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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

You don't go to the courts in war.

Constitution of Pakistan says that Pakistan armed forces may operate in a region if the federal government instructs it to and no one may take them to court for actions committed in a region they are operating in.

To all the people here who are defending Hafiz Saeed and claiming that he is innocent, why do you think India and USA is after him?

How the hell do I know he's innocent if I don't know hes guilty.

India and US do a lot of thing but it means squat in the court of law until they can come and prove a person's guilt.

You don't see the fallacy of this do you? All it is needed to seriously put him in jail is for India to let Ajmal Kasab tell the Pakistani court, Hafiz Saeed sent me for the Mumbai operation.
If your court's trial was credible, why hasnt UNSC acted on it and removed HS from the list of terrorists?

What you should be asking instead is.....why did the UNSC put his name in their list without undeniable proof and trial? But since you are biased beyond normal comprehension, this is what you come up with.
However the only variable that seems to be changing is that this terrorism infrastructure has been also an increasingly effective tool to keep the shias or the mohajirs or other sindhis and Pakistanis in place by the punjabis (ever wondered why all the headquarters and training camps are in Punjab?) All quite convenient to ensure fear and ultimate political hegemony for the punjabis in Pakistan. So probably more apt to replace Pakistan with Punjabis in the "Monkey Trap". Afterall not withstanding the end result of this mad game, ultimately there will be sub societies left!!

I see many of Sindhis mohajirs and Shias, fighting tooth and nail on a daily basis here - FOR PAKISTAN.

If your court's trial was credible, why hasnt UNSC acted on it and removed HS from the list of terrorists?

UNSC is not answerable to Pak courts and Pak courts are not answerable to UNSC
03 Apr 2012

Hafiz Saeed demands proof after US bounty

Chief of Pakistan group blamed for Mumbai attack tells Al Jazeera his opposition to NATO supply lines led to $10m bounty

Hafiz Saeed, the leader of a Pakistan-based group blamed for the 2008 attacks on Mumbai, has demanded proof after the US announced a $10m bounty on his head.

In an exclusive interview to Al Jazeera, Saeed said the US move was prompted by the fact that he had been organising rallies against the reopening of supply lines through Pakistan to NATO forces in Afghanistan.

"We are not hiding in caves for bounties to be set on finding us. I think the US is frustrated because we are taking out countrywide protests against the resumption of NATO supplies and drone strikes," Saeed said.

"I believe either the US has very little knowledge and is basing its decisions on wrong information being provided by India or they are just frustrated".

Wendy Sherman, the US undersecretary of state, on a visit to India, said a $3m bounty had also been announced for Abul Rehman Makki, the brother-in-law of Saeed.

Rewards for Justice, a programme sponsored by the US State Department, announced the cash reward for the 62-year old Saeed on its website.

"Saeed is suspected of masterminding numerous terrorist attacks, including the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which resulted in the deaths of 166 people, including six American citizens,” the page said.

Ajmal Kasab, the only surviving gunman involved in the three-day rampage in November 2008, has been sentenced to death by an Indian court.

Kasab accused Saeed of organising the attack, which involved 10 gunmen, 9 of whom were killed during the shootout.

Lashkar-e-Taiba, designated as a terrorist organisation by the US in December 2001, is accused by India of carrying out several attacks, including the one on Mumbai.

"Popular man"

India welcomed the move as a reflection of India and US's commitment "to bring perpetrators of the Mumbai terrorist attacks" to justice.

"[The bounty] sends a strong signal to Lashkar-e-Taiba as also its members and patrons that the international community remains united in combating terrorism," Syed Akbaruddin, spokesman for India's ministry of external affairs said on Twitter.

Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder, reporting from Lahore, where Saeed is believed to be based, said Pakistan was pressured to ban Saeed's outfits after the US invasion of Afghanistan. Lashkar-e-Taiba was the military wing of his larger organisation, Jamaat-ud-Dawah.

"He started a foundation, and his men played a key role in aid efforts after earthquake in Kashmir, and the floods in Pakistan. They still are the main frontline in any calamity. He has denied that he has any links to militancy," our correspondent said.

“A man who is popular across the country- it's not going to go down very well. It is also symbolic - that the annoucment came in India, by a high ranking US diplomat. That will be an irritant.”

The announcement comes as Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan's president, is due to visit India for the first time since the attacks in Mumbai.

The bounty on Saeed, same as the Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, is only second to Ayman al Zawahiri, who succeeded Osama bin Laden as the al-Qaeda chief. Zawahiri has $25m bounty on his head. Saeed is the fifth Pakistani national on the list.

Hafiz Saeed demands proof after US bounty - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English
What you should be asking instead is.....why did the UNSC put his name in their list without undeniable proof and trial? But since you are biased beyond normal comprehension, this is what you come up with.

How do you know that UNSC does not have undeniable proof..? Were they summoned by Pakistani courts in the so called trial of HS?

UNSC is not answerable to Pak courts and Pak courts are not answerable to UNSC

In that case, why did your govt ban HS and your courts tried him based on his being declared a terrorist by UNSC?
To all the people here who are defending Hafiz Saeed and claiming that he is innocent, why do you think India and USA is after him?

I mean if he really was just a random man running a charitable NGO then why is every one after him? And why him? Why not someone else?



What kind of a overly simplistic childish argument is that? So you're saying that if US or Bharat decide to go after someone, they must be guilty? :lol:

So then Hugo Chavez must be guilty, Ahmedinijad must be guilty, Fidel Castro must be guilty, and on and on?

Why am I not surprised these fallacious arguments are coming from a bharati? It's like they have this knack for such arguments. I see it happen again and again. Prime example of Darwin's theory. :lol:
First of all as an institution we must take clear stands against renowned genocidal maniacs and second of all such behavior out of Indians is first and foremost shameful for them, it shows mental sickness to be supportive of such a killer.

Your words on Modi. How about taking a stand against Mr. Saeed ? Double standard much ?
By giving this bounty, Hafiz Saeed cannot be tried by the US state. The US state has not only stated they want his arrest, but also stated they want a conviction. Which shows they have a bias and cannot be tried by them at all.

Your words on Modi. How about taking a stand against Mr. Saeed ? Double standard much ?

I have the same stand for Hafiz, he should be behind bars as he sounds like a dangerous person, but sounding dangerous is not a jailable offence despite what I feel. Mumbai attacks is jailable, but you guys are protecting Hafiz.
There is some confusion here.

The UNSC listing had nothing to do with Mumbai -- all it signifies is that the UNSC believes HS "associated with" AQ. Pakistan's obligation under the UNSC ruling is to restrict HS's movements. There is nothing in there about trying him for anything.

Which begs the question what exactly is the legal basis for the US reward for his arrest? Kasab's "testimony"? Obtained under diress?

All this is part of the incremental agressive posturing that US will unleash on Pakistan as a punishment on the NATO supplies matter escalation.

Got it in one!
extremist are not killing hindus in balochistan...the americans and others forigners are funding BLA....
Not more hindus and sikhs have lost their lives in 1947....very few(MAY BE)... because muslims at that time wanted to save themselves thats why they (muslims )might be killed them...

and the indian army could not controlled and defeated the mujhaheedeen and hafiz saeed for years then how they will do this now ??? with the help of america??? if something will happen with hafiz saeed then jihadi people will take over all india....

What kind of a overly simplistic childish argument is that? So you're saying that if US or Bharat decide to go after someone, they must be guilty? :lol:

So then Hugo Chavez must be guilty, Ahmedinijad must be guilty, Fidel Castro must be guilty, and on and on?

Why am I not surprised these fallacious arguments are coming from a bharati? It's like they have this knack for such arguments. I see it happen again and again. Prime example of Darwin's theory. :lol:

It might be a simple logic, still baffles me why most of the Pakistanis fail to see it.

I mean what does India or US gets from going after some random old fart?

Hugo Chavez and Ahmedinajad are leaders of their country, who the fck is Hafiz Saeed? If he was some important personality then it would make sense.
So many years on, there is mountains of data and evidence on Mumbai. Evidence that has been shared with Pakistan, as it has been with the rest of the world.

Except Pakistan, the entire world is in no doubt as to who the perpetrators are.

And the perpetrators are in Pakistan.

They do not need to be tried. They have already been tried and found guilty. By many different courts.

The judiciary's work is long done. Its now the job for the executioners.

Pakistan can continue to bury its head in the sand crying "evidence" or it can save face and hand over the accused.

While there is still time and the world is not treated to yet another embarrassing spectacle of the much vaunted Pakistani Army's inability to enforce and safeguard the sovereignty of its land.
hafiz saeed has been counting his days for 20 years..nothing has happened with him ...but the india lost alot ....
but if something will happen with him .then will the jihadi people will leave you?? the flood of jihadi will rise more than before..
So many years on, there is mountains of data and evidence on Mumbai. Evidence that has been shared with Pakistan, as it has been with the rest of the world.

Except Pakistan, the entire world is in no doubt as to who the perpetrators are.

And the perpetrators are in Pakistan.

They do not need to be tried. They have already been tried and found guilty. By many different courts.

The judiciary's work is long done. Its now the job for the executioners.

Pakistan can continue to bury its head in the sand crying "evidence" or it can save face and hand over the accused.

While there is still time and the world is not treated to yet another embarrassing spectacle of the much vaunted Pakistani Army's inability to enforce and safeguard the sovereignty of its land.

I'm very much sure that had Pakistan been a powerful democracy with civilian leaders in control of the country, Pakistan would have behaved well.

Pakistan's current policy has been formulated by its Generals and we all know how myopic they are.
lol we've killed more terrorists than NATO and american troops combined and suffered huge loss
Its the price of this slavery that we are paying.

Try to convince average Pakistanis of Hafiz Saeed's involvement in '26/11'. This was done by US to put pressure on Pakistan. The Pakistani investigators went to India and did not get the cooperation which demonstrates the hollowness of Indian claims.

Also, Hafiz Saeed was in Indian jail for a long time and Indians were not able to make him admit anything.

The move is designed to put pressure on Pakistan. Pakistan can cry hoarse of its 'sacrifices' in this war and there's no one listening. Its the price of slavery and fighting others war that we pay.

Its all the more reason to get out of this war and not open NATO supplies. We are not going to die.
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