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Happy Diwali...& 10 Exotic Indian Desserts You Must Try This Diwali

Wish a very happy Diwali to you all guys :)


Who the heck cares about crackers,all i care about is this sweet,i wish i can eat loads of it this DIWALI :)
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Happy Diwali folks, please avoid burning your money in the form of firecrackers. A few of those are fine but please don't overdo it. Good for both you and the environment!
ur the nly one that goin get blesings of godness... Btw plz dnt give that money to beggers,you wil nly make them lazier, use that for child education,atleast buying books for poor childern.. That wil give u more than satifaction n also helps the country!
i wont give them to beggars i will give it to bring smile on children face in pingalwara or old age home or people who are atleast trying to do some work...like street hawkers etc etc......i will b doing only one of above as im doing it alone.....if my friend joins me (he's out of town) we go on random route and find the place where happiness neds to b distributed i started doing this from last year christman....gave old clothes to people near railway station....nd distributed candy's to random street children wearing a santa's cap :partay::partay:
I want to fire a nuke bomb this diwali,
problem is i dnt knw how to make one! Can i get it cheap.. from the china man?

i wont give them to beggars i will give it to bring smile on children face in pingalwara or old age home or people who are atleast trying to do some work...like street hawkers etc etc......i will b doing only one of above as im doing it alone.....if my friend joins me (he's out of town) we go on random route and find the place where happiness neds to b distributed i started doing this from last year christman....gave old clothes to people near railway station....nd distributed candy's to random street children wearing a santa's cap :partay::partay:
so u r a christian? I thought u dnt celebrt hindu festivals,atlst christians in my region dnt!
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No five time prayers have many benefits. .
In the light of this Hadith we shall endeavor to describe some orthopedic benefits of salat in this short note.

  1. Regular exercise reduces cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol causes heart failures, strokes, diabetes and many other ailments. It is a known fact that people in professions where exercise is required have less amount of cholesterol in their bodies.
  2. Salat is an excellent form of exercise to prevent indigestion. In the morning when stomach is empty, a Muslim is required to offer fewer number of Rak'aatwhereas in the evening after the dinner we offer an extra number of Rak'aat.
  3. By offering Takbir at the beginning of salat, we move hand and shoulder muscles thereby increasing the flow of blood towards torso. Akamat performs a similar function.
  4. The most important function in salat is sajdah where we touch the ground with our forehead. This posture increases fresh supply of blood to our brain. Needless to say in certain forms of yoga some adherents stand on their heads for the same purpose.
  5. In tashah'hud position, our hip, elbow, knee joints, backbone, wrist joints move in a way that it provides a form of relaxation to our entire body. Pressure is applied on the body parts as if it was a kind of massage which releases tension.
  6. Heart in the most important organ in the body. It supplies fresh blood to all body tissues. These body movements performed during salat are an excellent source of exercise for our heart as well. According to a Hadith of the Holy Prophet,"There is an organ in the body, when it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and when this is sick, the entire body becomes sick". It is the heart.
  7. A remarkable tissue in our body is cartilage. It is unique in being a living tissue with no direct blood supply. The only way it receives nutrients and oxygen is by movements of the joints. The pumping effect forces blood into the joint area which would otherwise be bypassed. Those who sit at the terminals are in greater danger of ending up with dead cartilage tissues that will subsequently wear away. This will leave us with arthritis, painful joints and paralysis. Bacteria and viruses find safe haven in joints for this reason as no blood cell can get at them and in most cases neither can antibodies. Salat therefore, has many orthopedic benefits for all Muslims. Next time you offer salat, thank Almighty Allah that He made you a Muslim. Indeed, there is cure in salat.
What benefit it have for poor hungry ? Insted you work hard and provide them some food ..thats good no ?
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