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HAL pegs price of Tejas fighter at Rs 162 crore

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JF-17 fourth prototype equipped with DSI flew over half a year before F-35 first prototype flew. JF-17 first squadron completed in early 2010. F-35 first squadron won't be completed till late 2015 at the earliest.

Lockheed's F16 test bed had DSI in the mid-90's. Nice try though.

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Well DSI or Y Shape Design is solve both one purpose...... so its design and both achieve same thing. Their is nothing extra DSI can achieve which Y shape duct can't
Sticking to thread 26 million for a fighter with such advanded airframe.flight control. Expensive USA engines and isrseli weapons and. Cockpit work makes tejas very cheap. This will allow India to boost nos back to 600 plus fighters with a good low cost fighter.

Lca was worth the headache and hard work. Long term benefit is huge.
26 million? Sounds fake, you got a lot of foreign parts, especially American engine. Our J-10B costs double that.

I know J-10b uses some fifth gen tech as a test bed for J-20, but still, there is no way it is only 26 million.
Gensis you work in fighter manufacturing or control s finance directors post..

For the record j10 is quoted at 40 million and block one thunder was 15 million.

I doubt drdo or Hal gain anything from lieing
26 million? Sounds fake, you got a lot of foreign parts, especially American engine. Our J-10B costs double that.

I know J-10b uses some fifth gen tech as a test bed for J-20, but still, there is no way it is only 26 million.
lols yes it cost just $26million/unit. And even F414 engines cost just $5 million/unit which will power mk2 version let alone F404 engines which powers current version of Tejas.
lols yes it cost just $26million/unit. And even F414 engines cost just $5 million/unit which will power mk2 version let alone F404 engines who power current version of Tejas.

can you direct me to the final specs for this fighter? On this forum or somewhere? I'm not sure about wiki, cause some numbers seems weird on there.
can you direct me to the final specs for this fighter? On this forum or somewhere? I'm not sure about wiki, cause some numbers seems weird on there.
well honestly speaking then Final specs will only be known truely after it gets FOC (this year end). There are many conflicts reports about its fuel capacity(some says 2450KG internal fuel while some says around 3000KG) and weapon load will be around 3500KG. Engine's wet thrust is confirmed to be 90KN for current version(89.6 kn actually). @janon @Abingdonboy @sancho may help you with more.
I understand the "roles" argument. I'm saying that your 747 analogy of a cost effective solution does not support your statements, it actually antithetical.

For example, in the rest of your post, you went on to say that the PLAAF are replacing the J7's and J8's with J11/J10's... a more expensive solution. I'm sure they won't be building 300+ of each aircraft to replace all the J7's and J8's in their inventories, that would just be plain stupid (pardon my french).

And just a quickie, but what's the point of the JF-17 if it can't even replace the "role" of the J-7 or J-8?

You still did not get the point or did not read the analogy properly. The JJ-7s..and JJ-8s were inadequate for the role that the PLAAF wanted out of them. It was a compromise. Now that they have the aircraft they require for the role they originally defined.. why should they bother with adding another type when they already have what they need??

you have others tell you that your analogies are not making sense. so feel free to threaten away and do your thing my man. It won't change the fact it was difficult to follow your analogies. I could not follow it and I was asking ... don't know why that rankled you.

again your F-20 tigershark example can't possibly equate to the J17 program. The F20 development program was eventually abandoned in 1986 after three prototypes had been built and a fourth partially completed. Unlike J-17 which is in full blown production. You can't compare a prototype to a fully functional and inducted aircraft... yeah?

Because your focus is to push that the JF-17 was not bought by China and ipso facto its crap..

Now why was the F-20 not bought even when Chuck yeager himself loved it?
Do you know the reason?
The slight advantage of LCA on paper over JF-17 doesn't matter at all, both will eventually eat each other up on their home grounds as both are meant for better interception/defensive roles rather then offensive ones.
To Oscar.

I have read and understood that the F20 and F16 where in direct competition to fotfill the lightweight fighter role for usa.

The F16 won this competition and the rest is history as the falcon went on to smash. Records globally for exports and performance.
Your immature assumptions aside- China choose not to add this aircraft,


Offcourse China won't add JF-17 in their fleet because their doctrine is not suitable for a "light combat aircraft" ...How mentally challenged you have to be to not understand this point?

Let me cut it down, even if U.S had made the best "light combat aircraft" and offered it to China, Chinese won't have it in their fleet because again, "light combat aircraft" does not fit into their battle-doctrine.

For multi-purpose role, Chinese already have J-10s which aren't light weight and goes well with rest of Chinese fleet of J-11Bs, J-16s etc.

Same is the reason of USAF not adding the most sophisticated F-16s to their fleet..not b/c aircraft is not good...but because it doesn't go along with U.S battle-doctrine of the present.

But again, your little mind can't comprehend things like "light combat aircraft" and "doctrine" and the relation between weapons deployment and "doctrine"...

which they themselves produced because they know it is a 3 + gen caliber aircraft. J-17 is not even a medium tier aircraft, let alone proclaiming block 1 would be superior to any F16's you have. .

Your mother gave you too much cow-cola in the childhood, I guess. :lol:

3+ generation? Yes, by "chinese designation" ..JF-17 is a 3+ generation aircraft...but if you are talking with reference to European designation..then only a indian hindu (hint: "cow" :lol:) would say that.

Funny thing is, even Indian military professionals and senior members here on this forum accept JF-17 to be a 4th generation (+) fighter aircraft right up there with previous F-16 versions. May be the certain cola your mother gave you in childhood made you a better man for military knowledge than your own military professionals who have served your nation in the armed forces and relation military departments o_O

JF-17 has a combat range of 1352km, payload capacity of more than 4,000kg, incorporates FBW system, multi-mode pulse dropper radar with the standard range of 105km (next version will have 135km as standard range :azn:), BVR capability, Stand-off nuclear weapons are being integrated on JF-17...and has more "composites" on its airframe than F-15 incorporates on its airframe....yet its a 3rd generation aircraft? Can't digest the reality of Pakistan hitting a golden hen in SUCH less price, eh? :azn:

According to PAF, when JF-17 projected was started, it had certain 'goals'..JF-17 project has longgggg exceeded those goals and even PAF is pleasantly surprised how well that project has turned out to be for Pakistan. It actually got a higher kill ratio against F-16s in some certain settings..but then again, you won't absorb that information because that kills your insecure self..afterall, indian project..tejas..turned out to be such a spectacular failure :woot:

Note: Standard radar range = Range of the radar against an enemy aircraft of 5m^2 RCS (I know you are toooooo under-qualified to understand all of this..but give it a try using google)

You make whole lot cheerleading proclamations here...BUT as the saying goes- You can put lipstick on pig but it still is a pig

Yeah...same as you can give all the evidence and data to a cow-piss drinker, but he remains an illiterate under the influence of cow-piss he drank all his life as a devout hindu.

Oscar, I'm not sure I follow the analogy either. India bought the MKI to gain knowledge and to enhance their local aerospace industry (I'm assuming for the price they're paying, they better be building it locally). I'm sure they'd have bought 300 or more of the latest MIG's if the MKI's weren't on the table. On the other hand, the Chinese won't use the JF17's because it offers them very little advantage over their rust-bucket relics. The proof is in the pudding.

If the JF-17 were a capable 4.5 generation aircraft @ 15 million a piece, don't you think the Chinese would spend the extra 4.5 billion or so to replace their 300 or so old relics still lying around? 4.5 billion dollars for the Chinese is like pocket change.

This tells me that the Chinese don't think too highly of the JF-17 (I mean they won't even replace their J-7's and J-8's with them). Which is why I'm kinda perplexed by all the posters here comparing the JF-17 to F16's, they're not even in the same league in my opinion.

JF-17 is not a "true" 4.5 generation fighter aircraft...It is a 4th generation+ aircraft. It is a full, complete 4th generation aircraft with some additional technologies that 4th generation fighters didn't have...

And China already have a 4.5 generation fighter with AESA, and IRST etc...thats J-10B..that is why China is not buying JF-17 because they already have a 'cure' for their doctrine...a better 'cure' than JF-17 since JF-17 is a light weight combat aircraft, which doesn't really fit into Chinese fleet of J-11Bs, J-10s, and J-20 in future...J-10B makes a perfect 'augmentation' plane for existing and planned Chinese fleet.

Hope this clarifies things.
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