hegemonic desires, but it is sell-out Muslim governments that let it do whatever it likes. I cannot understand how any extremist or terrorist group can be accepted by Muslims, or be associated with Islam, because Islam teaches exactly the opposite of that. Why can't people understand that being against America's imperialistic policies does not mean being sympathetic to extremists?
Many Muslims today need to learn on how to respect their nation first before their quest for the "Muslim Ummah". Muslims living abroad in foreign nations conduct themselves better than many Muslims living in their own home countries. How can one treat their home like this?

Absloutely. I agree with you completely. Nation should be the most important factor. Religion is just a personal choice. What does it matter what my religion is afterall My flag is what i represent. I have seen most of the Muslims ask for more and more Islamic Idea in Muslim majority country and they ask for Secularism in Minority country. Isn't this contra opinion ? But Muslims in Non-Muslims majority country are more happier, More wealthier and has more freedom than any Muslim majority country. A Very hard fact and easy to know anywhere in the world.
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