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Tejas Trainer



without any obsession:

We are still dependent on others for Tejas and other defense needs. But Yes, it is a great leap to be self-reliant in defense sector.

I think that we have achieved self-reliance (in defense sector) in field of Missile Tech.

Thanks for a honest openion.

Now, You see Fighter Jets are NOT easy to make. Even Mighty China is having RD-33 from Russia and Pakistan is considering Western Avionics on Jf17 in future. The Airframe is definately inferior to Tejas.

Take the Case of Swedish, Gripen It also employs US' Engines.

So you see, if China/Sweden despite of all Great Tech and Economy cannot make a 100% indegenious Jet.

I see NO Harm that you take some ready made Parts while still pursuing an independent path like that of Radar Development, Kaveri etc. They may NOT be up to the mark at present but we are walking.. soon we'll learn to run .
Tejas's trainer version makes successful maiden flight

2009-11-26 20:10:00

The maiden flight of the two-seater trainer version of the indigenous light combat aircraft 'Tejas' Thursday was successful, officials said.

The flight took off at 1 p.m. from the airport of Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd at Bangalore.

'It is a two-seater version of the LCA and can be used as trainer. The successful maiden flight covered an altitude of 9 km and a speed of 0.85 Mach,' said a Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) official.

The prototype was flown by Group Captain Ritu Raj Tyagi of the National Flight Test Centre (NFTC). Air Commodore Rohit Varma, project director (Flight Test), was in the rear seat.

'Extensive preparatory work that has gone in resulted in the first flight profile being executed with clock work precision. All the objectives set out for the flight were achieved and all the systems on board the new prototype performed well throughout the sortie,' said the official.

With the entire fleet of the Indian Air Force's basic HPT-32 trainer aircraft grounded following successive engine failures, the maiden flight of LCA's trainer version will give fillip to the search for a replacement of the aircraft.

'The trainer, when fully developed, will have the full operational capability from the rear cockpit as well. As Tejas trainer has a lot of commonality with Tejas Naval version, even Tejas Navy programme would see accelerated progress as a result of the successful first flight,' the official added.

The first eight Tejas aircraft are to be delivered to the Indian Air Force (IAF) and Indian Navy between 2010 and 2012 and will be fitted with the IN20 engines from the US-based General Electric.

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Beckham whats up with the picture it cant be the Tejas can it
I am happy with whatever has been achieved from LCA. The most important thing I feel is that recently the government has started focusing on defence. I am sure next decade will move us ahead in these technology.
Moment of history: Tejas twin-seat trainer makes its first flight

Bangalore: On Thursday morning the first prototype twin-seater, trainer version of the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) taxied out to the runway in Bangalore.


With its design team watching tensely from the sidelines, the two test pilots revved up the engine, raced down the runway and, in a moment of history, lifted the twin-seat Tejas into the sky for its first ever flight. The 30 minute flight, Business Standard has learned, was an unqualified success.

In the cockpit were two of the IAF's most skilled test pilots, now a part of the National Flight Test Centre (NFTC), which handles all Tejas test flying. Air Commodore Rohit Verma, a MiG-21 ace was the commander; his co-pilot was Group Captain RR Tyagi, a veteran Jaguar pilot.

Over the last few days the first twin-seat Tejas, called Prototype Version 5 (PV-5) has been carrying "high-speed taxi trials". In these, the Tejas PV-5 has been speeding down the runway at speeds of over 200 kilometre/hour, applying the brakes just short of take-off speed.

But, today the pilot did not brake; keeping the throttle pressed he pulled back the joystick and the Tejas lifted off the runway into the sky.

The first flight of the twin-seat Tejas was a crucial landmark in the LCA programme. With the first squadron of the single-engine, single-seat Tejas already ordered by the IAF, and the order for the second squadron being processed, twin-seat trainers are urgently needed for training the IAF pilots who will man these two squadrons.

Every IAF squadron is authorised 18 single-seat fighters and 2 twin-seat trainers.
The twin-seat Tejas is also important for the Indian Navy. The naval version of the Tejas, which will operate off aircraft carriers, will be based on the Tejas trainer; it's higher cockpit allows the pilot a view of the carrier landing deck while descending steeply to land. In the naval Tejas there is no second cockpit; its place is taken by an extra fuel tank and some avionics.


Single-seat Tejas prototypes have completed about 1200 test flights, but the first flight of the twin-seat trainer is almost like testing a new aircraft.

Though the trainer's engine and fuselage is the same as the single-seater's, internal systems have been extensively re-engineered to create space for a second cockpit, complete with a second set of controls, for the trainee pilot.

Flight-testing will determine whether this new configuration works perfectly.
The twin-seat Tejas' first flight comes almost 6 months later than originally planned, because the agency developing the Tejas -- the Aeronautical Development Agency -- wanted to minimise the chances of a failed test.

The ADA chief, PS Subramaniam, told Business Standard in Bangalore in August that caution in flight-testing was one of the drawbacks in the Tejas programme, but was understandable given that India was testing and certifying a modern fighter for the first time.

European aerospace consortium, EADS, which has been appointed consultant for the air force Tejas programme, is expected to advise on how to cut down on flight-testing without compromising safety. Reducing flight-testing by a year, believes Subramaniam, would save Rs 1000 crores in costs and bring the Tejas into operational service early.

In the absence of major hiccups, the twin-seat Tejas trainer is expected to complete testing and certification by 2014 and start being delivered to the IAF by 2015.


Tejas to fly on indigenous Kaveri engine next year: Official

The city-based Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), which is indigenously developing various types of aero engines, would be fitting its flagship product Kaveri engine to the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) 'Tejas' in the next one year.

Disclosing this to reporters at the 23rd convention of aerospace engineers here GTRE Director T Mohana Rao said the establishment had overcome all obstacles and one of the engines, originally built for the LCA was taken to Russia for testing. Once it passes the test another engine would be shipped later for flying test, he said.

He said the engine would be ready by March or April next year and it will be fully ready for integration in one year's time. ''We are also looking to develop a marine version of Kaveri engine and Indian Navy would be our working partners. This includes financial participation. Indian Navy is working with us for Kaveri marine project,'' he said.

The naval version would be co-designed by the two organisations and it would have low-pressure compressor and turbine.

GTRE was also looking at developing small gas turbine engines for unmanned aircraft.

''We are ready to develop any type of gas turbine engines for the country. There are lots of other projects in the offing,'' :)Mr Rao added.

He said GTRE's bid to find a joint venture partner was yet to be finalised as it was expecting the final sanction from the government. ''We had shortlisted 'Snecma' of France for the JV, but we have not started the work yet as some government approvals are still pending. Indian Air Force and DRDO would have to approve the JV,'' :disagree::angry:he said.

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Sallam to all members !

Dear i gotta ask you guys for something that i really need.
I've been called for my interview for the post of sub inspector ministry of defense. How to give the interviewers a satisfactory pause ?
I need your suggestions that may help me come up successful in my interview.......................
If any of you or your friends has ever had certain interview do share it with me.........
awaiting your urgent reply
Sallam to all members !

Dear i gotta ask you guys for something that i really need.
I've been called for my interview for the post of sub inspector ministry of defense. How to give the interviewers a satisfactory pause ?
I need your suggestions that may help me come up successful in my interview.......................
If any of you or your friends has ever had certain interview do share it with me.........
awaiting your urgent reply

And why did you choose this forum for your question?
Hello friends,
I am new here. any one please tell me about few things....
1)Which Radar will LCA carry.
2)How much Weapon load it can carry.
3)When and How Much LCA is going to inducted?

dude you should go through some of past posts........
however as much induction is concerned this may be in 2011 i think....may be wrong.....
Hello friends,
I am new here. any one please tell me about few things....
1)Which Radar will LCA carry.
2)How much Weapon load it can carry.
3)When and How Much LCA is going to inducted?


1. MMR + EL 2032 for MK-1 & MK-II EL-2052 AESA
2. 4000 kg with 3000 Internal fuel capacity.
3. Ioc clear 2010-2011 Ist 40 MK-1 & then2013-2014 Foc from the latest new 100+40 to be built mk-II standard
is there any chance of MK-3 or we will move on to MCA.... what you think..... because mca will be relatively costlier hence number should be less....
is there any chance of MK-3 or we will move on to MCA.... what you think..... because mca will be relatively costlier hence number should be less....
Ist let them finish mk-1 and then mk-II there is no plan or any discussion ryt now about mk-3 maybe india goes for mk-3 with feature like f-35
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