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which Aircraft is Low capability Aircraft of fourth generation,in short term LCA of 4th Generation????????????????

LCA is low capable aircraft, you're right.

sorry guys but i couldn't control it LCA = Low Capability Aircraft :smitten:

at least it is capable ive got something better

JF-17= Junk Fighter 17 :rofl:

congrjulations for the sucessful and speedy induction of JUNK FIGHTER :rofl:

really we have lots to learn from you guys you are saving lots of SPACE in your JUNK YARDS by building THE ULTIMATE JUNK FIGHTER and sending it to air :pakistan::china: :yahoo: and when IAF is not accepting the LOW CAPABILTY AIRCRAFT the PAF is accepting JUNK FIGHTER please learn something from the PLAAF they are smart they are exporting their junk to you guys and you are PAYING THEM :woot:


hello :yahoo:

what about radar integration any news ???? i herd weapons trials are going on hence the radar must be integrated

thank u

sorry guys but i couldn't control it LCA = Low Capability Aircraft :smitten:

at least it is capable ive got something better

JF-17= Junk Fighter 17 :rofl:

congrjulations for the sucessful and speedy induction of JUNK FIGHTER :rofl:

really we have lots to learn from you guys you are saving lots of SPACE in your JUNK YARDS by building THE ULTIMATE JUNK FIGHTER and sending it to air :pakistan::china: :yahoo: and when IAF is not accepting the LOW CAPABILTY AIRCRAFT the PAF is accepting JUNK FIGHTER please learn something from the PLAAF they are smart they are exporting their junk to you guys and you are PAYING THEM :woot:


i think it is a bit personal but it is good:enjoy:
EADS invitation was just a reality check.
FYI, foriegn element is not limited to engine alone!
Whole LCA is a product of foreign hand.

Swadeshi LCA has US engine, Israeli, Swedish avionics, Italian wings

dude we never said LCA was 100% INDIAN

Sir,please look around your world.
you find that no fighter in today's world made by a country single handidly.

F-35 is funded by more than half dozen countries.

Typhoon is built by 4 european nation.

Even J-10 chinese take help from israel and russia.

And all these countries have advance technologies in aviation.

So,there is nothing wrong in taking foreign help or consultancy services.

India never said that LCA is 100% indian , they only said that they are trying to increase indian component in LCA.
The Hindu : National : Tejas crosses a milestone

Tejas crosses a milestone

Ravi Sharma

BANGALORE: In a milestone, a Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas took off from here and for the first time dropped live stores (bombs) at a firing range.

The dropping of two 25-pounder bombs, with one striking the target and the other falling within the inner 25 yard circle, was undertaken by Prototype Vehicle-3 of the LCA programme.

The successful dropping of the light, marker bombs will enable the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) – designers of the fly-by-wire LCA – to not only prove the working of the aircraft’s flight control software for weapon drops and aiming, but also take forward the LCA’s weaponisation programme.

ADA officials said the flight control system software had to recognise and adjust for the dropping and still maintain the highly unstable flying platform’s handling qualities.

The software had to take into effect the added stores, asymmetric drops, increased sensitivity of the aircraft’s controls and still make sure that the movement of the aircraft’s centre of gravity was still well within limits.

Following this success, the ADA is planning to do as many similar sorties dropping both 25-pounder and 3-kg bombs over the next three days, analyse the results and then prepare for the next stage of the weaponisation programme.

The next stage of weapon trials will see the ADA and the Air Force taking the Tejas to Jamnagar in Gujarat, hopefully by the end of the month. Jamnagar has been chosen as its cross runways will allow the undertaking of both weapon and cross wind trials.
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Awesome news man.:cheers:

Our paper plane now dropping bombs.:woot::guns:

That means in coming months we can see LCA firing A2A and A2G missile.:sniper:

This time we are not going to miss the dead line.:yahoo:
now I think the real fun will begin. Now most of the test points will start getting covered. Like asymmetric flying. Full weapon load testing. With drop tanks after dropping the fuel tank how it performs. But I think for IOC purpose there will be no IFR testing it will be done in FOC period.
hi nitesh

according to above article one of the bomb drop by LCA hit the target.

Is that mean radar get integrated with LCA ?

Do you have any idea about that?
Nope radar will be in LSP3 it will soon be in air. Bombs can use laser designator. Most probably SIVA POD is integrated now. Or just dumb dropping.
hmm too many tests happening now. Seems like things are falling in place :)

5 test flights in one day !!
LCA-Tejas has completed 1018 Test Flights successfully. (05-Feb-09).

* LCA has completed 1018 Test Flights successfully
(TD1-233, TD2-298,PV1-182,PV2-108,PV3-122,LSP1-35,LSP2-40).
* 108th flight of Tejas PV2 occurred on 04th Feb 09.
* 121st & 122nd flight of Tejas PV3 occurred on 04th Feb 09.
* 35th flight of Tejas LSP1 occurred on 04th Feb 09.
* 40th flight of Tejas LSP2 occurred on 04th Feb 09.

Flight Test News
amazingly :crazy:

Sir,please look around your world.
you find that no fighter in today's world made by a country single handidly.

F-35 is funded by more than half dozen countries.

your post is already a answer. F-35 is only "FUNDED" "financually" and thats about it, no country is doing jack in development of F-35!

Typhoon is built by 4 european nation.
Those 4 nation are well capable of producing their own MRCA indigenous.

India never said that LCA is 100% indian , they only said that they are trying to increase indian component in LCA.

lol indian fanboys have been harping just about anything of LCA as indigenous!
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PC F 35 there is tier of partnership UK is tier 1 partner they are producing some parts for F 35.

Regarding LCA, there is a constant effort for making it 100% local. May be it will not be achieved totally. But there is an effort in that direction.
amazingly :crazy:

your own post is a answer to its self. F-35 is only "FUNDED" "financely" and thats about it, no country is doing jack in development of F-35!

Those 4 nation are well capable of producing their own MRCA indigenous.

lol indian fanboys have been harping just about anything of LCA as indigenous!

Do you Know it is FUNDED to whom ? -- America the largest economy of the world.
And not only funded but also amercia take many inputs fron english companies in designing.
Engine is joint effort of GE and rolls roy(General Electric/Rolls-Royce F136 )
Some of the weapon are from MBDA.

And if those 4 nation are capable of producing their own,then why they go for joint product?

and what wrong in that,if we are harping just anything of LCA as indigenous.
we never say that LCA is 100% indigenous.
i agree . lca is not 100 % indigenous but we have developed some key technologies on our own (fbw system ,composites and so on ) . and look who is talking the one who has not even made a cycle back home .
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