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Hamza Abbasi Interviews Hafiz Saeed

Let's get to the Fact, India say Handover Masood Azhar, IC-814 & Masood Azhar had to be released in exchange of Hostage being Released, Blame was easily been put on ISI, Hafiz Saeed will not be handed over to anyone, India & USA should provide proofs of Hafiz Saeed Involvement in Mumbai Attacks, & when it comes to Kashmir, that's a reality that a movement is being run by Kashmiris for their right to be an independent State, Just like Palestine, If Indian's want to call it a Islamic Movement then its "Naive" of them... Blaming Pakistan for everything won't work anymore, Funding Media Outlets like GEO won't change the narrative at all, or support Liberal Brigade like Marvi Sarmad types & other NGO's can't change the Thinking of Pakistanis...
All things he said are orders of Islam nothing to do with secularism

Are you sure?

The same LET guys preach some thing else to their cadres. You are twisting the ideology according to the convenience.
Are you sure?

The same LET guys preach some thing else to their cadres. You are twisting the ideology according to the convenience.
Yes I know what they are taught I know many of them and that is don't target civilians but show no mercy to any Indian soldier or if you get hands on Government guys
Pundits were targeted by your own Indian army stooges who infiltrated into Kashmiri freedom fighters just to play Indian game of coloring the freedom movement into a religious one. But alas your Indian government failed to do so.
Kashmir freedom movement is closely linked with religion, if you are trying to separate the two then it will not have many backers.
The only reason for splitting Punjab and Bengal in 1947 was religion.
This freedom movement is obviously not a secular movement. Religion plays a very important part in the unrest in Kashmir.
Yes I know what they are taught I know many of them and that is don't target civilians but show no mercy to any Indian soldier or if you get hands on Government guys

Exactly, in the process try to create chaos and make lives of locals a hell !
Exactly, in the process try to create chaos and make lives of locals a hell !
No not at all. They are fighting for freedom and they have full right to do it. Basically you admitted they don't target civilians
No not at all. They are fighting for freedom and they have full right to do it. Basically you admitted they don't target civilians

yes a punjabi from pakistan has every right to create chaos for three decades in Kashmir !

Sounds like Islamic movement.
yes a punjabi from pakistan has every right to create chaos for three decades in Kashmir !
Dude being a Punjabi or Sindhi or Baluchi doesn't matter in Islam. Muslims are brothers and you are occupying our land in Kashmir and we would take it back even if we have to fight you for next one hundred thousand years.
So then I presume, Palestine Cause is not a Freedom Movement but a Religious Influenced Movement..?
What you have been doing in Kashmir is what you got in Mumbai:tup:
What u did in mumbai is what u got in ay kids school, lahore children park and balochistan police cadet academy

Dude being a Punjabi or Sindhi or Baluchi doesn't matter in Islam. Muslims are brothers and you are occupying our land in Kashmir and we would take it back even if we have to fight you for next one hundred thousand years.

Dude its a hindu land, original inhabitants of kashmir are the kashmiri hindu pandits aganist which muslims did a genocide. The muslims in kashmir are just descendants of persian invaders who crossed the valley and so are outsiders. This hindu land will never be ceded to pakistan no matter how many hafiz saeeds and burhan wanis u ppl create. We have our own methods of replying to threats like saeed through our own afgan based proxies so we dont have much to worry about. On the contrary presence of ppl like hafiz in pakistan help us diplomatically a lot and also help us to puncture this islamic religious kashmir cause under facade of independence movement.

Yes I know what they are taught I know many of them and that is don't target civilians but show no mercy to any Indian soldier or if you get hands on Government guys
Most of the kashmiri police based in jammu and kashmir are muslims... Do better research. And these brainwashed kashmiri muslims have also attacked them. So stop will all this religious facade

It is sad that you do not consider the word 'ALLEGED'!

Saeed was not provided any opportunity to prove his innocence. He challenged the US Government to grant him a visa and that he would then fight his case in a US court. The US only wished to please Indians and so designated him a terrorist.

However, I lay much larger, if not all, blame on Government of Pakistan as they never bothered to defend Saeed at any forum. I mean either he is guilty, in which case they should prosecute him or hand him over to India to deal with accordingly, or defend him if he is innocent........keeping quite is considered an admission of guilt, it should be avoided at all costs in search of justice!

Lol by your logic everything is alleged. So called atrocities on kashmiris are also alleged cause I had a kashmiri muslim friend in my engineering college in mumbai and he told us how some islamic imams were responsible for spreading the hindu hatred in kashmiri mosques on friday sermons which led to friday evening stone pelting on a daily basis. We all know how the so called separatists keep their children in australia and canada and use innocent kashmiri children for their own gains.

Hafiz Saeed should PERSONALLY pick up an AK 47 and charge towards India
He doesnt have the balls, infact none of them do, those seperatists, masood azar, lakhvi, sallahudin , all of them have properties stashed abroad, have multiple women fr pleasures etc and use the innocent kashmiri for their and pak army's interests

how was the court favorable to him? actually court asked India and UN to provide proof for his activities and they did not have anything. You can't just ruin someones life because of blame game and allegations without any proof leave aside solid proof.

Dude seriously whom are u kidding, u urself know no indian evidence can ever stand in a pakistani court of law where national interests of pakistan may get threatened and we all well know how much of a national interest is hafiz saeed to pakistan considering the kashmir angle
Dude seriously whom are u kidding, u urself know no indian evidence can ever stand in a pakistani court of law where national interests of pakistan may get threatened and we all well know how much of a national interest is hafiz saeed to pakistan considering the kashmir angle

I am not kidding, really tell me a single proof against Hafiz Saeed? Every country has its own definition of the word "terrorist". Modi is considered a "terrorist" in Pakistan but is he a terrorist to Indians?
Now lets be real here, India has no proof against Pakistan and because of that India has made Hafiz Saeed their Poster Boy, blame everything on him and public won't raise any questions.
When Modi was butchering innocent Muslims in India, Hafiz Saeed was digging wells for poor Hindus of Thar in Pakistan.
I am not kidding, really tell me a single proof against Hafiz Saeed? Every country has its own definition of the word "terrorist". Modi is considered a "terrorist" in Pakistan but is he a terrorist to Indians?
Now lets be real here, India has no proof against Pakistan and because of that India has made Hafiz Saeed their Poster Boy, blame everything on him and public won't raise any questions.
When Modi was butchering innocent Muslims in India, Hafiz Saeed was digging wells for poor Hindus of Thar in Pakistan.

What is this nonsense u r spewing, who brainwashed u so much, if modi butchered muslims then , now he has all the powers to just wipe out muslims from india , whos stopping him? Get over such conspiracy theories, people arent mad , learn more about gujrat riots, how a train bogey full of hindu women and ppl was burnt and which was the ultimate cause of riots. Again these were riots which means mob mentality had taken over and in riots not only muslims but many hindus as well died. What do u want to say about that , did modi killed those hindus? Dudde modi was the state cm that time and hence was blamed for law and order problem which is normally the case and the party responsible for riots wasnt bjp alone , there were other right wing groups which had no affiliation to.modi so next time just dont spew nonsense based on propoganda ur fed. Trust me wen I say this, if modi or hindus in general wanted to buther muslims , we would have wiped them.out long ago as not only are we more than 5 times in size but we also have all the state n military powers in our hands. On the contrary , muslims in india n even in modis gujrat have only grown by population size and by status as well which means it all indicates contrary to what ur being fed by ur propoganda specialists.

U need proof aganist hafiz saeed? The dossier has been given multiple times to pakistan but we all know as I said it wont stand in pakistan court of law as it threatens pakistan interests. The interrogation of david headley by cia and admission by ur own general clearly states mumbai attacks were carried out by LeT with support from ISI. But u can choose to believe what ever u want as aftr 2008 the terror attacks inside pakistan have gone up tremendously if u just study the trend. So please dont think that harbouring ppl like saeed will have no consequences as we very well know how to play this proxy game and we have ourselves mastered it quite well.
What is this nonsense u r spewing, who brainwashed u so much, if modi butchered muslims then , now he has all the powers to just wipe out muslims from india , whos stopping him? Get over such conspiracy theories, people arent mad , learn more about gujrat riots, how a train bogey full of hindu women and ppl was burnt and which was the ultimate cause of riots. Again these were riots which means mob mentality had taken over and in riots not only muslims but many hindus as well died. What do u want to say about that , did modi killed those hindus? Dudde modi was the state cm that time and hence was blamed for law and order problem which is normally the case and the party responsible for riots wasnt bjp alone , there were other right wing groups which had no affiliation to.modi so next time just dont spew nonsense based on propoganda ur fed. Trust me wen I say this, if modi or hindus in general wanted to buther muslims , we would have wiped them.out long ago as not only are we more than 5 times in size but we also have all the state n military powers in our hands. On the contrary , muslims in india n even in modis gujrat have only grown by population size and by status as well which means it all indicates contrary to what ur being fed by ur propoganda specialists.

U need proof aganist hafiz saeed? The dossier has been given multiple times to pakistan but we all know as I said it wont stand in pakistan court of law as it threatens pakistan interests. The interrogation of david headley by cia and admission by ur own general clearly states mumbai attacks were carried out by LeT with support from ISI. But u can choose to believe what ever u want as aftr 2008 the terror attacks inside pakistan have gone up tremendously if u just study the trend. So please dont think that harbouring ppl like saeed will have no consequences as we very well know how to play this proxy game and we have ourselves mastered it quite well.
First of all, this is not nonsense,everything that is against your opinion is not nonsense.
Modi butchered Muslims and that was the reason he was not allowed to travel to USA, he was also considered a terrorist. It is not so easy to Wipe out Muslims or any other minority, you people have tried that in Kashmir and did that work? Israel tried that in Palestine did that work? Modi is now PM of India, all eyes are on him, he can't get away now like he did before. He used riots for politics and butchered thousands of Muslims. My views are now propaganda while you openly accuse Hafiz Saeed and Pakistan for Every Single Incident in India...stop these double standards, people are not so crazy. Provide proofs if you wan't us to believe your point of view. Stop being childish again, how can you wipe out Muslims? it is not a video game, you should go outside little more and see the real world.
Dude stop claiming like you know everything, India and UN were told to provide proof but they didn't so HS was freed by the court, court does not look at national interests in Pakistan, that might be happening in India though i can't really say.
Now you are repeating same mantra without any proofs, After Kulbushan Yadav's arrest Pakistan has every right to blame India for all attacks across Pakistan, especially a deadly attack on school kids.
Don't try to forcefully impose your view on us, we wan't proofs, if you can't provide proofs then you got no right to blame anyone. Plus remember, Hindus in Pakistan came out to support HS for what he has done for them.
Dude being a Punjabi or Sindhi or Baluchi doesn't matter in Islam. Muslims are brothers and you are occupying our land in Kashmir and we would take it back even if we have to fight you for next one hundred thousand years.

Yes in that case it is not freedom struggle but Jihad.

Kashmir is dharmic land and one of the most important place for Hindus and Buddhists. It is our duty to protect those lands.

We will defend Kashmir at any cost, like we are doing in the last 70 years.
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