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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

It is not I who says there is no evidence, it is the Indian media reporting the trial itself. See below.


It might be better if you simply admit you have no rebuttal, rather than going off-topic. It amounts to the same thing.

I understand the judicial system well enough to know that you can't convict people without evidence. The following is from your own media (highlight mine):

In case you don't understand it, let me give you an analogy: This would be if I was caught with drugs and claimed that you had sold me the drugs, and the court convicted you solely on my statement without any corroborating evidence.

To call this Indian trial a kangaroo court would be an insult to kangaroos.

My man, you know the law enough, or so you claim, but you don't know that there's a difference between regular trials such as in cases of drug smuggling and cases pertaining to acts of terrorism, how come?

As of today, in most countries of the world, the testimony of an accused in terrorism is enough to land you in jail, my man.
In case you don't understand it, let me give you an analogy: This would be if I was caught with drugs and claimed that you had sold me the drugs, and the court convicted you solely on my statement without any corroborating evidence.

To call this Indian trial a kangaroo court would be an insult to kangaroos.

Rich coming from a Pakistani whose country insists on a farcical trial in a matter whose jurisdiction is elsewhere. Only in Pakistan could there be a trial for a crime committed in India. Never heard of a murder suspect being on trial in a place of his choice as opposed to where the crime was committed.
There's no difference between one life and thousand lives. Even Islam says so.

Enough of 'trying', now go ahead and do something.

But I know you won't. you know you won't. Why? Because you have too many skeletons in your closet.
Lol i cannot do it simply because i don't have money and power but that don't mean if i cannot do it then i should not raise my voice against hypocrisy
Copy pasting from a PDF of Bombay High Court's verdict on the Mumbai carnage - those sections dealing with said scum.

This are just claims by Kasab. Leaving aside the matter of whether his testimony was obtained under duress, these claims are worthless by themselves. He might as well claim that he met with Santa Claus.
My man, you know the law enough, or so you claim, but you don't know that there's a difference between regular trials such as in cases of drug smuggling and cases pertaining to acts of terrorism, how come?

As of today, in most countries of the world, the testimony of an accused in terrorism is enough to land you in jail, my man.

Can you show me examples? I agree that it would be enough to indict someone, but to convict without corroborating evidence?

Rich coming from a Pakistani whose country insists on a farcical trial a matter whose jurisdiction is elsewhere. Only in Pakistan could there be a trial for a crime committed in India. Never heard of a murder suspect being on trial in a place of his choice as opposed to where the crime was committed.

Change of venue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rich coming from a Pakistani whose country insists on a farcical trial a matter whose jurisdiction is elsewhere. Only in Pakistan could there be a trial for a crime committed in India. Never heard of a murder suspect being on trial in a place of his choice as opposed to where the crime was committed.

You know what, it is very good eye opener for some who think that "ordinary Pakistanis" do not back these terrorists and they are "stateless actors".

In this case, these terrorists are not only international monsters, they are also sectarian murderers (like all Islamic terrorists). Some apologists of these terrorists (actually Fascists) regularly claim that they are indulging in terror because of the impotence of Islamic governments.


These people are fascists and these terrorists invariably turn on other Islamic sects as well. All of them!

The apologists' game is up. They are out in the open for what they are.

Terror supporters!

All claims of innocence and "Islamophobia" are sent to the gutter where it always belonged.
The truth is that there is no judge in Pakistan who would sign his own death sentence by convicting HS. His own bodyguard may shoot him down which by the way would most likely make him a national hero like Qazi. So the proof against HS will never be enough in a Pakistani court, don't worry about that.
This are just claims by Kasab. Leaving aside the matter of whether his testimony was obtained under duress, these claims are worthless by themselves. He might as well claim that he met with Santa Claus.

You, my dear, seariously need to brush up your knowledge of how jurisprudence in cases related to terrorism has shaped up in the post 9/11 world.

...but it's ok. It's 'acceptable' from the citizen of a country which has not sentenced one terrorist in the past 10 years of being heavily involved in insurgencies and the WoT.

...I understand your predicament.
You, my dear, seariously need to brush up your knowledge of how jurisprudence in cases related to terrorism has shaped up in the post 9/11 world.

...but it's ok. It's 'acceptable' from the citizen of a country which has not sentenced one terrorist in the past 10 years of being heavily involved in insurgencies and the WoT.

...I understand your predicament.

So, a lot of talk but no example of a terror conviction merely on hearsay without evidence, then?
Can you show me examples? I agree that it would be enough to indict someone, but to convict without corroborating evidence?


So we talkin' evidence now.

BTW, you do know that Pakistan has reneged its 'promise' of giving India the voice samples of the 26/11 accused in Pakistan, don't you?

India has the recordings of the 26/11 handlers' voice on their satellite phones. It is your esteemed country which has backed out of providing us the samples to match those recordings with.

...let's talk of evidence, my man...;)

Anyways, let this scum try and approach a non-Kangaroo court outside Pakistan. We have the voice samples, we have the singing canary from Pakistan in our Arthur Road Jail.

...all we have to do is pat the canary a bit and you'll hear nice bountiful and melodius crooning of Pakistan and its support to man-slaughter.
This are just claims by Kasab. Leaving aside the matter of whether his testimony was obtained under duress, these claims are worthless by themselves. He might as well claim that he met with Santa Claus.

They may be worthless in the current environment for anyone in Pakistan. However, these claims have certainly turned out to be worthwhile enough for the US to make happy meal out of Saeed Hafeez. Let us see what Santa brings this May!!
So, a lot of talk but no example of a terror conviction merely on hearsay without evidence, then?

Actually the Sheikh was despatched at Abbuttabad. Once again, no such evidence except for the ones that was obtained under obvious duress :) at Gauntanamo.
The truth is that there is no judge in Pakistan who would sign his own death sentence by convicting HS. His own bodyguard may shoot him down which by the way would most likely make him a national hero like Qazi. So the proof against HS will never be enough in a Pakistani court, don't worry about that.

"The truth is"... Sure mr. Prophet.
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