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Happy birthday, Salmaan Taseer

you are just telling a fairytale....do u have the exact figures of minorities killed in Pakistan?Total number wont exceed 500 by any means since 1947 uptil now and muslims killed in terrorist attacks since 1947 would me more than 100,000.
your family was tortured ,do u have the proof or some paper-work?
Hawai firing sai kaam nahi chalta...back up your claim with reference and figures....u might wanna visit india,they are known for killing 4000 minorities in one night and compare it with Pakistan where not more than 500 are killed since 1947 and that too not by fellow country-men/or state sponsored but by outsiders.

Lol look at all the past events. Do you seriously have a brain? Not more then 500 lol you are one hell of a joker. Yes my uncle did report the case to the police but nothing was done about it.
Again maybe you don't know but Pakistan is known as an unsafe country for non muslims. ANd I don't care about India why are you bringing them in the middle of this discussion. India has over 200 million minorities living there, atleast there constitution does not discriminate against minorities. Atleast a non hindu can become a President or Prime Minister there. Here its against the law.
Please tell me where you came up with the figure of 500. Btw maybe you don't know but its your own Muslims that are killing the muslims in Pakistan.
Lol look at all the past events. Do you seriously have a brain? Not more then 500 lol you are one hell of a joker. Yes my uncle did report the case to the police but nothing was done about it.
Again maybe you don't know but Pakistan is known as an unsafe country for non muslims. ANd I don't care about India why are you bringing them in the middle of this discussion. India has over 200 million minorities living there, atleast there constitution does not discriminate against minorities. Atleast a non hindu can become a President or Prime Minister there. Here its against the law.
Please tell me where you came up with the figure of 500. Btw maybe you don't know but its your own Muslims that are killing the muslims in Pakistan.

dont lie and stop spreading hate against the 97 percent majoity,,,,not more than 300 minorities died in war against terrorism and rest 37000 are muslims.
dont brag about something that dosent exists:agree:
dont lie and stop spreading hate against the 97 percent majoity,,,,not more than 300 minorities died in war against terrorism and rest 37000 are muslims.
dont brag about something that dosent exists:agree:

Oh yes I forgot anything that I say is lies but whatever you extremists say are 100% truth. Obviously an extremist cannot lie right? You guys deserve the mess Pakistan is in right now.
Oh yes I forgot anything that I say is lies but whatever you extremists say are 100% truth. Obviously an extremist cannot lie right? You guys deserve the mess Pakistan is in right now.

When you live in Pakistan then u have to contribute your share towards the sacrifices too,,You dont want to contribute by making sacrifices like the rest of 97 percent muslim majority but all you like doing is enjoying alcohol permits and spreading hate:disagree:
in times of hardship you dont cry like a 2 year old but face it with courage.
Now i know why Quaid e Azam said "Musalman museebat mai ghabraya nai karta".....epic face palm for people like you


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When you live in Pakistan then u have to contribute your share towards the sacrifices too,,You dont want to contribute by making sacrifices like the rest of 97 percent muslim majority but all you like doing is enjoying alcohol permits and spreading hate:disagree:
in times of hardship you dont cry like a 2 year old but face it with courage.
Now i know why Quaid e Azam said "Musalman museebat mai ghabraya nai karta".....epic face palm for people like you


Umm yeah my people have been making sacrifices since 1947. Nice way to segregate Muslims from non muslims in Pakistan. No wonder why Pakistan is in a huge mess with no unity. When you consider non muslims to be different from muslims how can there be unity? The people spreading hate are you extremist mullis. I would love to see what you would do if a whole town turned against you, burnt your house down, raped your mother and sisters and killed your whole family. My people face that on a daily basis.

And maybe you forgot how Quaid e Azam said that Pakistan will not be a theocracy. The state will not interfere with the lives of the citizens. All will be equal regardless of caste, creed, religion etc.
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Umm yeah my people have been making sacrifices since 1947. Nice way to segregate Muslims from non muslims in Pakistan. No wonder why Pakistan is in a huge mess with no unity. When you consider non muslims to be different from muslims how can there be unity? The people spreading hate are you extremist mullis. I would love to see what you would do if a whole town turned against you, burnt your house down, raped your mother and sisters and killed your whole family. My people face that on a daily basis.

And maybe you forgot how Quaid e Azam said that Pakistan will not be a theocracy. The state will not interfere with the lives of the citizens. All will be equal regardless of caste, creed, religion etc.

you are not making any sense calling others names and talking about stuff that never happened.
,calm down,maybe your alcohol permit wasnt renewed last time.

The state will not interefere in the lives of citizens,,,that dosent means you start operating a whorehouse in your basement with gambeling setup on the ground floor and whisky service on first floor:agree:

you were not brought to Pakistan on gun-point,, you and altaf could have stayed behind.
I dont like Salman Taseer....imposed on us by the secret society of the WEST to destroy our religion and work for the Devilz interests.....:what:
I dont like Salman Taseer....imposed on us by the secret society of the WEST to destroy our religion and work for the Devilz interests.....:what:

o yaara simply saying you disliked or disagreed with his policies or views is sufficient....this other talk is hatred and vitriol
Umm yeah my people have been making sacrifices since 1947. Nice way to segregate Muslims from non muslims in Pakistan. No wonder why Pakistan is in a huge mess with no unity. When you consider non muslims to be different from muslims how can there be unity? The people spreading hate are you extremist mullis. I would love to see what you would do if a whole town turned against you, burnt your house down, raped your mother and sisters and killed your whole family. My people face that on a daily basis.

And maybe you forgot how Quaid e Azam said that Pakistan will not be a theocracy. The state will not interfere with the lives of the citizens. All will be equal regardless of caste, creed, religion etc.

yes we should follow west should force our daughters to get naked and betray and break every lay of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and we will become great civilization am i right??????????
A martyr/shaheed who fought for minority rights in Pakistan and tried to diminish the draconian laws that are demeaning and represent bigotry in our country.

How interesting point to think that how much politicians care about minorities but they never have a soft corner for innocent Muslims in the whole world and in Pakistan where they are killing deliberately by Drones, Bomb Blasting and it's so called leader says "I don't care, kill them as many you like".

And how much easy for them to say anybody SHAHEED.

Last words; nobody tolerate when anyone abuse his parents, wife, sister or children but they talk to eliminate the law of blasphemy which means to Abuse Allah or His Prophets because it is our "Freedom of Expression!" WOW! what a great Muslims we have; and what a great SHAHEED we have!
So many posts here seem to imply that Salman Taseer deserved killing! Good God!! Have my countrymen gone mad? It leads me to conclude that even very intelligent people’s judgement gets clouded when it comes to religion.

I for one don’t believe that he should be called a ‘Shaheed’ but for all those who directly or indirectly think that murder of Salam Taseer was justified; please put a hand on your heart and ask yourself:

Did Salman Taseer himself ever committed blasphemy or even uttered one word insulting our holy Prophet (PBUH) at any time? He also never said that it was okay to insult our holy prophet (PBUH).

Salman Taseer said that he had interviewed the women in question and was convinced that she was not ‘Guilty of Blasphemy’. Therefore, even if she was declared ‘guilty’, he would try to get her a Presidents’ pardon. Salman Taseer also said that Blasphemy laws are being misused and should be repealed.

Pray tell me, if you are convinced that someone is innocent and being punished unfairly, won’t you try to get that person off for the sake of justice?

Let us for one moment consider that Salman Taseer was guilty by association. He should have been tried in a court of law or a sharia court and punished accordingly. By what right can a third person shoot him in cold blood?

Two brothers were beaten to death in Sialkot because people presumed they had committed murder. Rangers in Karachi gunned down an innocent man thinking he had committed theft. Some idiot presumed that Salam Taseer was guilty of blasphemy and shot him. What is worse that we find posters in this forum who are trying to justify this inhuman act!

How can anyone who believes in process of law rationalize extra judicial murder of Salman Taseer? In my view, intolerance and bigotry has poisoned our society to such an extent that some of us don’t even qualify as ‘Humans’.
How interesting point to think that how much politicians care about minorities but they never have a soft corner for innocent Muslims in the whole world and in Pakistan where they are killing deliberately by Drones, Bomb Blasting and it's so called leader says "I don't care, kill them as many you like".

And how much easy for them to say anybody SHAHEED.

Last words; nobody tolerate when anyone abuse his parents, wife, sister or children but they talk to eliminate the law of blasphemy which means to Abuse Allah or His Prophets because it is our "Freedom of Expression!" WOW! what a great Muslims we have; and what a great SHAHEED we have!


i suggest you to avoid company of these members, they will force you to drag you to their levels and then you will finally end up banging up your own hand, so stay safe

btw welcome to the forum and introduce yourself thanks
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