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Happy Diwali...& 10 Exotic Indian Desserts You Must Try This Diwali

happy diwali to all Indians...........
please instead of buying crackers guys just try to deviate this money to a noble cause......i used to buy crackers worth 2-3k now i have decided to but just few crackers and all the money left i will use to donate and bring a smile on someones face :)
Happy religious festival. I am curious about following questions.
1.Why you follow fireworks?
2. Why cow's nectar isn;t included in the list?
3. Why you only participate in family puja typically to Lakshmi why you dont't pray infront of Mahkaali etc?
hi....i see no one answered u properly on this thread
1) diwali is festival of lights.....so throughout India people decorate their homes with lights and the fire crackers part is just a way of spreading light(nothing related to religion.....just personal choice)
2) i dont know what u r talking about :(
3) diwali is also celebrated for bright future and prosperity of family.......and GODDESS LAXMI is GODDESS of WEALTH & PROSPERITY....hence...family puja of GODDESS LAXMI.....there are other festivals in which there is family pooja for GODDESS MAHAKALI....the family puja depends on the occasion & festival :)

hope this helped u..:)
happy diwali to all Indians...........
please instead of buying crackers guys just try to deviate this money to a noble cause......i used to buy crackers worth 2-3k now i have decided to but just few crackers and all the money left i will use to donate and bring a smile on someones face :)

hi....i see no one answered u properly on this thread
1) diwali is festival of lights.....so throughout India people decorate their homes with lights and the fire crackers part is just a way of spreading light(nothing related to religion.....just personal choice)
2) i dont know what u r talking about :(
3) diwali is also celebrated for bright future and prosperity of family.......and GODDESS LAXMI is GODDESS of WEALTH & PROSPERITY....hence...family puja of GODDESS LAXMI.....there are other festivals in which there is family pooja for GODDESS MAHAKALI....the family puja depends on the occasion & festival :)

hope this helped u..:)
But i want to know about Fireworks isn't it wrong?
But i want to know about Fireworks isn't it wrong?
yep it is wrong basically and logically.........as i have seen firecracker market is decreasing from some past years.....personally too i have reduced this practice as it seems like waste of money to me right now......where i used to buy crackers worth 3k rupee(which is already very less amount) i have reduced this ammount to1/3,1/6.....so that i could use it for a beter cause...
fire crackers are just a trend.......like all south asian culture..showing off.....and these add fun to this festival.....
though i admit fire crackers in sky gives an awesome view...but also pollute the environment :(...its just way of celebrating.......
on a diwali night if u look in the sky in India u wont c empty sky.....u willl c at least 5-10 rockets blowing up in sky..
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yep it is wrong basically and logically.........as i have seen firecracker market is decreasing from some past years.....personally too i have reduced this practice as it seems like waste of money to me right now......where is used to buy crackers worth 3k rupee(which is already very less amount) i have reduced this ammount to1/3,1/6.....so that i could use it for a beter cause...
fire crackers are just a trend.......like all south asian culture..showing off.....and these add fun to this festival.....
though i admit fire crackers in sky gives an awesome view...but also pollute the environment :(...its just way of celebrating.......
on a diwali night if u look in the sky in India u wont c empty sky.....u willl c at least 5-10 rockets blowing up in sky..
Haha.Enjoy your time and happy diwali.BTW i love sweet cuisines ;)
i love jalebis :) Wht's your's?
mine favs are.....>>>
boondi ladoo(orange)

besan ladoo

kaju barfi

and the list goes on i can eat anything sweet........:p:p::p::-)
Strange about these i think these aren't available in our country :(
well i think they should b.....just that u dont knowo_O
here in my city we have shop where u will find 8-9 types of boondi ladoo.......and total varieties of ladoo's are beyond imagination...

here i like these more than jalebis>>>
its yummm!!:devil:

i love jalebis :) Wht's your's?


it is better than jalebi :agree:
well i think they should b.....just that u dont knowo_O
here in my city we have shop where u will find 8-9 types of boondi ladoo.......and total varieties of ladoo's are beyond imagination...

here i like these more than jalebis>>>
its yummm!!:devil:



it is better than jalebi :agree:
Yes a saw these but Hot jalebi tastes different. isn't it?
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