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Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility


You pakistanis should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding the red mosque issue. You should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding Bugti---. You should have stopped him when he started the political unrest when Judge Chaudhry was kicked out----.

You pakistanis made him the monster that he is.

You pakistanis should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding the red mosque issue. You should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding Bugti---. You should have stopped him when he started the political unrest when Judge Chaudhry was kicked out----.

You pakistanis made him the monster that he is.

I totally agree with you here.


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agencies does perfect job not only injure
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>SMS campaign to malign Jang/Geo and hide heinous crimes of institutions is launched by retired officers&#10;Save Pak not wrongdoings of monsters</p>&mdash; Ahmad Noorani (@Ahmad_Noorani) <a href=" ">April 20, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Dear <a href="Twitter / Search - #GEO">#GEO</a>: Powerful State institutions are not Asif Zardari whom you can bash&amp;predict ouster.Hope seat belts are fastened for the backlash?</p>&mdash; Raza Rumi (@Razarumi) <a href=" ">April 20, 2014</a></blockquote>
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I dont know, I must admit I am confused. is it false flag? why should TTP attempt on the life of most dedicated supporter?

is it legit TTP claim?
is it really a botched ISI hit?
was Hamid a random target of gangs?

after all they kill countless civilians whose name we dont even care to know?
Answer is simple. Hamid mir praised malala... According to Taliban he was promoting western agenda.... It created difference between Taliban and hamid mir... And you people know, Taliban also kills their own people on minor difference.
Attack on Hamid Mir: PM orders judicial probe into assassination attempt
LAHORE: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif decided on Sunday to constitute a three-member judicial commission to investigate the attack on journalist Hamid Mir.

On Saturday evening, unidentified persons shot at Mir’s car as he was departing Jinnah International Airport in Karachi.

He was subsequently transported to a hospital and, according to a statement from Aga Khan hospital issued the same night, his condition is now stable.

The prime minister decided to form the commission during a meeting today in Lahore.

The Chief Justice of Pakistan will be requested to nominate members for the commission, a spokesperson from the government revealed to Radio Pakistan.

The government has also announced a reward of Rs10 million for anyone who offers information about the assailants.
India is even more radicalized..... do you not remember col. prohit burned Pakistani train?
Do you not remember how modi turned Gujrat from Muslim majority to a minority by killing 380'000 Muslims in one week! ..I.
you probably be taking a class at zaid hamid degree of stupidity and imaginative conclusions.

at least graduate their first before bothering about real issues.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>SMS campaign to malign Jang/Geo and hide heinous crimes of institutions is launched by retired officers&#10;Save Pak not wrongdoings of monsters</p>&mdash; Ahmad Noorani (@Ahmad_Noorani) <a href=" ">April 20, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Ahmed Noorani the PTI paid journalist .......
PAK is now a wild wild west , who has the bigger GUN , will rule, Where PAK Army has gun , it rules , where Taliban has gun it rules and where ISI has gun it rules.LAW of PAK is straight and simple, If you have GUN , u can kill anyone and everyone who didn't think like you. PAK Army kills for not following it, Taliban kill for now agree with their ideology and ISI kills for now following it orders. Oh man things messed up .

You pakistanis should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding the red mosque issue. You should have stopped him when he lit the fire regarding Bugti---. You should have stopped him when he started the political unrest when Judge Chaudhry was kicked out----.

You pakistanis made him the monster that he is.
That was the Commando. Hell bent on proving to the world he's a democratic dictator. Who is all for free speech and all.. Not realizing that he's swing an ax not at his feet but at his neck. Allowing this monster to spew poison at the state and working with enemies of the state hand in glove.
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