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Happy New Year Iranis

but i see eternal misery in being friendly with israel. study history my friend. jew nation always betrayed their own friends. even now they cant stop threatening US. being friend with them is the last mistake of iran. after that iran will be iranestan if you know what i mean. let me show you how it goes when we become a friend of israel.
1 - we should stop supporting any party outside of iran
2 - we should cancel ALL our military industry
3 - we should cancel our nuclear program completely
4 - all our missiles will be destroyed just like syria s chemicals.
5 - there will be a war between us and one of our neighbors for sure
congratulations. now you have country that israel knows as a friend.
just study history.
This is mostly conspiracy theory.

Israel doesn't like us funding Hezbollah and Hamas, which is understandable.

Turkey is friends with Israel, and has an indigenous military industry. Before 1979 we had the most powerful military in the ME. Today the GCC is armed with certain better weapons system than Israel. Being friends with Israel does not result in dismantling your own capabilities.

I don't think Israel needs us at all. They have all their neighbors under control. I only wish for cooler heads to prevail, who can steer us away from conflict.
In Muslims holy book, Quran, God has sworn in some Sura's, for example in sura Al-Tin he says; By the fig and the olive (swear to fig and olive) or in another sura says; . By Al-'Asr (swear to time).
I want to know if there is such a thing in your religious books?

The koran is basically an arabic translation of the Old Testament.
This is mostly conspiracy theory.

Israel doesn't like us funding Hezbollah and Hamas, which is understandable.

Turkey is friends with Israel, and has an indigenous military industry. Before 1979 we had the most powerful military in the ME. Today the GCC is armed with certain better weapons system than Israel. Being friends with Israel does not result in dismantling your own capabilities.

I don't think Israel needs us at all. They have all their neighbors under control. I only wish for cooler heads to prevail, who can steer us away from conflict.
before 1979 they supported us because they needed one or two countries in the region to be their ally. they had iran and turkey. now all arabs are their allies so as you said they don't need us. this is exactly how they look at the countries in the world. when they find their allies they simply omit the ones that are potential threat like us(because we know something that others dont'. conspiracy theory is a f%$ bull$hit some people use in their conversations to justify their own inappropriate actions or ideas. the ones i said are pure history but you want to believe that they are conspiracy theories because you want to believe in israel s fraternity. israel doesn't look at countries like others. they see only puppets and terrorist. in their point of view iran china and ... are terrorists and likes of US NATO and arabs are puppets that should be ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of israel and unfortunately likes of you don't want to accept this fact. just look what they did to pakistan what they did to lebanon what they did to germany. my friend i'm afraid that the day you open your eyes it would be too late.
before 1979 they supported us because they needed one or two countries in the region to be their ally. they had iran and turkey. now all arabs are their allies so as you said they don't need us. this is exactly how they look at the countries in the world. when they find their allies they simply omit the ones that are potential threat like us(because we know something that others dont'. conspiracy theory is a f%$ bull$hit some people use in their conversations to justify their own inappropriate actions or ideas. the ones i said are pure history but you want to believe that they are conspiracy theories because you want to believe in israel s fraternity. israel doesn't look at countries like others. they see only puppets and terrorist. in their point of view iran china and ... are terrorists and likes of US NATO and arabs are puppets that should be ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of israel and unfortunately likes of you don't want to accept this fact. just look what they did to pakistan what they did to lebanon what they did to germany. my friend i'm afraid that the day you open your eyes it would be too late.
Israel doesn't have the power you ascribe them. America and Europe are the biggest threat to us, as evident in history.
Israel doesn't have the power you ascribe them. America and Europe are the biggest threat to us, as evident in history.
then i should say you have no idea how much is the influence of israel in US and europe. they are capable of creating a world war if they use their influence in US and europe. they do anything to stay in power and they will if their existence would be in danger.
In Muslims holy book, Quran, God has sworn in some Sura's, for example in sura Al-Tin he says; By the fig and the olive (swear to fig and olive) or in another sura says; . By Al-'Asr (swear to time).
I want to know if there is such a thing in your religious books?
I'm sorry, I still don't understand. Maybe because I'm not religious.

Perhaps I'm taking you too literally, but are you talking about swearing on items?

Go to 3:19

then i should say you have no idea how much is the influence of israel in US and europe. they are capable of creating a world war if they use their influence in US and europe. they do anything to stay in power and they will if their existence would be in danger.
You speak about us as if we nefariously control the world.

It's been 11 years since the secret portion of Iran's nuclear programme was discovered and yet you're still negotiating with the west.

This hardly indicates Israeli control pushing for war when 11 years have gone by with the issue still being unresolved.
I'm sorry, I still don't understand. Maybe because I'm not religious.

Perhaps I'm taking you too literally, but are you talking about swearing on items?

Go to 3:19

You speak about us as if we nefariously control the world.

It's been 11 years since the secret portion of Iran's nuclear programme was discovered and yet you're still negotiating with the west.

This hardly indicates Israeli control pushing for war when 11 years have gone by with the issue still being unresolved.
who said israel wants war with iran? then who will be the terrorists of ME for you and US to sell your weapons to stupid arabs? you are using the nuclear program of iran in your own benefit. you don't want a war with iran because you and your little rats know about the fact that iran is the most peaceful country in the region. that our nuclear program is not military and we will never start a war against any nation no matter what. you know that but others don't.
who said israel wants war with iran? then who will be the terrorists of ME for you and US to sell your weapons to stupid arabs? you are using the nuclear program of iran in your own benefit. you don't want a war with iran because you and your little rats know about the fact that iran is the most peaceful country in the region. that our nuclear program is not military and we will never start a war against any nation no matter what. you know that but others don't.


Perhaps you should go and enjoy your festivities instead of ruining threads on the internet.

Off you go.

Perhaps you should go and enjoy your festivities instead of ruining threads on the internet.

Off you go.
yeah the one that is actually telling the truth and showing your real face should leave the thread ? nice logic. i didn't want to involve myself in this in the first place but its in my nature that i cant stand BS.your leaders should stop spreading lies about how peaceful you are and greeting iran s holidays to brain wash those who doesn't study history and doesn't know you.
you also better stop sending BS in the internet.
Iranian message on New Year

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei chose the occasion of the Persian New Year on Friday to again deny the Holocaust.

In an address to a large crowd of people in Iran's northeastern city of Mashhad, Khamenei questioned whether the Holocaust had ever happened, saying that "the Holocaust is an event whose reality is uncertain and, if it happened, it's uncertain how it happened."

The obsession with Israel is amazing. It consumes them totally.

A New Year message by the Iranian 'so-called supreme leader' - and he spends it talking about Israel.


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Iranian message on New Year
The obsession with Israel is amazing. It consumes them totally.
A New Year message by the Iranian 'so-called supreme leader' - and he spends it talking about Israel.
obsession ? ! this is obsession : Israel gears up for possible unilateral strike on Iran
Its also a pathetic version of obsession !
Besides why are you so worried about asking question about holoucast ? if it happened and you have enough evidence to prove it , then why are you so worried about questions being asked ? instead of jumping around like little girls , bring on your logic if you have any .
Our message is clear ! we want peace whereas you talk about war 24/7/365 . have some shame please
obsession ? ! this is obsession : Israel gears up for possible unilateral strike on Iran
Its also a pathetic version of obsession !
Besides why are you so worried about asking question about holoucast ? if it happened and you have enough evidence to prove it , then why are you so worried about questions being asked ? instead of jumping around like little girls , bring on your logic if you have any .
Our message is clear ! we want peace whereas you talk about war 24/7/365 . have some shame please
A NEW YEAR message to Iranians and you spend it talking about the Holocaust and Israel.

Shame on you for defending this.
A NEW YEAR message to Iranians and you spend it talking about the Holocaust and Israel.
Shame on you for defending this.
Israel ? who is israel ? you have some sort of delusion . israel is not a factor in life of iranians , whereas iran is the headline of your news agencies 24/7
We all welcomed the new year message , but a message which is accompanied by threat of war has zero value whatsoever .
Again we want peace , if you have evidence of holocaust happening , then you shouldnt get frustrated when questions are asked
Israel ? who is israel ? you have some sort of delusion . israel is not a factor in life of iranians , whereas iran is the headline of your news agencies 24/7
We all welcomed the new year message , but a message which accompanied by threat of war has zero value whatsoever .
Again we want peace , if you have evidence of holocaust happening , then you shouldnt get frustrated when questions are asked
You're a despicable little cretin.

What does Iran's New Year have to do with the Holcoaust? why is it in a New Year message to the Iranian people, does your leader even need to talk about Holocausts and Israel?

Do you think when our Prime Minister wishes us a Happy Purim, that he starts talking about Iran or how you treat the Baha'i?

You're lunatics. I'm done with you.
You're a despicable little cretin.

What does Iran's New Year have to do with the Holcoaust? why is it in a New Year message to the Iranian people, does your leader even need to talk about Holocausts and Israel?

Do you think when our Prime Minister wishes us a Happy Purim, that he starts talking about Iran or how you treat the Baha'i?

You're lunatics. I'm done with you.
Lol , why did you take it personal and insult me on the way ? this behavior clearly shows your culture and how un-informed you are !
Cause it you had even a little logic you would not insult me , anyway i noticed that you live in UK .

I live in Leeds , i'll be happy to see you face to face and talk you out of your obsession . BTW , we'll make purim a mourning session for you ;) soon enough ;)
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