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Happy Independence Day Pakistan, Defence.pk turns 6!

Happy Independence day

The first brick in the foundation of Pakistan was laid in 712 A.D. when Mohammad Bin Qasim anchored at Debal Port (now known as Karachi), freed the Muslim women and children from the prisons of Raja Dahir and constructed the first mosque at the town. Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Founder of Pakistan, acclaimed the event- "the Pakistan Movement started when the first Muslim put his foot on the soil of Sindh, the Gateway of Islam in India."

Pakistan Movement is synonymous with the very spirit of Islam. The War of Independence in 1857 was an open manifestation of the Muslim spirit of revolt against the domination of the British Government and its stooges in India. Frustration and lack of direction, however, pervaded the rank of Muslims after the unfortunate failure in the War. At this critical juncture emerged Sir Syed Abroad Khan who served as a beacon light for the Muslim Nation in distress and disarray. He equated education with power and declared that the Muslims could improve their political, social and economic condition only through the medium of modem and scientific education. He cultivated the concept of a separate Muslim Nation on the basis of religion, culture and history .He inspired the Muslims of the sub-continent to demand a separate homeland where they could arrange their lives and affairs of the State according to the dictates of Holy Quran and Sunnah.

After the establishment of the Indian National Congress in 1885, the Muslim leaders saw through the game of "National" movement and warned their people of the hovering dangers. In 1906, the Muslim League was founded as a challenge to the Indian National Congress. Maulana Hasrat Mohani presented a plan to the Government for the country envisaging two separate states for the Hindus and Muslims. Chaudhary Rehmat Ali further developed this concept. He displayed great wisdom and foresight by putting forth not only a name but in large measure the scheme that culminated in the creation of Pakistan. Maulana Mohamed Ali, Maulana Shaukat Ali and Maulana Zafar Ali Khan spread the message of Pakistan through their lucid lectures and articles in newspapers.

The most outstanding contribution, however, came from Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal, the great philosopher and poet and the symbol of Muslim nationalism. Pakistan ideology found ever-clearer expression in his religion-philosophical, didactic and poetic works. At its base was the idea that spiritual unit founded on Islam was the most vital and integral element of national society. Islam emerges in this ideology as a form of National unity and absorbs all political thoughts. While presiding over the Session of the All India Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930, Dr. Iqbal's Address represented the first clarion call for the establishment of an independent Islamic State in the sub- continent.

From 1937 onwards, Mr. Mohammad Ali Jinnah became identified in the Muslim mind with the concept of the charismatic community, the concept which answered their psychic need for endowing and sanctifying their sense of community with a sense of power. Increasingly did he become, with the passage of time. the embodiment of Muslim national consensus. And this explains why and how Muslims acknowledged him as their 'Quaid-e-Azam' even before the launching of the Pakistan demand in March 1940. From now on events moved fast. Due to the persistent intransigence of the Indian National Congress, the Muslims were left with no alternative but to demand the partition of the Sub-continent through the famous Resolution of 23rd March 1940. It declared that no constitutional plan would be workable in the country or acceptable to the Muslims unless it was designed on the basic principle that geographically contiguous units were demarcated into regions in a manner that the areas in which the Muslims were numerically in a majority were grouped together to constitute an independent state.

After a hard and heroic struggle by the Muslims of the sub- continent, the British Parliament was forced to approve the Indian Independence Act, 1947 leading to the birth of Pakistan on 14th August. 1947. On this historic day the Quaid-e-Azam, while addressing the first session of Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in Karachi eulogised the services and sacrifices of the Muslims of the Sub-continent to achieve Pakistan, in the following words:-

"My thoughts are with the valiant fighters in our cause who readily sacrificed all they had, including their live,. To make Pakistan Possible.”

Thus the response of the millions, sacrificing their lives and homes, to the call of "UNITY, FAITH and DISCIPLINE" from their Quaid-e-Azam fitfully placed Pakistan on the world map.

Quaid-e-Azam was a great man and a great Muslim. He vehemently advocated morality in politics. He declared that morality in politics was even more important than in private life "because,' if you do something wrong in public you hurt and harm more people".

Let us endeavour to achieve the objective laid down by the Quaid in his broadcast to the Nation on 3Oth October 1947.

"Now is the time, chance and opportunity for every Mussalman to make his or her fullest and best contribution and make the greatest sacrifice and

work ceaselessly in the service of our Nation and world."
Pakistan Zindabad
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Jinnah confirmed the day of Pakistan born!

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Aye nigar e watan tu salamt rahay...
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Happy indepenence day to Pakistan from here as well, although really aint much to be happy about. May we prosper with good intentions in the coming future, Bless Pakistan.
Tough times these are every country gets into trouble at one point, there are good and bad times , Pakistanis and Pakistanis will InshAllah see good times in the coming future """""" Happy Independence Day & Zillion thanks to the leaders who visioned & achieved Pakistan and all those who died protecting it and all those people who lost their live since 1947 in this land !

Hope things will turn around towards prosperity and peace for this Dear land and its inhabitants ~Amen
The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act on July 18, 1947. The Act created two dominions, Indian Union and Pakistan. It also provided for the complete end of British control over Indian affairs from August 15, 1947. The Muslims of the Sub-continent had finally achieved their goal to have an independent state for themselves, but only after a long and relentless struggle under the single-minded guidance of the Quaid.

The Muslims faced a gamut of problems immediately after independence. However, keeping true to their traditions, they overcame them after a while. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was appointed the first Governor General of Pakistan and Liaquat Ali Khan became its first Prime Minister. Pakistan became a dominion within the British Commonwealth of Nations.

he boundaries of Pakistan emerged on the map of the world in 1947. This was accomplished on the basis of the Two-Nation Theory. This theory held that there were two nations, Hindus and Muslims living in the territory of the Sub-continent. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was the first exponent of the Two-Nation Theory in the modern era. He believed that India was a continent and not a country, and that among the vast population of different races and different creeds, Hindus and Muslims were the two major nations on the basis of nationality, religion, way-of-life, customs, traditions, culture and historical conditions.

The politicization of the Muslim community came about as a consequence of three developments:

1. Various efforts towards Islamic reform and revival during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

2. The impact of Hindu-based nationalism.

3. The democratization of the government of British India.

While the antecedents of Muslim nationalism in India go back to the early Islamic conquests of the Sub-continent, organizationally it stems from the demands presented by the Simla Deputation to Lord Minto, the Governor General of India, in October 1906, proposing separate electorates for the Indian Muslims. The principal reason behind this demand was the maintenance of a separate identity of the Muslim nationhood.

In the same year, the founding of the All India Muslim League, a separate political organization for Muslims, elucidated the fact that the Muslims of India had lost trust in the Hindu-dominated Indian National Congress. Besides being a Hindu-dominated body, the Congress leaders in order to win grass-root support for their political movements, used Hindu religious symbols and slogans, thereby arousing Muslim suspicions regarding the secular character of the Congress.

Events like the Urdu-Hindi controversy (1867), the partition of Bengal (1905), and Hindu revivalism, set the two nations, the Hindus and the Muslims, further apart. Re-annulment of the partition of Bengal in 1911 by the British government brought the Congress and the Muslim League on one platform. Starting with the constitutional cooperation in the Lucknow Pact (1916), they launched the Non-Cooperation and Khilafat Movements to press upon the British government the demand for constitutional reforms in India in the post-World War I era.

But after the collapse of the Khilafat Movement, Hindu-Muslim antagonism was revived once again. The Muslim League rejected the proposals forwarded by the Nehru Report and they chose a separate path for themselves. The idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims of Northern India as proposed by Allama Iqbal in his famous Allahabad Address showed that the creation of two separate states for the Muslims and Hindus was the only solution. The idea was reiterated during the Sindh provincial meeting of the League, and finally adopted as the official League position in the Lahore Declaration of March 23, 1940.

Thus these historical, cultural, religious and social differences between the two nations accelerated the pace of political developments, finally leading to the division of British India into two separate, independent states, Pakistan and India, on August 14 & 15, 1947, respectively.

The Birth of Pakistan [August 14, 1947]
Happy 64th Birthday Pakistan! May you have many many more!
Keep Up the Jazba , Junoon for Pakistan
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