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Hafiz Saeed put under house arrest

Take it with warm water or oil your decision and your choice of place :lol:


You do know you don't have a full finger do you? :lol:
Even Modi jee was charged with murder of thousands of innocents and banned to enter several nations including USA. But as the history suggests in South Asia, no sitting minister is ever charged let alone the Chief Minister and upon whatever accusations coming from his own ranks, he was still given clean chit after years of controversy thanks to his power

The major difference between him and Hafiz Saeed is that for Modi, his own people were accusing him of murder but for Hafiz Saeed there is no evidence or accusations from anybody except our neighbours who are famous for scripting bollywood style stories and accused him of conspiracy based on his speeches

Modi was charged and acquitted in 2012, two years before he was elected PM.

I don't know about Pakistan courts (not much left to say after recently watching Musharaf's proud boast on TV about getting Raheel influence courts to help him) but plenty of sitting ministers and MPs have been charged by Indian courts, some convicted. Jayalalitha, Shibu Soren, Lalu, Chautala, there's plenty of precedent - though not as much as I'd like. Modi's trial was in fact supervised by the Supreme Court which is a rival power centre not usually beholden to governments and the investigation was conducted by a team of cops who had a history of being victimised by Modi. The proceedings took place in an era during which the Congress ran the central government - I have no doubt that had there been the slightest chance it would have ensured he was convicted (for its own selfish reasons).

The riots were a reaction to another communal act - the burning of a railway coach with many hindus. Such riots are unsurprising in a polarised population and while Modi may well have done little to stop the reactions, he did not engineer the burning or the riot. At worst Indians can blame only themselves for electing him.

As for Hafiz Saeed, his speeches are hardly an issue - what is relevant is his role in the terrorist attacks.

Testimony of David Headly (held in the US) and evidence from the Mumbai terrorist attacks implicate Hafiz Saeed quite plainly. The US is after him because of the deaths of American citizens - and the Americans, unlike south asians are quite serious about hunting down perpetrators.

Here's the official state department notice for him - they don't issue these lightly. Before his capture and death Osama and many other worthies also shared space with Hafiz on this same page.


You may want to check his present company


Glorifying chaps like Hafiz and defending him is costing Pakistan quite dearly - not only internationally - but also in the domestic terrorist attacks - whose responsibility is claimed by violent groups who follow Hafiz's methodology.
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Could we relate his jail to the 1 day old warning by ISI to possible threat to lahore??was the threat on His HQ??
Trump Effect? Pakistan Puts Lashkar Chief Hafiz Saeed Under House Arrest

pdated: January 30, 2017 22:38 IST


India accuses Pakistani terrorist Hafiz Saeed of masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks. (File)

LAHORE: Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed has been detained and put under house arrest for six months by Pakistani authorities. There are speculations that the action came after the US threatened sanctions against Pakistan, unless action was taken against Jaamat ud Dawa, which is also headed by Hafiz Saeed.

He is currently in detention at the Jamia-al-Qadsia in Lahore's Chauburji area from where he will be shifted to his house in Faisal Town.

The threat of sanctions came days after the Donald Trump administration took over, reported Pakistan daily The News International. The JuD was declared a terrorist organisation by the US in 2014.

Ask yourself these questions

1) Where did Samjhota bombing Happen?
2) Which was the investigation agency?
3) Which country court is dealing the case?

Now try comparing any of the attacks linked to HS.....

1) Its a worry for me that the citizens of my country died on Indian soil in a event which predates Mumbai attack and yet no justice have been served to them.
2) relates to answer above
3) Same as above.
Could we relate his jail to the 1 day old warning by ISI to possible threat to lahore??was the threat on His HQ??

HS is never involved in any such acts on Pakistani soil hence, these threats have nothing to do with him/this house arrest.
Oh bhai nahi. Trump govt just yesterday gave stern ultimatum to Pakistan to react against JuD or face sanctions.

American Sanctions or UN sanctions? American Sanction hardly matters, for UN, there is a rather embarrassing Chinese veto waiting for Yanks and their sugarbabby India.

Not sure why this has not been discussed. Trump has decided to flex the US military Muscle, albeit on innocent civilians. We in Pakistan needs to be careful and should not be caught napping.


Yemeni civilians killed in first US raid under Trump
HS is never involved in any such acts on Pakistani soil hence, these threats have nothing to do with him/this house arrest.
you r taking me in other way..i mean a threat to hafiz saeed warned by isi 2 days ago ?
American Sanctions or UN sanctions? American Sanction hardly matters, for UN, there is a rather embarrassing Chinese veto waiting for Yanks and their sugarbabby India.

Not sure why this has not been discussed. Trump has decided to flex the US military Muscle, albeit on innocent civilians. We in Pakistan needs to be careful and should not be caught napping.


Yemeni civilians killed in first US raid under Trump
Good insight. Perhaps this HS thing is a reaction to this.
India need to provide solid proof to convict him. He hasn't done anything to American citizen so USA can't ask us to hand over him and we won't hand him over to India.
American citizens were also killed in Mumbai attacks.
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