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Half of Japanese see no need to rush rapprochement with China

This thread reeks of 森林法则 and 天朝思想, which are exactly what China's immediate neighbours dislike about her.

if we are too strong for the Japanese to confront, the Japanese will kneel down to us ASAP as they did several times in history.

Only then, should China teach rabid dogs like Japan and India a good lesson in humility.

It's a shame really. A society as advanced as the current Japanese can't even address fundamental moral issues. Behind the veneer of civility lies a dark and rotten core.
This thread reeks of 森林法则 and 天朝思想, which are exactly what China's immediate neighbours dislike about her.
You are lucky.
Apparently you don't have any ancestors, relatives who are tortured and killed by the Japanese and still waiting 70 years on for a sincere apology.
We have the Japanese atrocities Museum at the former Ford factory at 351 Upper Bukit Timah Rd.
It was renovated this year, have a visit.
Its free for Singaporeans and there is a guided tour at 2.30 pm.
You are lucky.
Apparently you don't have any ancestors, relatives who are tortured and killed by the Japanese and still waiting 70 years on for a sincere apology.
We have the Japanese atrocities Museum at the former Ford factory at 351 Upper Bukit Timah Rd.
It was renovated this year, have a visit.
Its free for Singaporeans and there is a guided tour at 2.30 pm.

What has that got to do with my post?
What has that got to do with my post?
People with grievances tend to be bombastic or even illogical with their post.
I got flamed by them as well, but I let it go.
Just thinking you must be spared the agony of wwii since you don't see it their way.
Anyway, I got caught in the rain while riding my bike and I took shelter in the Ford Factory museum.
Quite interesting, take a look when you are around there.
People with grievances tend to be bombastic or even illogical with their post.
I got flamed by them as well, but I let it go.
Just thinking you must be spared the agony of wwii since you don't see it their way.
Anyway, I got caught in the rain while riding my bike and I took shelter in the Ford Factory museum.
Quite interesting, take a look when you are around there.

I do have relatives who went through the war and I've watched those local dramas depicting the war. I'm not born in that era so of course I'm spared from the agony and I don't see things that way. But the same can be said for the majority of posters here.

But that's not the point I'm making. I'm not talking about Japanese war atrocities or the apologies they didn't make. I'm talking about the mentality of the Chinese.

森林法则,天朝思想. The belief that might and money is right (whether between countries or between individuals), the arrogance (as a country or as an individual), these are the views many Chinese still hold today and is exactly what turns off other countries. China can surpass the US to be the strongest country in the world but she won't command respect with that mentality. Would you respect a rich guy if he's arrogant and uses money to judge a person's worth? 有钱是高端人口,没钱就是低端人口?

That's one of the societal problems of China and is the major obstacle to her soft power. And I'm saying this as a friendly advice rather than ridiculing China, because y'all China to be seen as that sort of rich guy isn't it? But of course there will still be Chinese who think Singaporeans (and other developed Asian economies) look down on them and we shall regret as long as China gets richer in the future, no?
I do have relatives who went through the war and I've watched those local dramas depicting the war. I'm not born in that era so of course I'm spared from the agony and I don't see things that way. But the same can be said for the majority of posters here.

But that's not the point I'm making. I'm not talking about Japanese war atrocities or the apologies they didn't make. I'm talking about the mentality of the Chinese.

森林法则,天朝思想. The belief that might and money is right (whether between countries or between individuals), the arrogance (as a country or as an individual), these are the views many Chinese still hold today and is exactly what turns off other countries. China can surpass the US to be the strongest country in the world but she won't command respect with that mentality. Would you respect a rich guy if he's arrogant and uses money to judge a person's worth? 有钱是高端人口,没钱就是低端人口?

That's one of the societal problems of China and is the major obstacle to her soft power. And I'm saying this as a friendly advice rather than ridiculing China, because y'all China to be seen as that sort of rich guy isn't it? But of course there will still be Chinese who think Singaporeans (and other developed Asian economies) look down on them and we shall regret as long as China gets richer in the future, no?
I don't think China is arrogant. China is smear by western media as arrogant. In fact , CPC is very humble and down to earth. If China is as arrogant as you think, it can never achieved the current feat. One fine example is China next big neighbour who exhibit the consequences of arrogant by being very backward as a result.

If you think a few example
of wealthy arrogant Chinese representing the whole Chinese population. I think we both need not discuss further.

Almost every few days, we see violent American shooting or mass murder. So I can conclude all American are violent and murderer?
I do have relatives who went through the war and I've watched those local dramas depicting the war. I'm not born in that era so of course I'm spared from the agony and I don't see things that way. But the same can be said for the majority of posters here.

But that's not the point I'm making. I'm not talking about Japanese war atrocities or the apologies they didn't make. I'm talking about the mentality of the Chinese.

森林法则,天朝思想. The belief that might and money is right (whether between countries or between individuals), the arrogance (as a country or as an individual), these are the views many Chinese still hold today and is exactly what turns off other countries. China can surpass the US to be the strongest country in the world but she won't command respect with that mentality. Would you respect a rich guy if he's arrogant and uses money to judge a person's worth? 有钱是高端人口,没钱就是低端人口?

That's one of the societal problems of China and is the major obstacle to her soft power. And I'm saying this as a friendly advice rather than ridiculing China, because y'all China to be seen as that sort of rich guy isn't it? But of course there will still be Chinese who think Singaporeans (and other developed Asian economies) look down on them and we shall regret as long as China gets richer in the future, no?

You have a valid point but the subject at hand is to do with Japanese lack of inclination towards reaproachment.

If they want to be vulgar and callous then it is what they will get in return.
I don't think China is arrogant. China is smear by western media as arrogant. In fact , CPC is very humble and down to earth. If China is as arrogant as you think, it can never achieved the current feat. One fine example is China next big neighbour who exhibit the consequences of arrogant by being very backward as a result.

If you think a few example
of wealthy arrogant Chinese representing the whole Chinese population. I think we both need not discuss further.

Almost every few days, we see violent American shooting or mass murder. So I can conclude all American are violent and murderer?

Of course it's unfair to generalise 1.3b people, but that's the impression your tourists and netizens give in other countries. Case in point, this thread and forum. Overseas young Chinese students are better though.
The modern Japanese mentality still looks down on the Han Chinese as compared to the Russians and the Americans unfortunately. Notice there are only Japanese, Russian, and an American astronaut traveling to the International Space Station today. It is a privileged elitist club that excludes China completely. To them, who needs China when we have the ISS to ourselves.....And just look at their anime and games such as Xenoblade Chronicles X on how they look up to the United States. That will only change when China's official nominal GDP size and military power (navy and air force) exceeds the USA. Seriously, I can still feel the superiority complex coming from the Japanese.

Who care how these Japanese look up or down on us, as Chinese we should never look down on our people but be helpful instead of criticizing each other, I do look down on Chinese that don't have a self respect, no dignity especially those always looking for a face saving but I never look down at poor Chinese people when they own a self respect and be a people with integrity, we should pay more attention to our people than to expect other look up at us.
Who care how these Japanese look up or down on us, as Chinese we should never look down on our people but be helpful instead of criticizing each other, I do look down on Chinese that don't have a self respect, no dignity especially those always looking for a face saving but I never look down at poor Chinese people when they own a self respect and be a people with integrity, we should pay more attention to our people than to expect other look up at us.
Totally agree with your philosophy. There is emense joy in helping the poor and those around you. People in general should look up or down less and look more at ourselves and those around us more.

It didn't actually occur to me that some Japanese may look down on Chinese because it isn't really relavent in my life. People should seperate rethoric and reality.

Personally I don't look down on others, doesn't matter if they are low income, street sweepers, disabled or whatever, the default is to give respect to others when I can. Societies need cohesiveness and slightly less selfishness. Looking down on others is an unhealthy state of mind, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have high standards.

China is different from other East Asian societies. Being Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian are exclusive identities, while China is an East Asian melting pot. Other East Asian countries have a hard time understanding what it means to be Chinese due to their experiences. Mongolians in China feel at one with the Chinese nation while those in Mongolia tend to be racist and extreme. After Japanese settlers left the North East they left behind thousands of orphans for dead, whom were adopted by Chinese farmers despite the brutality and attrocities by the Japanese.

Chinese people should remember the cultural legacy of the yellow River civilization that cultivated this cohesive and hardworking existince. If Chinese people aren't cohesive and hardworking, one day nature will find a way to punish.
lol Japan is no match for China.

Japan has a much smaller population than China's.

China will eventually eclipse Japan in many sectors.
In fact China already has when it comes to economy a long time ago.

That is very old news.
Think of it this way....
Japan = 1 and multiply it by 15. That is China for you.
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