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Hamza Ali Abbasi comments on 'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot's Israeli roots

Hamza Ali Abbasi comments on 'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot's Israeli roots

To boycott or not to boycott. that's the real question.
Hamza Ali Abbasi has always been vocal about, mostly everything. This time around, he spoke his mind about the new dilemma: whether or not to boycott Wonder Woman?

The newly released Wonder Woman stars Gal Gadot as the hero. She is a Zionist and a former Israeli soldier, as military service is mandatory for everyone over 18 years of age. Her time in the military overlaps with some of the major attacks on Palestine by Israel, she served during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War, a 34-day conflict in Lebanon and northern Israel. She has openly supported those attacks.

Her ancestry is Polish-Jewish, Austrian-Jewish, German-Jewish, and Czech-Jewish. Gadot is also known for her role as Gisele Yashar in the The Fast and the Furious franchise and as Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), and will continue as the lead Wonder Woman in Justice League (2017).

People are boycotting Wonder Woman due to Gadot supporting the attacks. For now, it has been banned in Tunisia and Lebanon. Regarding that, Abbasi has points to put out.

Hamza Ali Abbasi
on Friday
A former Israeli soldier who supports Zionism and the massacre of Palestinians is playing Wonder Woman, thats perfectly fine... you know, art should be beyond such mortal feeble political arguments. But what if... A public supporter of Nazi ideology who endorsed the Holocaust was playing the lead character in a film? The film would be globally banned and that actor would be condemned as a criminal who supports a massacre, some countries like France would even arrrest the actor for supporting the Holocaust. Unless the Lion learns how to write, history will always glorify the hunter.
Do you agree with Hamza? Is boycotting the film the answer? Share with us in the comments below.
Its not her fault she was born a Jew.
bhai kya karien yahodi products hotey hi itney mast hain phir chahey woh weaponry ho yar phir weapon chlaney wali :p:

Hahaha i agree.
Per wo chala detin ha bus ye yad rakhna.
Unke daant dikhte bhi hai or kaat te bhi.
Hahaha i agree.
Per wo chala detin ha bus ye yad rakhna.
Unke daant dikhte bhi hai or kaat te bhi.
manzor hay:lol:
israeli or not she's don't fit the role for wonder woman.
Her english is not perfect, She called lois lane lewis lane.
She is skinny and not blue eyed.
And she stated that the role of wonder woman is tougher than what she had to do while working for israel :o:
israeli or not she's don't fit the role for wonder woman.
Her english is not perfect, She called lois lane lewis lane.
She is skinny and not blue eyed.
And she stated that the role of wonder woman is tougher than what she had to do while working for israel :o:

Well Hollywood has dropped the blue eyed Aryan gimmick a while ago i guess.
Maryln and Aniston the last horses in that race
Its not her fault she was born a Jew.

Ofc it isn't, nor it is her fault that she was part of the Israeli army as it is mandatory over there. She has however supposedly supported the israeli army's doings in Palestine.
he is only giving out information that many of us wouldn't know otherwise, to follow or not to follow is your choice. Well done Hamza
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