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im so bored from waiting for LCA man
when it will be fully capable and FOC.................no one knows
atleast get naval LCA correctly on time.............:hitwall:

I don't have that much of a problem .. don't really want a "hurried FOC" or a "hurried induction".

The focus should be on technological upgradation .... and "induction" will give more operational information, aiding further technological upgradation, but just that.

They should make a robust system .. which compares best in the world. And they should be able to compete technologically and commercially on the best fighters available to the IAF from around the world.

DRDO should focus on what it's job is: competitive products, in terms of technology, cost and timely delivery.

IAF should focus on what it's own job is: It should buy the best air defence it can get to our country ... be it from DRDO or external competitors.

That keeps both DRDO and IAF competitive. Healthy criticism of both is welcome.

Only "indegenous" arms should be given the only the worth what it is due.... It's important the indigenous can compete with the best alternatives available.

The performance of HAL Tejas, Akash etc. is very competitive, when compared to what ever is available in the world at the price we can make them.
Well, why not in Bangalore?

Because it doesn't make sense for IN to test / train the take off at one air field (INS HANSA) and the landing at another. N-LCA MK1 will make mainly flight testings, especially of the LEVCONS and the other naval re-designs at the airframe. Practicing the take offs and landings will be done mainly with the MK2 version.

The focus should be on technological upgradation .... and "induction" will give more operational information, aiding further technological upgradation, but just that.

Then it would be nothing else than a tech demonstrator.

They should make a robust system .. which compares best in the world. And they should be able to compete technologically and commercially on the best fighters available to the IAF from around the world.

That's what they actually do and which is the wrong way. First of all, it was never meant to compete the best fighters in the world, it is just a low end fighter for IAF and a cost-effective fighter for possible export customers. Secondly, just doing test flights with prototypes and tech demo versions of radar or avionics don't make the fighter better. It's actually the other way around, only inducting it into operational service, will tell us how good, reliable, or useful it is. That's why all over the world fighters will be inducted in a limited capable version and then will be upgraded in blocks with new weapons, avionics and new software.
Anybody who believes we gained something so far only because we are flight testing LCA prototyes for years in limited operations and with all the failed development is highly mistaken. Get the fighter into operational service and in squadron size, even if it is the MK1 only and we will get waaay more experience and feedback of good and bad things. Most of all, we learn way more for the next developments!
^^^^ I am not saying delay induction .... but induction is proceeding (okay, not at the best pace.. but it's okay).

What I don't want is that we induct 100 or 200 flying junks (just like J-10s) .. .and then all need to be scrapped because they are entirely useless... and need to be scrapped in 5 or 10 years !!!

We are already gaining a good deal of flying experience by flying 10+ Tejas already.

Why waste all the metal etc.. and if the FBW is risky (i.e. frequent crashes).. then you lose all the costly radar and pods attached to the aircraft.

Hence, testing is a very important phase ... we should say, speed up testing; but not a pre-mature induction.
^^^^ I am not saying delay induction .... but induction is proceeding (okay, not at the best pace.. but it's okay).

What I don't want is that we induct 100 or 200 flying junks (just like J-10s) .. .and then all need to be scrapped because they are entirely useless... and need to be scrapped in 5 or 10 years !!!

We are already gaining a good deal of flying experience by flying 10+ Tejas already.

Why waste all the metal etc.. and if the FBW is risky (i.e. frequent crashes).. then you lose all the costly radar and pods attached to the aircraft.

Hence, testing is a very important phase ... we should say, speed up testing; but not a pre-mature induction.

"frequent crashes" this is a world record india. no one can match this.

"100 or 200 flying junks (just like J-10s)" haha jealous indians. we can spell the sickening sourness even through the internet! with much lesser budget and much shorter time we are doing things much better, more efficient and at much less costs. Can you rival these, delusional indian?

Have you purchased your sealant for your Leaking Cockpit Aircraft yet?
"frequent crashes" this is a world record india. no one can match this.

"100 or 200 flying junks (just like J-10s)" haha jealous indians. we can spell the sickening sourness even through the internet! with much lesser budget and much shorter time we are doing things much better, more efficient and at much less costs. Can you rival these, delusional indian?

Have you purchased your sealant for your Leaking Cockpit Aircraft yet?

And why are you in this thread??

We will have the LCA like we want it.
If we don't want to go like J-10, what is your problem.

Nobody advised you to go for your J-10 differently.. make 100s of untested planes - it's entirely upto china.

(And please don't troll here .. there are many places outside the sticky threads).
And why are you in this thread??

We will have the LCA like we want it.
If we don't want to go like J-10, what is your problem.

Nobody advised you to go for your J-10 differently.. make 100s of untested planes - it's entirely upto china.

(And please don't troll here .. there are many places outside the sticky threads).

I dont want to until I see "put-downs" on China!
^^^^ I am not saying delay induction .... but induction is proceeding (okay, not at the best pace.. but it's okay).

What I don't want is that we induct 100 or 200 flying junks (just like J-10s) .. .and then all need to be scrapped because they are entirely useless... and need to be scrapped in 5 or 10 years !!!

We are already gaining a good deal of flying experience by flying 10+ Tejas already.

Why waste all the metal etc.. and if the FBW is risky (i.e. frequent crashes).. then you lose all the costly radar and pods attached to the aircraft.

Hence, testing is a very important phase ... we should say, speed up testing; but not a pre-mature induction.

First of all, please stop these pointless attacks on J10, which just derails the thread only. J10A is a good and capable fighter, so lets stick to LCA here!

Testing an LCA in good weather condictions, with limited loads, limited distance flights is not similar to operational service of the fighter in IAF. The fighters will carry different payloads, under different conditions and must be able to scramble, or to fly long range and endurance close air patrol roles. Not to mention that more fighters will fly more often than they do now, all this add to much more experience and know how about the fighter and it's system.

Btw, LCA didn't crashed so far, not sure what you mean with FBW is risky?

Courtesy: Aviation Week
Lca Mk3 i won't be surprise if it become reality....

LCA Mk3 Poor Man's F 35......I mean come on guys if Sweden can work on Gripen's stealth version then why can't we work on Tejas Stealth Version...
is their a need for it ? why not work on amca directly after mk 2 ?
Lca Mk3 i won't be surprise if it become reality....

LCA Mk3 Poor Man's F 35......I mean come on guys if Sweden can work on Gripen's stealth version then why can't we work on Tejas Stealth Version...

Because three blocks of gripen are already flying, two of them (gripen A/B and C/D) in service very succesfully in many countries, and gripen-NG also at an advanced stage of development.

HAL is the only entity that talks about working on a mk3 before mk1 is inducted or even cleared for service. MK2 is still on paper. Gripen entered full service some 15 years back. That's the difference.
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