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Harbah NG to be unveiled in IDEAS 2022

Active seeker supplemented with IIR made in house as harba uses Dual guidance.. The initial purchase of C602 a.k.a Zarb missile from china helped Pakistan in perfecting the art of making active seekers. GIDS confirmed to me back in March 2022 exhibition that engine is indigenous too. Hence they are in position to export the missile.
Much more important than seeker.
Plenty of electronics/mechatronics and even some optronic grads available - metallurgical , aero engine grad’s finally getting an engine out the door is important.
GIDS confirmed to me back in March 2022 exhibition that engine is indigenous too. Hence they are in position to export the missile.
To be honest a much better news than the news of Harba missile available for export.

In one of the recent video related to Ideas-2022 they now haver officially confirmed the inhouse production of micro jet engines, but as previously you pointed out some shortcomings which were present supposedly due to weak engine so the NG might be indicating a new micro jet engine .... ???
Please share bro!
This video is from PAF's NASPT & confirm the existence of micro jet engine program with PAF, now the catch is IF PAF is using micro jet engine production facility then other organizations must also have their facilities as previously available info in public domain other than C-802 PAF don't use any other air launch weapon which use micro jet engine, on the other hand all our cruise missiles and Anti-ship missiles use micro jet engines and NESCOM is overseeing the production of these missiles and we also know GIDS is a marketing front of NESCOM for export.

This video only show target drone as one of the system use micro engine about which we know PAC had an indigenous program related to it but PAF would not create facility of micro jet engines only only for use in target drones.

Secondly another video it is shown that new NASTP R&D complex will have 12 divisions & will work on 18 key technologies

NASTP R&D Complex 18 tech.jpg
This video is from PAF's NASPT & confirm the existence of micro jet engine program with PAF, now the catch is IF PAF is using micro jet engine production facility then other organizations must also have their facilities as previously available info in public domain other than C-802 PAF don't use any other air launch weapon which use micro jet engine, on the other hand all our cruise missiles and Anti-ship missiles use micro jet engines and NESCOM is overseeing the production of these missiles and we also know GIDS is a marketing front of NESCOM for export.

This video only show target drone as one of the system use micro engine about which we know PAC had an indigenous program related to it but PAF would not create facility of micro jet engines only only for use in target drones.

Secondly another video it is shown that new NASTP R&D complex will have 12 divisions & will work on 18 key technologies

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@JamD your thoughts on NASTP? Seems quite well planned effort to develop core technologies. How does AvRID fit into this?
Active seeker supplemented with IIR made in house as harba uses Dual guidance.. The initial purchase of C602 a.k.a Zarb missile from china helped Pakistan in perfecting the art of making active seekers. GIDS confirmed to me back in March 2022 exhibition that engine is indigenous too. Hence they are in position to export the missile.

Shouldn't the IIR seeker be visible?
Much more important than seeker.
Plenty of electronics/mechatronics and even some optronic grads available - metallurgical , aero engine grad’s finally getting an engine out the door is important.
Great news, hopefully we see similar progress in supersonic missiles,

Will harbah ng have swarming capability?
@JamD your thoughts on NASTP? Seems quite well planned effort to develop core technologies. How does AvRID fit into this?
So army started NSTP at NUST H-12 right? NASTP is PAF's attempt to one-up the army on that. So far they have a lot of plans for buildings and centers, but I haven't seen any actual output. PAF plans to put all of its disparate R&D programs (like AvRID, AvDI, CENTAIC) under one roof - like a PAF NESCOM. The current state is they have buildings and want companies to set up shop. Unfortunately, army has a headstart with their NSTP and the NASTP is struggling. Furthermore, it is struggling because of the general lack of funds and the unnecessary focus on buildings. I was part of a team that was given a presentation on NASTP and all it was about was we are making these buildings and those buildings. Buildings are very important. Apparently. The projected buildings will take decades to make at the pace we do work. And there will be few people to work in them. In summary, the human resource retention is appalling but the building construction and general showboating is excellent (as you can see from the videos).

I wonder whether the active radar seeker is local or Chinese. @JamD What do you think?
I don't know. I would guess Chinese but I could be wrong. The guys doing Harbah are talented so wouldn't put it beyond them.
So army started NSTP at NUST H-12 right? NASTP is PAF's attempt to one-up the army on that. So far they have a lot of plans for buildings and centers, but I haven't seen any actual output. PAF plans to put all of its disparate R&D programs (like AvRID, AvDI, CENTAIC) under one roof - like a PAF NESCOM. The current state is they have buildings and want companies to set up shop. Unfortunately, army has a headstart with their NSTP and the NASTP is struggling. Furthermore, it is struggling because of the general lack of funds and the unnecessary focus on buildings. I was part of a team that was given a presentation on NASTP and all it was about was we are making these buildings and those buildings. Buildings are very important. Apparently. The projected buildings will take decades to make at the pace we do work. And there will be few people to work in them. In summary, the human resource retention is appalling but the building construction and general showboating is excellent (as you can see from the videos).

I don't know. I would guess Chinese but I could be wrong. The guys doing Harbah are talented so wouldn't put it beyond them.
So most likely nothing will come out of it either…
Active seeker supplemented with IIR made in house as harba uses Dual guidance.. The initial purchase of C602 a.k.a Zarb missile from china helped Pakistan in perfecting the art of making active seekers. GIDS confirmed to me back in March 2022 exhibition that engine is indigenous too. Hence they are in position to export the missile.
If they can build this, they can certainly build a modern top attack ATGM, and maybe a WVR AA missile after that. Let us hope they build on their success.
To be honest a much better news than the news of Harba missile available for export.

In one of the recent video related to Ideas-2022 they now haver officially confirmed the inhouse production of micro jet engines, but as previously you pointed out some shortcomings which were present supposedly due to weak engine so the NG might be indicating a new micro jet engine .... ???

Have you seen the Harbah-NG being displayed in IDEAD-2022? @Suff Shikan shared pics of Harba and the poster was saying Speed: 0.6 - 0.8 mach. So yeah, What i told you still hold true I guess. They are not going to overcome the weakness in matter of months. Going to take several years. Those microjet engines PAF displaying? I suppose is for their High Speed target drone which is also rated for 0.8 Mach


Shouldn't the IIR seeker be visible?

This thing baffles me too. But land attack capability of Harba comes because of IIR. and it is somewhere in there too

Much more important than seeker.
Plenty of electronics/mechatronics and even some optronic grads available - metallurgical , aero engine grad’s finally getting an engine out the door is important.

It is barely out the door. Engine is still inefficient. Going to take several years for it to make it to the level of tomahawk. Then we are going to see that Mythical 1500 KM elusive range that Babur and its derivatives has failed to achieve till now
It is barely out the door. Engine is still inefficient. Going to take several years for it to make it to the level of tomahawk. Then we are going to see that Mythical 1500 KM elusive range that Babur and its derivatives has failed to achieve till now
Babur has been using turbojets till now right? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Moving to even a half-decent turbofan i consider an upgrade, rest upgrades keep happening as time goes.
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