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Hamas reveal a new Qassam rocket


I don't think range is important. Accuracy/speed is more important. If they can penetrate missile defense systems it will help create a deterrence. All of them you see are made in Gaza. So if they have any new weapons from Iran they are not available in military rally. Palestinians don't have much weapons and supplies are short. It's not military contest it is struggle for rights.

I don't see why this is getting so much attention. Israeli missiles are much more destructive/capable. It is nice seeing Palestinians trying to produce deterrent but these efforts are being bashed by hypocritical anti-justice folks.

Problem with Iron Dome is this that it needs lot of funds and one way or another way hamas or any other Palestinian group will get help from outside powers not just from the Muslim world which would be mainly to restrict Israel from exporting Iron Dome System .

Iron Dome has five batteries, each of which is mobile and comprised of radar, a sophisticated computer, and three missile launchers. When a rocket is fired at an area within an Iron Dome battery's aegis (roughly 60 square-miles), the radar detects the projectile, the computer does the geometry, and missiles intercept the rocket. Each interceptor reportedly costs anywhere from $40,000 to $60,000, so the system also makes a quick determination as to whether the rocket is even worth engaging. In other words, a rocket bound for an open field is not such a big deal. This whole process takes place in a matter of seconds, which seems basically impossible, but is imperative given that the entire lifespan of a rocket fired at the city of Sderot, for example, is 15 seconds, from launch to landing.

Computer controlled, the warheads are nearly 10 feet long (3 meters), are roughly 6 inches in diameter, and weigh 90 kilograms (198 lb) according to security analyst group IHS Jane's. The different models have ranges from 4 km (2.5 miles) to 70 km (43 miles) and carry a payload of 11 kg (24 lb) of high-impact explosives.

Where as the Qassam rockets likely cost under $100 to manufacture, each Iron Dome interceptor missile carries a sticker price of around $62,000 USD. Batteries to fire them cost approximately $50M USD.
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General Aladeen will be pleased. The rocket is finally pointy.
General Aladeen will be pleased. The rocket is finally pointy.

The qassams are still as they are. :D

But, they will become things of past. Hamas's armed wing has tried different things. Besides these rockets. They tried something called Sejil-55 which has 50km range but is homemade. Here is photo of it:
This is video of them being used in war:

Then they have M-75 which is named after a member of armed wing. They recently showed J-90 which is named after fallen commander Ahmad Jabari:


Then the one named after Rantisi...



The one under 'Qassam' name isn't of Qassam series and probably be named after Ahmed Yassin.
@WebMaster @waz

This thread wasn't created for informational purposes. It was created for political bashing which doesn't belong in Arab Defence Section. Which is meant for Arab military affairs. Whenever an Israeli is creating threads like this is intended for bashing/demeaning with some other Indians as you've already seen. Please close thread. I didn't create a thread for military rally because it isn't significant. The Palestinian Resistance regulary works to improve its capabilities. They are entitled to that right. We can't have trolls creating threads in this section intended purely for demeaning. We don't have Arab members creating threads about Israeli army munitions/artillery which will be used in attacking Palestinians. It should be this way both ways.

I look forward to your threats directed towards me, but all the same need to point out that you are a very confused person.

I've met many pro palestinians, which include people from that region, Americans and people from Israel too- none of them are pro Hamas and promote their activities.

Why are you behaving this way?

Your posts here are borderline, but the anger you display, tells me you do much more than simply post your anger here. You are on a path of great risk, my man- if you continue this material support for terrorism from within our borders.
I hope two state solution prevails soon. Although I am sympathatic to Palestineian cause, because Israel always proven itself when we were in dire needs, I will support Israel. I hope middle east becomes a valley of peace again. :coffee:

I wonder why the ayatollahs in Iran bother to incur the wrath of Israel and our governments by supplying 'terrorist group' Hamas(who funny enough choosed to side/sent fighters with moderate 'Syrian rebels' in Syria against its main backer Assad and Iran) with rockets/arms/ammunition , they should allow Saudi Arabia and other cash rich gulf countries to do that.
Hamas have done a lot for Palestinians means they brought them under one flag, organized them for one purpose specially that is what Palestinians needed to do to face Israeli aggression(genocide,land theft,torture,children killer,Youth Prisons for life lasting sentences,Israeli Settlers Bandits and it goes on and on ........)
Any how keeping it short Hamas performed better than Fateh Group that follows the Diplomatic BS :close_tema: that is used by Israelis to fool Palestinians for decades and Prisoning, land theft all continued in the west bank which is under control of Fateh org.and now the new map shows it all the continuation of new Jewish settlements in west bank caused Palestinians to loose a lot and specially the walls build to separate Palestinian farms, villages.
I look forward to your threats directed towards me, but all the same need to point out that you are a very confused person.

No I am not a confused person.

I've met many pro palestinians, which include people from that region, Americans and people from Israel too- none of them are pro Hamas and promote their activities.

So now preventing propaganda ploys is considered promoting Hamas activity. :lol:

In your perspective the US and Israeli governments positions are only valid positions which one can preach. Sorry to burst your bubble, but non-freakish people from Eastern part of world don't tolerate propaganda/double standard and will promote the truth.

Your posts here are borderline, but the anger you display, tells me you do much more than simply post your anger here.


Indeed, I eat hashbrowns on my free time. :partay:

You are on a path of great risk, my man- if you continue this material support for terrorism from within our borders.

Only in your world Palmach/KurdistanwillRise being pro-Palestinian is considered material support to terrorism. :lol:
I look forward to your threats directed towards me, but all the same need to point out that you are a very confused person.

I've met many pro palestinians, which include people from that region, Americans and people from Israel too- none of them are pro Hamas and promote their activities.

Why are you behaving this way?

Your posts here are borderline, but the anger you display, tells me you do much more than simply post your anger here. You are on a path of great risk, my man- if you continue this material support for terrorism from within our borders.
Are you seriously threatening webmaster? Hamas is not a terrorist group it never was, its a militia which uses guerrilla warfare techniques.You of all people should know that Mr State Department unless youre jewish, like to be kept in dark or you are just plain dumb.
I wonder why the ayatollahs in Iran bother to incur the wrath of Israel and our governments by supplying 'terrorist group' Hamas(who funny enough choosed to side/sent fighters with moderate 'Syrian rebels' in Syria against its main backer Assad and Iran) with rockets/arms/ammunition , they should allow Saudi Arabia and other cash rich gulf countries to do that.

For obvious reasons. You know what I mean. :cheers:
Mohamed al-Zawari, an aviation engineer and member of Hamas’s armed wing
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