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Hardcore Kashmiri militants turn on their masters.

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an utter nonsense thread and reported to the MODs and ban the guy who has opened it!!
Read the op properly and then comment. The writer is based out of Karachi. And instead of denying the points he raised, why can't you prove it otherwise factually? He raised couple of very good facts:

1) For the first time since 1989, most of Kashmir is terrorism free.
2) More terrorist attacks are happening back in Pakistan while at the same time they are declining rapidly in India. Infact, since 26/11, there has been hardly any major attacks here. This cannot be a mere coincidence.

Look at the mirror before denying the facts outright.

They are declining in Pakistan too.
They are declining in Pakistan too.

Good. And we all should be happy about that.

But the point still remains what I raised in mythe last post. This current crop of violent extremism had risen when India was slowly becoming free from it. If you compare this with what we were facing back in the 1990's, the situation is immensely improving in the valley.
absolute nonsense...there are no Kashmiri groups fighting the Pakistani State.

sectarian groups linking up with TTP? Yes it's happening. Kashmiri groups? Never. Kashmiris are with us through thick and through thin, and vice-versa.

From mid-1990's onwards the genuine Kashmiri separatists like JKLF, HuM etc. were completely sidelined by the Pakistan based organisations like LeT, Harkat-ul-Mujahedeen etc.. Most of their cadre came Pakistani Punjab and Pastun areas. Very few native Kashmiris, especially from the valley area got involved in the militant activities since early 2000's.
no need to ahem ahem...

spent majority of his "career" devoted towards the anti-soviet cause; much less of his years were actually devoted towards the Kashmiri nationalist cause.

but in fairness to you - you do have a point. That's one bad apple. He's already met his Creator, so it's kinda moot point anyways to discuss him, don't you think?

Ilyas Kashmiri was caught on Indian border and spent years in Indian jails before he escaped back to Pakistan. He could have done a lot of harm in Kashmir. He may not be alive but his ****** group in Kashmir is still strong. For some unknown reasons this group has turned their anger against their masters in Pakistan.
absolute nonsense...there are no Kashmiri groups fighting the Pakistani State.

sectarian groups linking up with TTP? Yes it's happening. Kashmiri groups? Never. Kashmiris are with us through thick and through thin, and vice-versa.

They all have common ideologies. In one example,Maulana Masood Azhar, founder of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)(is viewed as the "deadliest" and "the principal terrorist organization in Jammu and Kashmir") , was quoted as saying that "Sipah-e-Sahaba stands shoulder to shoulder with Jaish-e-Muhammad in Jehad".
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, Terrorist Group of Pakistan

"A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable described JeM as "another SSP breakaway Deobandi organization
.Only Sipah-e-Sahaba targets Shias and JeM target India.

All these organizations share a common ideological background but different battlegrounds.
"Hardcore militants have turned on their masters"

In that case they weren't hardcore to begin with, also any specific examples of such a thing happening? Would be interesting to see evidence for this...

I'm from south punjab. Yet again I reiterate wtf is a punjabi taliban.

Writer of article is retarded.

Case closed.
This is terrorism, one body many head... You can call good head, bad head, Freedom Fighter, ******, Martyr But end of the day they all are terrorists....

"Hardcore militants have turned on their masters"

In that case they weren't hardcore to begin with, also any specific examples of such a thing happening? Would be interesting to see evidence for this...

Well,Case of Ilyas Kashmiri would be a good example.He ran Jihad in Kashmir on the behalf of Pakistan ,but later fell out of favor with the Pakistani military, he was even taken into custody and tortured in late 2003 in the wake of an attempt to assassinate President Musharraf.After siege of Lal Masjid he rejoined 313 Brigade in the terrorist organisation Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI), which is closely tied to al-Qaeda and moved to Waziristan to fight against Pakistani State.He was later on killed in a US drone strike.Their are numerous examples like him.Go and check out.

How an ex-Army commando became a terrorist - thenews.com.pk

I'm from south punjab. Yet again I reiterate wtf is a punjabi taliban.

Writer of article is retarded.

Case closed.

denial is one of the most primitive traits of humans.. an example above ^
One thing I've realized about Indians on PDF is that they follow journalists religiously without verifying whether the guy is a crackpot or not.


Once more I will say, WHAT IN THE **** IS A PUNJABI TALIBAN?

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