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Hamas military announces it captured Israeli soldier

I'm not sure - I think people are just assuming he couldn't be alive because of his being listed as one of the 13 deaths.

They only mentioned 5 names as of yet. The other eight aren't mentioned.

My guess is he was wounded but surrendered to Hamas. Hamas is taking care of his wounds and feeding him right now. If he was dead, they would say so. Hamas is known for it's honesty so they can't make that up.

When they say they have captured a soldier it means he's alive.
If hamas release this prisoner un harmed .. All Israel should commit collective suicide in shame
It is kinda stupid to criticize a side for taking prisoners, but it is likewise stupid to overrate the value
of prisoners. Israel is going to war to end the rockets. The blockade is considered essential
to reduce the number of rockets.
Israel is well aware that a ground invasion will result in casualties.

Would be very surprised if Israel would consider lifting the blockade in exchange for releasing a prisoner.

Obviously releasing Palestinian prisoners are an option.
My guess is he was wounded but surrendered to Hamas. Hamas is taking care of his wounds and feeding him right now. If he was dead, they would say so. Hamas is known for it's honesty so they can't make that up.

I understand that Hamas doesn't have a record of lying but that Israel has - it lied about the soldiers that Hezbollah captured in 2006 being alive in order to justify the offensive and it made the same lie about the 3 settlers recently killed in order to manipulate popular passions in Israel to set off pogroms against Palestinians and the attack on Gaza.

The situation is murky but I think what may happen is this: the Israelis are going to declare him dead (unless Hamas offers material proof that he isn't ASAP) in order to ignore any attempt to use him as a bargaining chip to withdraw from Gaza or to release Palestinian prisoners.

By the way, is Aron's name among those already published by Israel?
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Hamas says it has captured Israeli soldier in Gaza | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- The Hamas-affiliated al-Qassam Brigades said on Sunday night that it had captured an Israeli soldier, the first since the release of Gilad Shalit in 2011.

Al-Qassam Brigades said during a speech by spokesman Abu Ubaida aired live on Ma'an News that the captured soldier is named Shaul Aron and his military number was 6092065.

"The fact that they did not announce (the loss of the soldier) shows that they were trying to hide their losses," the spokesman said in the speech, noting Israel's lack of response.

The spokesman also warned Israel against taking any steps toward "any kind of foolishness," saying that it was better for them to respond to the rights of the Palestinian people but instead Israel insisted on arrogance.

An Israeli military spokeswoman could not confirm news of the capture.

The claim comes hours after the Israeli military said that Palestinian militants had killed 18 Israeli soldiers since the ground invasion.


I understand that Hamas doesn't have a record of lying but that Israel has - it lied about the soldiers that Hezbollah captured in 2006 being alive in order to justify the offensive and it made the same lie about the 3 settlers recently killed in order to manipulate popular passions in Israel to set off pogroms against Palestinians and the attack on Gaza.

The situation is murky but I think what may be happen this: the Israelis are going to declare him dead (unless Hamas offers material proof that he isn't ASAP) in order to ignore any attempt to use him as a bargaining chip to withdraw from Gaza or to release Palestinian prisoners.

By the way, is Aron's name among those already published by Israel?

You are correct, at the same time I believe they were going to push forward with a further offensive anyways. This was planned in advance with regional players.

They are intentionally hiding it to advance their agenda. Hamas should release some sort of video or photo.

His name wasn't announced, 5 others were. He wasn't one of them.
Look darling, I wish they win and get their rights back. But this is not how it is, all we see is more blood and destruction of Palestinian people just to keep Hamass in power. I don't defend my country or any other Arab country regarding Palestine, they all let us down. Would you like me to clap for you? No I will not, because I think this is against your interests Mr. kid. After a couple weeks, after this is over ASAP inshalaah, please prove me wrong. I hope I'm wrong.
U know what the problem is brother that this will not end. How many massacres was sharon the pig responsible for. And still what was done about it. And it goes on till now. No one is going to do a thing, because we are arabs, and non arabs. And then we are different nationalities in arabs, and different nationalities in non arabs. But we simply cant be Muslims. I might not agree with hamas, but I really cant blame them for the murders that the israeli pigs are committing.
Israeli deterrence has gone to the shitter. What a humiliation!
Hamas does not fear the big fat pussies in the idf.

You know what. I wonder if it is just a body. Or if he was captured elsewhere.

Because, now they are saying 16 were killed in the IED explosion. But, the explosion was so strong it tore all of them apart. They can only identify 5 right now.

7 were killed in that explosions. Three others in gunfights. Three others when Palestinian fire caused a fire at building they were in.

The explosion did not occur in the place Hamas is claiming they captured him.

They captured him in the 'liveapple' I believe this is closer to Khan Yunis.
This guy looks European. Just like most 'Israelis'.
Nahh, not really. Jews have a very distinct 'Jewish look' for some reason. IDK why but they do. He looks like a typical Ashkenazi Jew.

Israeli deterrence has gone to the shitter. What a humiliation!
Hamas does not fear the big fat pussies in the idf.
Israeli military is over-hyped and overrated. All they do is bomb densely populated areas into submission. That is nothing short of cowardly.
Nahh, not really. Jews have a very distinct 'Jewish look' for some reason. IDK why but they do. He looks like a typical Ashkenazi Jew.

Israeli military is over-hyped and overrated. All they do is bomb densely populated areas into submission. That is nothing short of cowardly.

Exactly, and the Palestinian military factions were prepared for that strategy.
It appears there's some confusion between the soldiers' names - Oron Shaul and Shaul Aron.

In case it's the same man, there are reports that yes, he has been killed and he may be already on Israeli soil.

-- Update --

On the other hand, it appears that the Israeli military itself is not sure whether a soldier has been captured or not. So it appears that Hamas may have one of its soldiers with them, though the identity confusion is still perplexing:

Mondoweiss contacted the Israeli military and asked them if they could clarify if a soldier had been captured. They said: “we’re looking into it.”
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It appears there's some confusion between two soldiers' names - Oron Shaul and Shaul Aron. Some people are assuming these are the same men, and since Oron Shaul was among the 13 killed, this has led some to doubt Hamas's statements. The pictures circulating of Aron are actually of Oron Shaul.

I know you don't want this to be true because you think it may justify further Israeli aggression. But, nothing will happen that isn't happening now.

Israeli media is silent on this for the past few hours that haven't mentioned any updates on the ground. Hamas has captured one of the soldiers and he is in good care.

For now, we should focus on ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza as we speak this second there is heavy shelling and new reports of injuries.
I know you don't want this to be true because you think it may justify further Israeli aggression. But, nothing will happen that isn't happening now.

Israeli media is silent on this for the past few hours that haven't mentioned any updates on the ground. Hamas has captured one of the soldiers and he is in good care.

For now, we should focus on ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza as we speak this second there is heavy shelling and new reports of injuries.
Look at the update of my post -- I posted a link where the IDF itself is now saying that it isn't sure whether a soldier has been captured or not. And honestly, Hazzy, I do want this to be true - I'm seeing that news of the capture have lifted Palestinian morale and I love that. And I agree with you: whatever brutality the Israelis have up their sleeve, they'll try to do it, whether a soldier has been captured or not, so that news may as well be true. But we need to check our news - to be sure what we're saying is the truth. And as I said, it appears something may have happened as even the IDF is avoiding an outright denial of the capture reports. Read the previous post again.
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