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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

actually it's a question which bhartis and their tabloid media should be asking, no?

afterall, isnt it the hindustanis who keep up bringing HS and yapping about how he's not under detention (which he actually was, until the courts ordered him to be released)

you cant even claim that he's as free as people think he is....his phones are probably tapped, and there are plain-clothed guys (spooks among them probably) keeping an eye out on his movements surely

Actually I as a "Bharti" did ask the very same question few pages back. But SMC decided to call me a mentally retarded person for raising a question based on such "overly simplified" logic and then went on to give some pseudo intellectual lecture about types of logic:lol:

If he really is the saint that he claims to be, then why is India and the US after him? Why would a random country try to implicate a charitable "saint" like him?
LoL, he was born in 1950 so he was not even born when partition happened. Kindly give us a break with this witnessing violence. What? You trying the insanity plea on him now?

You should get in touch with his lawyer, i dont know why youre asking me. :lol:

he claims in his interview at least that he has a "solid defence" so if he is so confident then i dont think he'd be pleading insanity, don't you think? unless he's really short-changing himself and retaining some quack councils to defend him

And he is no voice lest the Pakistani army voice. And that my dear Watson is where all this US action is being targeted.

well it would appear, my dear Kumar Rani, that you are corroborating what I earlier said in my first post!

it's a weird frustration if it's against the PA......get back at the PA by announcing a bounty on some civilians life :rofl:

afterall, it's members of parliament who are the ones reviewing ties and resumption of US supply routes....im not sure as to how much say HS or this so-called difa e Pakistan "council" really have in this regard :laugh:

Actually I as a "Bharti" did ask the very same question few pages back. But SMC decided to call me a mentally retarded person for raising a question based on such "overly simplified" logic and then went on to give some pseudo intellectual lecture about types of logic:lol:

If he really is the saint that he claims to be, then why is India and the US after him? Why would a random country try to implicate a charitable "saint" like him?

your answer is already in this thread....but you can keep asking the questions if you like; under current circumstances the answer would always be the same

the Americans applied simple mathematics here, and i cant entirely blame them (speaking from their perspective)
your answer is already in this thread....but you can keep asking the questions if you like; under current circumstances the answer would always be the same

the Americans applied simple mathematics here, and i cant entirely blame them (speaking from their perspective)

Forget the Americans, why is India after Hafiz Saeed?
Forget the Americans, why is India after Hafiz Saeed?

well he's been quite outspoken on the whole Kashmir thing; in fact he has contacts in occupied Kashmir as well. I would imagine this obviously perturbs the indians. From what I know, he's actually educated and articulate -- he also is media-savvy so for those who hate him or despise him -- he could be considered as dangerous

according to media reports and rhetoric --- he's responsible for the parliament attacks as well as the mumbai saga of 2008

i personally dont believe in media-trials though, so therefore i'd have to conclude at this juncture that it doesnt really MATTER why india is after this guy

out of principle (even if i dont personally give a damn about HS types) i'd have to say that handing over a Pakistani citizen to either bharat or the U.S. for that matter would be treason --unless legal or other norms or obligations compelled us to do so

at present, aforementioned legal or other norms or obligations are not compelling Pakistan to do so.....the bhartis and the americans know this -- which is why only the Americans can offer a meaningless (but symbolic nonetheless) "bounty"

it has more so to do with the Pak-US relationship and less to do with the indo-US relationship -- though it would be foolhardy to think America didnt think things through and engage in a little bit of "mathematicking"

my own personal views of course
Love reading the comments of the Pakistan posters, they seem to be brain washed, I hope most of them posting on here realize that they are supporting a known terrorist? Please Pakistani posters and people don't let your country slip even further than it already has.

Your country is joke around the world and is now on top of the list of terrorist nations, it is well known fact that Pakistan actively supports terrorist with aid and instruction. Your country deserves so much better, but yet so many of you don;t want to or can't see the truth. You guys are living of the charity of the world, stop the terrorism and watch the world help your economy, even India and Indians want to see a Pakistan that is safe, and economically strong.
Love reading the comments of the Pakistan posters, they seem to be brain washed, I hope most of them posting on here realize that they are supporting a known terrorist? Please Pakistani posters and people don't let your country slip even further than it already has.

Your country is joke around the world and is now on top of the list of terrorist nations, it is well known fact that Pakistan actively supports terrorist with aid and instruction. Your country deserves so much better, but yet so many of you don;t want to or can't see the truth. You guys are living of the charity of the world, stop the terrorism and watch the world help your economy, even India and Indians want to see a Pakistan that is safe, and economically strong.

rather than open your beak with meaningless emotional talk, how about addressing what points you found disconcerting and perhaps offer counter-arguments?

and we dont need indian well wishes to be economically strong......that just requires leadership and political will from our side, which unfortunately we lack.

p.s. our country is joke around the world? you live (or so your profile claims) in a country that bowed down and was forced to salute invading nazis when they came marching in and took your flag down from the "shanzelize".....just saying!
So much for Pakistan being "a major non-NATO ally" of the Americans. Pakistan will absorb the pressure. They haven't handed over A.Q. Khan either.
Sir whole world knows this has been done to please India to get benefits like defence deals and other benefits in future or other wise America gives a dam about Hafiz Saeed

No you are mistaken. LET was identified as terrorrist organization and a threat to the west after 26/11 attacks when they took US citizens as hostages. The other thing is US had enough evidence that Osama bin Laden was in touch with Hafiz Saeed after the raid on Osama's Mansion.
So much for Pakistan being "a major non-NATO ally" of the Americans. Pakistan will absorb the pressure. They haven't handed over A.Q. Khan either.

there are no intentions of handing over A.Q. Khan nor were there EVER intentions of it

there would be massive unrest throughout the country (despite what happened during and after the whole scandal) if any action were taken against the aging doctor.
There is nothing like a free lunch. America is not doing this for India; America is doing this for America. I just wonder why didn't India offer the same bounty? I mean it is just $10 million after all. And what made the Americans wake up after 4 years of 26/11? It has more to do with Hafiz's anti-NATO rallies than anything else.
Why most of the Pakistani posters are pi$$ed of with Bounty on Hafeez Sayeed.

In fact this has taken Hafeez Sayeed to the level of Mullah Omar.
there are no intentions of handing over A.Q. Khan nor were there EVER intentions of it

there would be massive unrest throughout the country (despite what happened during and after the whole scandal) if any action were taken against the aging doctor.

I can never quite understand this. Clearly guys like Saeed are loose canons for Pakistan itself. Even that guy who killed Taseer was showered with petals. To anyone watching the proceedings from the outside - the entire set up in Pakistan seems to be haphazard.
There is nothing like a free lunch. America is not doing this for India; America is doing this for America. I just wonder why didn't India offer the same bounty? I mean it is just $10 million after all. And what made the Americans wake up after 4 years of 26/11? It has more to do with Hafiz's anti-NATO rallies than anything else.

well the bhartis have been getting a lot of free lunches and even some leftovers packed up in plastic containers for future satisfaction

i'd say the americans are quite generous to hindustan as of late......it's their way to snub Pakistan and attempt to get Pakistan to play ball again.

simple mathematics :D
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