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HAL’s trainer aircraft headed for disaster as development costs soar

we too be honest indian scientist used indian money like garbage arjun tank, HAL tejas are few projects there are many more where they put trillions of dollars in the junk yard

It is clear that you neither you know the no of zeros there in a trillion nor you have any idea what is called junk .. Junks are those flies seen across india's western borders when they see drones :lol:

ps. pun intended ! :lol:
Well my friend this is what the Chief of Indian Air Force thinks of HAL Trainers including Hal Sitara aircraft:

AERO INDIA: Indian air force chief slams HAL trainers

Browne also criticised HAL's developmental HJT-36, referred to generally as the 'IJT', or intermediate jet trainer. The project has suffered years of delays, and several well-publicised accidents. Browne says the HJT-36's powerplant, the Russian-made NPO Saturn AL-55I afterburning turbofan, is of particular concern, with a time before overhaul of only 200h.

Flightglobal's World Air Forces directory for 2013 states that New Delhi has ordered 16 HJT-36s, which will fit mid-way between a basic trainer and the air force's BAE Systems Hawk 132 advanced jet trainers, which HAL builds under licence.

IAF was using HAL Kiran for almost 60 years..
Why should we follow this policy if we end up paying more money for made in India products if we can buy cheaper licenses from elsewhere?

Developmental costs are included in Indian product, while not in imported one. Other countries have been working for long time, and are offering upgraded versions of previously available aircrafts. Also, the numbers sold are very small for HAL. Obviously the price would not match. But if the Indian product is denied now, cost of next development would be higher. It is stupid to even calculate the developmental costs, which is still peanuts compared to other countries.
No direction ,no set priority,no future goal these babu just want to be Jack of all trade but master of none. its a big shame that after spending billions of taxpayers money we are going no where .
Except ISRO all of HAL and DRDO are full of Low grade Chutiya Scientist whom nobody wants to hire and they don't give a Fcuk about time limit and quality of the product they only concern about their hours and benefits.

These south indian babus are fcuking the country of money and time .these low mental people are giving the bad name to the country and when we have good people up north and east and west but these south indian are like virus you see them every where in government department and research.
What exactly has become of the Sitara....it looks a promising little trainer.

Idiot overconfident HAL tried to do five projects at the same time,basic trainer,sitarta intermediate trainer and advanced trainer,plus lca mk2 and lca naval while same time expanding facilities for production of su-30mki.Clearly beyond its capability.
Now most of them are struck by delays,cost overruns etc etc.Even when IAF told them that Advanced jet trainer and basic tariner were no longer needed coz we have pilatus and hawk in numbers still HAL's ego can't take it.
we too be honest indian scientist used indian money like garbage arjun tank, HAL tejas are few projects there are many more where they put trillions of dollars in the junk yard

You are marked as an Elite Member, at least behave like that and talk sense…I can understand this is tough for you…But anyway you can give a try.
Chinese have earmarked 16 billion just for an aircraft engine research

And still they are dependend on Russian off the shelf engines, or engine techs, which shows pretty clearly that spending money alone doesn't make you better!
We are not far behind everyone because we spend less, but because we started decades after most developed countries, which is why we are still builiding up basic facilities, or gaining basic know how in most of the core defence development fields. That's why we are also still making so many mistakes even in project planning stages, let alone the development itself.
When you talk with people in international forums, most foreigners wonder why we have this attitude to get every done alone, right now and at similar standard or even better than many of the countries that are far ahead of us. That's what distinguishes us the most from China, not the spending, because they keep things simple in developments, while we want too much at once.

When was the project initiation request for the trainers given to HAL? HAL shouldn't have even bothered with this project, the only reason why I think HAL even went here was due the prop engine HAL already produces.

HAL indeed should concentrate on that IJT that is stuck in a hangar for ages now. I am thoroughly disappointed! I wouldn't be surprised to see the Yak130 probing and prodding at IAF soon

My statement was aimed on the Make Indian point, not specifically on the HTT 40, but yes they went the wrong way and should focus on IJT. I think if the IJT don't get ready soon, IAF/MoD might cancell the intermediate trainer requirement completely and buy more Pilatus and HAWKs instead and switch to a 2 trainer policy. That would be a huge blow for HAL for HALs reputation and nobody could even blame IAF/MoD, since it's just another example of our defence industry promising things, but failing to deliver.
And still they are dependend on Russian off the shelf engines, or engine techs, which shows pretty clearly that spending money alone doesn't make you better!
We are not far behind everyone because we spend less, but because we started decades after most developed countries, which is why we are still builiding up basic facilities, or gaining basic know how in most of the core defence development fields. That's why we are also still making so many mistakes even in project planning stages, let alone the development itself.
When you talk with people in international forums, most foreigners wonder why we have this attitude to get every done alone, right now and at similar standard or even better than many of the countries that are far ahead of us. That's what distinguishes us the most from China, not the spending, because they keep things simple in developments, while we want too much at once.

My statement was aimed on the Make Indian point, not specifically on the HTT 40, but yes they went the wrong way and should focus on IJT. I think if the IJT don't get ready soon, IAF/MoD might cancell the intermediate trainer requirement completely and buy more Pilatus and HAWKs instead and switch to a 2 trainer policy. That would be a huge blow for HAL for HALs reputation and nobody could even blame IAF/MoD, since it's just another example of our defence industry promising things, but failing to deliver.

I am beginning to give up on HAL. It is painful to see mismanagement of such magnitude.
I am beginning to give up on HAL. It is painful to see mismanagement of such magnitude.

I don't think it's HAL alone, but as I mentioned earlier the attitude to want too much too fast. Producing an engine, doesn't mean that they have to develop a basic trainer, nor that the Indian forces would require another one. But HAL did not only wanted to develop HTT40 and IJT, but even has plans for an AJT, which is even more silly since the Hawk production is already going in a good scale. Even I as an nonprofessional can predict that IAF will not buy it, because they don't need it. So why does HAL or the industry as a whole look only on their policies and not on what is really needed for the forces and Indias defence?
That privat companies are driven by making money is nothing new and especially in the defence field, that can be a problem too. But DRDO, ADA, HAL...are government agencies, so they should have the priority to provide our forces with what they need. But it seems like showing off and making money has more importance today.
No direction ,no set priority,no future goal these babu just want to be Jack of all trade but master of none. its a big shame that after spending billions of taxpayers money we are going no where .
Except ISRO all of HAL and DRDO are full of Low grade Chutiya Scientist whom nobody wants to hire and they don't give a Fcuk about time limit and quality of the product they only concern about their hours and benefits.

These south indian babus are fcuking the country of money and time .these low mental people are giving the bad name to the country and when we have good people up north and east and west but these south indian are like virus you see them every where in government department and research.

We feel exactly the same way about you Sanjeev
simple IAF badly needs it just buy it from outside and also try to get some from RUSSIA and or try TOT Yak152
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