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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

i like hafiz saeed ...he has rights to fight against india ....see His family lost 36 of its members when migrating from Shimla to Lahore during the Partition of India and born in the street ..he has fully right to jihad ..
millions of people from both sides lost their loved ones during partition so we all should pickup arms against eachother or to see that our dark past dosen't affect our bright future
why indians are more afraid of hafiz saeed lol:smokin:........

ohhh but indian army has never defeated and controlled him or mujhaheedeen...let the america will go from region then will see again :smokin:
If there is reason to suspect that his "testimony" was obtained under duress, then it is worthless anyway.

It IS worthless and thats why there has been no progress in the case since it cannot be obtained till Ajmal Kasab gets a chance to freely talk with the appointed Pakistani judicial team.
Americans lol who belive them these days. dog barks and thats why usa with indian money is doing who cares.
Bl[i]tZ;2773631 said:
Fox News reports US Offers $10 Million Bounty For Founder Of Pakistani Militant Group | Fox News

One Pakistani can get 9,05,20,000 (9 crore) Pakistani Rs. for helping Americans capture this guy.

Assuming you work for 40 years, that would mean it would be equivalent to an yearly salary of 22,63,000 (22 lakh) Pakistani Rupees = monthly salary of 1,88,583 (around 2 lakh) Pakistani rupees

Having checked the salaries in pakistan, I bet this is better than most jobs available in Pakistan.
Little correction buddy
10Million$=90 Crore PKR

As far as the change in the name of the thread is concern....Guys you have to understand we would have done the same thing if anybody had posted any topic which is against our country in Indian Defece Forum....so just chill guys....its content of the thread which is important not the name.........
For the Pakistani gentlemen here harping on legal due process, the message is simple.

Not one person in this world, including most Pakistanis I am sure, believe that there is a judge or court in Pakistan which would dare declare the accused guilty without signing their own death warrants.

Not after the world has seen what happens to the voice of dissent in Pakistan in the recent past.

In such a scenario, any other means adopted are completely justified and legal.

And are in fact a lifeline to the poor judge who is sitting on this case.

Defendant deceased. File closed. Next case.

The logic in the above is simply inescapable.
Just think if Pakistan (GoP/PA/ISI/IB/FC etc. or whoever) had apprehended OBL by themselves! How would they have been able handle the process, apprehension and judicial?

May be the US Navy Seals did all the protagonists a huge favor. No hot potatoes left to be handled.

Now think next step................
No, you are totally ignoring the fact that even when he is banned, he openly holds rallies where they fly JUD flags and flaunt AK47s where he calls for jihad on other countries, that even when JUD is banned, they are printing fundraising ads in mainstream pakistani newspapers. So what does pakistani state and judiciary do when they see a banned terrorist organisation printing fund raising ads in pakistan's second largest selling newspaper - other than reaching for the wallet???

You are ignoring the fact that we are here talking JUD because LET was banned by pakistani state by allowing the same terrorists to operate in the same muridke compound by just changing name plate!!! Wow, is that how things happen in other countries that do not deserve to get their sovereignty trodden?

Someone else has to do something because pakistani state does not want to, its pakistan thats breaking laws, its your ego and decades old habit thats stopping you see it as it is.

His banning was stayed by court order and then he attended the rallies.

Court asked one question, he's banned because he is a terrorist? Like every court in the world you need proof to claim something, prosecution said proof is with India. India said we won't give it. Court being left with no other option said okay you are free to go till prosecution brings better evidence.
You have a habit of going off topic. Do you guys have evidences against him? Leave UNSC apart for a while.

When you speak Kashmir, then UNSC is important. And now it is irrelevant because its against HS. What a BS

As far as the change in the name of the thread is concern....Guys you have to understand we would have done the same thing if anybody had posted any topic which is against our country in Indian Defece Forum....so just chill guys....its content of the thread which is important not the name.........

That is libel, we routinely change thread names of hundreds of threads to better reflect their content, so please move on and stick to topic don't give your own theories.

When you speak Kashmir, then UNSC is important. And now it is irrelevant because its against HS. What a BS

We followed the UNSC, we banned him, we tried him, but the individual's rights are important too...
not both sides ..only muslims have sacrificed alot ..nd what will you do if ur family or all your's relatives will..........???.and you 'd born in the street ..will you take revenge??people like hafiz saeed starts "bhagawat" natuarally .......otherwise hafiz saeed is very polite and nice person for others..
All this is part of the incremental agressive posturing that US will unleash on Pakistan as a punishment on the NATO supplies matter escalation. And US will just increase the squeeze because they know that terrorism infrastructure is an army asset in pakistan and this is between the pakistani army and US. Quite clearly, the US believes that Pakistan will yield. That is because it has always been easiest for the US to make the pakistani army yield. Shortest path to success.

History has many testimonies to this fact. Currently the army leadership in Pakistan has been hiding behind the civilian government but this kind of pressure on the infrastructure terrorism will clearly expose the army and if history has anything to do with it then the situation will get resolved. Better to take the money. :)

All this though reminds of the remarkable clairvoyance in that nice article = "The Monkey Trap". Quite clearly the fascination of the Pakistani army and the punjabis with kashmir will last to the proverbial grave.

However the only variable that seems to be changing is that this terrorism infrastructure has been also an increasingly effective tool to keep the shias or the mohajirs or other sindhis and Pakistanis in place by the punjabis (ever wondered why all the headquarters and training camps are in Punjab?) All quite convenient to ensure fear and ultimate political hegemony for the punjabis in Pakistan. So probably more apt to replace Pakistan with Punjabis in the "Monkey Trap". Afterall not withstanding the end result of this mad game, ultimately there will be sub societies left!!
You have a habit of going off topic. Do you guys have evidences against him? Leave UNSC apart for a while.

How is this off topic mate.. ?? This topic is about US declaring a bounty on arrest and conviction of a UNSC designated terrorist. Why are YOU going off topic and dragging India into this?
It IS worthless and thats why there has been no progress in the case since it cannot be obtained till Ajmal Kasab gets a chance to freely talk with the appointed Pakistani judicial team.

Again you contradicts what you were saying about HS. If Pak team speaks to Ajmal Kasab, he will say that he is innocent and framed to this case. And the case closed? There are evidences provided for all those charges and 99% of the accused will plead not guilty before the Judge.
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