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"Hard talk with Pakistan does not work, they just dig in deeper", observe American analysts. NYT

The difficulty is that the two countries are pursuing different endgames: the U.S. wants a an independent and prosperous Afghanistan existing under rule-of-law while Pakistan seeks a satellite Afghanistan under the sway of its own pet Talibs; Pakistan remains wedded to the strategy that incubated 9/11.

Thus Pakistan opposes any reconciliation with the Taliban that leads to peace in a Afghanistan absent of Pakistani political domination. As if economic influence wasn't enough! Really, this looks like the product of a military mindset unobstructed by political moderation: dominate or be dominated, etc. Afghanistan's problems are rooted in Pakistan's issues, so the emphasis should be there. Probably the only weak lever the U.S. exercises is to cut off the flow of U.S. "aid" but it seems that Pakistan is both the arsonist and firefighter so the U.S. has been afraid to take that step.

So far.
To sum up my response to your post "Bunch of lies"
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India is not giving a inch

Never mind 2000km

Loc will be the border now.

Nuclear weapons has finished any war and no one is budging now
That is what you think.

Nuclear weapons on both sides is to prevent nuclear war.

Nuclear weapons are only useful if you have them.
Why won't Pakistan pursue a good-neighbor policy, like the U.S. has with Canada? Military thinking would demand each face the other armed to the teeth but the politicians control and it is their job to evaluate the key question of intent. And over 150 years ago they determined there was no need for quarreling and the relations have been friendly ever since.
If u Google Afghan was murderer of our first PM every Bloch insurgency in pak first in 50s was supported by Afghanistan they claim our whole province of Kpk and even parts of blochistan and Punjab to be there's this punitive approach was first used by our Democratic pm bhuto back i n 70s in response to Afghanistan support of Bloch and pukhton Communist separatist in Pakistan do u have such issues with Canada or.Mexico ?? :)

I see. Pakistan will lose another conflict with India but the status quo of its power structure will be preserved, even if it costs thousands of Pakistani lives.
Presence of nukes deter India to go for full scale war.as.for individual strikes we would respond in same coin and down so in past so won't do em much good ;)
That is what you think.

Nuclear weapons on both sides is to prevent nuclear war.

Nuclear weapons are only useful if you have them.

Will it Stop Pakistan using Nuclear weapons ,,,,,,,,,,IF THEY KNOW INDIA has 120 nuclear tipped warheads on IRBM on Land and SLBM at Sea
Will it Stop Pakistan using Nuclear weapons ,,,,,,,,,,IF THEY KNOW INDIA has 120 nuclear tipped warheads on IRBM on Land and SLBM at Sea
Same goes for India, will it stop India from using nuclear weapons when Pakistan has more nuclear weapons than India and nuclear weapons to fire upon India. :lol:
Same goes for India, will it stop India from using nuclear weapons when Pakistan has more nuclear weapons than India and nuclear weapons to fire upon India. :lol:

You need more Since India is 4 times the size of Pakistan
My point is this your biggest cities krachi Lahore Islamabhad Multan sit within easy reach of india.

You have no strategic depth


and one nuclear processing plant.

THAT MEANS 9 WARHEADS will bring you to your KNEES

Indian cities are miles away and INDIA is a much bigger nation ie 25 power stations 9 ports 50 air bases 8 naval bases.

YOU understand NOW

If the above is true should tell it to the indian military high command. They were too scared, weak, powerless and incapable of attacking Pakistan after mumbai 2008 & uri 2016, even though we are more than 7× smaller than india and don't have abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems like india does........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Perhaps they are aware of the reality that Pakistan is MORE than capable of wiping india of the face of the universe as we have had H-bomb capability since early 2011:

It all boils down to Kashmir - and the strategic depth Pakistan desires in Afghanistan. As an Indian, I am so fed up of this terrorism - I don't enjoy either Indians or Pakistanis dying. I wonder if Pakistan would agree to the old plan that India offered in the 1950s or 1960s - some 2000 square miles or kms of land while India retains Jammu and Ladakh
There needs to be a graduated solution which starts with bloodshed coming down and then a face saving formula for both sides. Both sides are too vested and as a result, pulling back for one side is next to impossible. Leaving status quo essentially means more of the ongoing bloodshed. I think the plan you refer to isn't that different from what Musharraf and MMS were talking about.
There needs to be a graduated solution which starts with bloodshed coming down and then a face saving formula for both sides. Both sides are too vested and as a result, pulling back for one side is next to impossible. Leaving status quo essentially means more of the ongoing bloodshed. I think the plan you refer to isn't that different from what Musharraf and MMS were talking about.
Plebiscite is the only option on the table as in the UN resolutions. But Indians are too cowardly to implement it.

Even Catalonians just recently got the independence recently.
Question about plebiscite, how it would be done (if done one day) when india will create colony like israel is doing in Palestine ? I read somewhere that india is trying to help indians to settle in Kashmir...
Since the P.A. was busy slaying East Pakistanis until rudely interrupted by India and the M-B clearly the result you cite - making Pakistan a "more Muslim majority single culture country" - would be the same even if the Indians hadn't intervened.
nope it wouldnt, did we see golden temple situation turning into different state
Question about plebiscite, how it would be done (if done one day) when india will create colony like israel is doing in Palestine ? I read somewhere that india is trying to help indians to settle in Kashmir...
The Indians immigrants in Jammu and Kashmir would have to go for a free and fair plebiscite in Kashmir.
2. why has USA not worked on boader management, i mean pakistan is fencing it but USA is doing nothing, again no amount of stupid answers is going to change the fact, "USA has done nothing in boarder management"

How would US backed terrorists enter Pakistan then? Bloodshed is what USA wants.

$8bn is given by USA to Afghan government annually and $600m is the cost to fence the full 2k+ Kms border.
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