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Hakkari'de çatma: 8 askerimiz ehit oldu

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Dec 5, 2010
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Irak sınırından sızan teröristler alacakaranlıkta saldırdı. Sınırdaki birliklerden anında karşılık verildi

Hakkari Çukurca'da bu sabah Türkiye'yi yasa boğan 8 şehit haberinin ardından Genel Kurmay Başkanı, Kara Kuvvetleri ve Jandarma Komutanı Hakkari'ye gitti.

Hakkari Çukurca'da yine Dağlıca bölgesinde yaşanan karakol baskınında valliğin açıklamasına göre 8 asker şehit oldu, 16 asker yaralandı ve 10 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi.

Öte yandan Star Gazetesi'nin bölge muhabirinin edindiği bilgiye göre; bu sabah Türkiye'yi acıya boğan hain saldırıyı gerçekleştirenlerin, Suriye uyruklu Bahoz Erdal kod adlı Hüseyin Feyman’ın kontrolünde olan Zap kampından geldikleri ve olayın ardından tekrar kamp yönüne doğru kaçtıkları iddia edildi.


PKK'lı teröristlerin 8 askeri şehit ettiği 16 askeri yaraladığı hain saldırının detayları da belli olmaya başladı. Irak topraklarından gece sınıra sızan PKK'lı teröristler, arasında 10 kilometre mesafe bulunan Hakkari'nin Şemdinli İlçesi'ne bağlı Derecik'teki İç Güvenlik Taburu'nun üs bölgeleri ile Yüksekova'nın Dağlıca bölgesindeki Yeşiltaş Karakolu'na aynı anda saldırdı. Saat 04.00'te önce havan ve roketatar ateşi açan teröristler, ardından uzun namlulu silahlarla saldırı başlattı.


Alacakaralıkta başlayan PKK saldırısına anında karşılık veren askerlerle teröristler arasında şiddetli çatışmada, Yeşiltaş Karakolu'nda teröristlerin açtığı ilk ateşle 8 asker şehit oldu, 16 asker yaralandı. Saldırının duyulmasıyla birlikte Hakkari, Şemdinli ve Yüksekovadaki birliklerden çatışma bölgelerine karadan ve havadan takviye birlikler sevk edildi. Şemdinli'deki 3'üncü Dağ Komando Taburu ile Yüksekova'daki 34'üncü Hudut Alay Komutanlığı'ndan kalkan kobra helikopterler PKK'lıların kaçış yollarını ateş altına aldı. Sikorsky helikopterler çatışma bölgesine özel timleri indirdi. Saat 04.00'te başlayıp yaklaşık 3 saat süren çatışmalarda 10 PKK'lı ölü ele geçirildi.


Hakkari'nin Yüksekova &#304;lçesi Ye&#351;ilta&#351; Karakolu'da 8 askerin &#351;ehit olmas&#305; ve 16 askerinde yaralanmas&#305;n&#305;n ard&#305;ndan Genelkurmay Ba&#351;kan&#305; Orgeneral Necdet Özel, Kara Kuvvetleri Komutan&#305; Orgeneral Hayri K&#305;vr&#305;ko&#287;lu ve Jandarma Genel Komutan&#305; Orgeneral Bekir Kalyoncu da bölgeye geliyor.<br />
Komutanlar&#305;n Hakkari, Yüksekova ile sald&#305;r&#305;ya u&#287;rayan Ye&#351;ilta&#351; Karakolu'na giederek incelemelerde bulunacaklar&#305; belirtildi.

Bu arada, yaral&#305; olan askerlerin Hakkari Devlet Hastanesi'ndeki tedavileri sürerken, yaral&#305; olan 2 askerin ise Van'a sevk edildi&#287;i belirtildi. Durumu a&#287;&#305;r olan 4 askerin de Hakkari devlet Hastanesi'nde ameliyata aland&#305;&#287;&#305; kaydedildi.

Bölgeye havadan ve karadan takviye birlikler sevk edilirken teröristlerle güvenlik güçleri aras&#305;nda çat&#305;&#351;man&#305;n aral&#305;klarla devam etti&#287;i belirtildi. &#350;emdinli ve yak&#305;ndaki birliklerden çat&#305;&#351;man&#305;n oldu&#287;u s&#305;n&#305;r bölgesine ambulans ve asker gönderildi.

Da&#287;l&#305;ca'da 21 Ekim 2007 günü yine Irak topraklar&#305;ndan s&#305;zan PKK’l&#305;lar&#305; 7 koldan sald&#305;r&#305;s&#305; üzerine ç&#305;kan çat&#305;&#351;malarda 12 asker &#351;ehit olmu&#351;, 16 asker yaralanm&#305;&#351;t&#305;. Çat&#305;&#351;malarda 32 terörist ölü ele geçirilmi&#351;ti.

Allah gani gani rahmet eylesin. B.Atalay denen muzakereci ve acilimci zevat yuzunden azdi yine PKK. Bu adam gecen hafta PKK silah birakacak demisti. Al gordun silah birakmayi. Basiretsiz adam defol git
&#351;ehitlerimize allahtan rahmet ailelerine sab&#305;rlar diliyorum
ne olursa olsun &#350;EH&#304;TLER ÖLMEZ VATAN BÖLÜNMEZ.
Armed drones to borderlines , hit anyone who illegaly passes (dont need to check whatever terrorist or not).As always american way most efficient one...
Allah rahmet eylesin, basimiz sagolsun. Rabbim bu serefsizlerin bin belasini versin, bunlari besleyenleri de kahretsin.

Sehit verelim ama ayni esnada terrorist basina ev hapsi yollarini arayalim... Bu yuce devleti kucaklarda oynattiranlar utansin.
Allah rahmet etsin. To those who criticizes the government for seeking alternative solutions to this problem. My question to you: How can we solve this problem if not diplomatically? 30 years and still the same...
Allah rahmet etsin. To those who criticizes the government for seeking alternative solutions to this problem. My question to you: How can we solve this problem if not diplomatically? 30 years and still the same...

To solve this problem you need first to look at history to understand the politics of today. If we look only at the illigal support of imperial powers we can conclude that there is something else going on instead of a political problem.
To solve this problem you need first to look at history to understand the politics of today. If we look only at the illigal support of imperial powers we can conclude that there is something else going on instead of a political problem.

You say we shouldn't give any rights to Kurdish citizens such as their own tv channels, being taught Kurdish in primary school and University. And you are talking about "imperial support". If you had the slightest idea about politics and society making you would understand that granting equal rights to each and everyone in the state is the way forward in modern statemaking, how should i know it tight? I only study political science at the University.

You want to alienate and discriminate about 10 million people in Turkey and want to rule over them with iron fist, any person with an ounce of intelligence would understand that discrimination leads to conflict and problems. And to the question why there still are Kurds who want to fight against the state.

1: In the past the Turkish military has done cruel mistakes in the east and murdered a lot of civilians. This has implemented hatred in their hearts and we still experience the consequences of these actions.
2: Kurds has always been looked down on in Turkey and seen as 2. rank citizens. Kurdish was illegal, even singers who sang Kurdish were seen as traitors just because they sang in their own language.
3: No socio-economic development and very low education level has led to extremity in the east. Trust me it is easier to cheat people who are uneducated and poor, than cheating people who has education and a specific level of economic prosperity.

Conclusion: So yes, this problem is deep and happened as consequence of bad governance. Therefore the way forward is openness and transparency. We need to grant Kurds rights (which is happening, we need to further education in the east, we need to integrate Kurds into the society, we need to raise the level of economic and societal prosperity. And remember war and conflict begets war and conflict, hatred begets hatred.
You say we shouldn't give any rights to Kurdish citizens such as their own tv channels, being taught Kurdish in primary school and University. And you are talking about "imperial support". If you had the slightest idea about politics and society making you would understand that granting equal rights to each and everyone in the state is the way forward in modern statemaking, how should i know it tight? I only study political science at the University.

You want to alienate and discriminate about 10 million people in Turkey and want to rule over them with iron fist, any person with an ounce of intelligence would understand that discrimination leads to conflict and problems. And to the question why there still are Kurds who want to fight against the state.

1: In the past the Turkish military has done cruel mistakes in the east and murdered a lot of civilians. This has implemented hatred in their hearts and we still experience the consequences of these actions.
2: Kurds has always been looked down on in Turkey and seen as 2. rank citizens. Kurdish was illegal, even singers who sang Kurdish were seen as traitors just because they sang in their own language.
3: No socio-economic development and very low education level has led to extremity in the east. Trust me it is easier to cheat people who are uneducated and poor, than cheating people who has education and a specific level of economic prosperity.

Conclusion: So yes, this problem is deep and happened as consequence of bad governance. Therefore the way forward is openness and transparency. We need to grant Kurds rights (which is happening, we need to further education in the east, we need to integrate Kurds into the society, we need to raise the level of economic and societal prosperity. And remember war and conflict begets war and conflict, hatred begets hatred.

...after reading a few of your previous comments in order to unerstand what kind of person you are, i have come to some conclusion about you, and thats why i do not see you as how you describe yourself.

first of all, it is very unfortunate that you come to the thread about news of 8 &#351;ehit, and talk about in favour of the terrorism by doing it with the worst explanation and believe me it is very unfortunate, and i know you even do not realize it, or i believe so,

second of all, before the akp took the power, the terror had nearly finished, and more importantly the terror was only on the mountains, not in the streets of cities, no one would die in a shuttle bus before akp came to power. no one did burn turklish flags in streets of cities, no one waved terror symbols in streets of cities, no one praised the leader of that terror group in front of cameras, no one in turkish parliement did threat turkish state,

thirdly, if what you wrote the reason of that terror, then why does it still continue? do you think akp and its bs opennes is seen as a solution or as a sign to demand more? pkk supporters have many times declared that they want a separate state after reaching the point of federation; however, you(i mean akp supporters) are still singing the same song, and blaming others for your mistakes, which is actually called the psychology of guilt,

fourtly, the fm of turkey have hosted the ''leader'' of north &#305;raq, and called it ''gakguk'', turkey have been supplying anything to &#305;raq, especially to the north, to develop &#305;raq and get it to the old good days(!); however, the same &#305;raq is doing quite the opposite for turkey, they host that terror group, they treat their wounds, they supply them food etc.; otherwise , why would pkk go back to their camps after attacking turkey; however, you(i mean akp supporters) are still singing the same song,

fifth, the terror always uses illegal ways to get what they want; even when they are in negotiation; the akp did (or still) negotiate( without any parliament decision) them in oslo around a table in a restaurant(btw, totally treason and scandal); which could be seen as a peace meeting by you (i mean akp supporters), however, it is not so, it is another sign for the terror group that they have the initiative; show me one country that did meet a terror group while they continue killing and refusing to capitulate. Shorly, if you start to negotiate, it means you start to lose it.

sixth, AKP was the one who used to protest usa in any chance while they were with Necmettin ERBAKAN; but when they came to power, the usa governments became their ally(i mean boss); without permission they cannot cross the border of &#305;raq by one inch; however, they sent troops to afghanistan to fight against the terror; they did send warships to libya even though they many times did say that there was no bussiness for Nato in libya, but usa ordered and akp obeyed, it is sad but the truth,

seventh, i tried to write it as simply as you(i mean akp supporters) can understand, because i know if i try to communicate with you by thoughts that carry very deep multiple approaches, you start that name-calling policy and to make fun of me, because i know the intelligence is censored by you (i mean akp supporters) according to the test of how religous you are ( as if it is possibel to decide who is more religous by checking their religous activities), the rest ( i mean education, experience, credentials etc are just the words to make fun of) is not important.


ps: i know you(i mean akp supporters) would not bother what i wrote, it is boring for you; you do not listen to who are not one of you.
What Turkey need is continuation of the "Terörle mücadele, siyasetle müzakere" policy. AKP is partially successfull with the müzakere part but not with the mücadele, while governments before the AKP were succesful with the mücadele but not with the müzakere.

In my opinion CHP is the best option for the solution. I believe that they are the only one who can be successful with both of the fight with terror and negotiations with civillians.
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