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Haqqanis were behind Afghan attacks, raises pressure on Pakistan

Otherwise what can/will Pakistan do, potentially?

What can we do ? ....many Thing , What will we do ?.. Nothing our leadership does not have balls to do what needs to be gone . . Unfortunately.

Maybe if Pakistan takes action and denies shelter to international terrorists like osama bin laden and not every global terrorist attack somehow leads back to Pakistan, then the situation will be different.

So once Pakistan takes action against international terrorists, denies them areas to operate from, removes them or kills them from its soil, then I will agree with you.

Till then, I will 100% support drone strikes to take out terrorists living in FATA, and support anti-taliban forces.

Thousands of Pakistani lives have been saved by these drone strikes. I look at the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan vs Drone strikes and it reads like an economics graph. As Price Goes up, Demand goes down, that is the law of economics.

Same applied here. As drone strikes went up, terrorism in Pakistan went down. Just last year, the Terrorist who planned and executed the Ahmedi Mosque Bombing in Lahore which killed 140 people was taken out in a drone strike.

God knows how many more terrorist attacks and how many lives that monster would have taken if it were not for the Drone strike.

Please before you start lecturing me answer following questions first , if you can we will have a good conversation , if you cant then please dont bother explaining since i will not matter .

Q1 . Who is US to tell us what we need to do ?

Q2 . Who's Actions killed more Civilians , US/NATO or Taliban ?

Q3 . Who Made Economy of the World a mess ? US or Taliban ?

Q4. Why is it that US Apologized for detaining a celebrity & Yet Killed our Soldiers & still have to say Sorry ?

Q5 . US has been in Afghanistan for more then 10 years now what have they Achieved ? have Taliban attacks reduced ?

Please Answer these lets see what US does for Us & then we will talk.
Maybe because Mexico is fighting the Drug Cartels instead of seeding territory to them and those Drug Cartels are not giving shelter to foreign terrorists who are plotting global terrorist attacks.

Your analogy makes no sense.

What evidence do you have that Pakistan is giving shelter to terrorists?

Btw, Pakistani troops have killed militants in North Waziristan, and militants in North Waziristan have killed Pakistani troops as well:

Militancy: Seven soldiers killed in North Waziristan ambush – The Express Tribune

Clashes in North Waziristan leave eight dead | DAWN.COM
@Sher Malang , no matter what you say bro the truth is that the taliban and haqqanis have tremendous public support
after all they are fighting occupation forces. No resistance can survive without public support.You can't expect people to detest a org which is actively fighting for their freedom.

Fighting for freedom :lol: Indeed.

You are obviously oblivious to the human rights record of the Taliban regime. But hey , they are muslim , so no problem.
What can we do ? ....many Thing , What will we do ?.. Nothing our leadership does not have balls to do what needs to be gone . . Unfortunately.....................

As long as you know that you will not do anything (despite being able to do whatever it is that you claim is possible to do), the other side also knows you will not do anything.
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