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Hafiz Saeed offers funeral prayers for Kasab

Ok, So I will try and break it down for you for one last time.

Hafiz Saeed should pray for those alive Blasphemers ,that may god show them the right path and oppose the Blasphemy law(which is manmade).

Yeah he should.... but he is not the one punishing people.... he is just protecting the law by a democratic right of protest.... We can pray that god show them right path but that doesn't mean that we should lift up the concept of punishment from society.... Pain and punishment is there for a reason.... we can hope that people dont commit crime and we can pray for them but when they do commit crime they have to face punishment and we can pray that they dont go on that wrong path again..... Praying is wishing someone well... nothing wrong in it.

I think i made myself clear, still you want to run around in circles ??
Your point is?

Do what you want, Kasab is a hero and a role model. Tum kitne Kasab maro ge, har ghar se Kasab nikle ga!

Kal bhi Ajmal Kasab zinda tha, aj bhi Kasab Zinda hai
Tum kitne Kasab maro ge, har ghar se Kasab nikle ge
this attitude has got pakistan where it is today.
keep dreaming about kasab he is now with 72 virgins :rofl:.
i am waiting for the day when whole pakistan thinks the way u r thinking .
pakistan is on the path of self destruction .
yea there is short term loss for india but in longer run pakistan will pay heavy price
pakistan had earlier tried in indian punjab using khalistan ideology which failed
pakistan's policy on kashmir also failed as terrorism in kashmir is almost dead and tourism is back in business
pakistan policy on bangladesh was a disaster
pakistan's eastern border is with india no need to say anything
pakistan's western border is IRAN where tension is escalating .
pakistan's northern border is afganistan again no need to say anything
pakistan's economy is going to hell
pakistan's law and order is pathetic
pakistan's energy situation is grim
in next 7 to 8 years india will have full control over pakistan's water resource (another tool to pressurize pakistan)
i can go on all day............
but still u guys have audacity to confront india well all i can say is good luck:sniper:
meet with the best die like the rest (indian army slogan in kashmir)
Kasab was involved in homicidal crime against Americans.. This forum is hosted on servers stationed in america. Hence the post above can be classified as a terrorism threat against Americans within USA jurisdiction and deserves to be reported on


Done !!!!!:wave:
@truthseer.. For your sake, I hope you dont live in USA...

Wow!! One of our PDF member is going to Guantanamo bay!! :partay:

Truthseer, do share with us about your experience if you come back.. :pop:
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Wow!! One of our PDF member is going to Guantanamo bay!! :partay:

Truthseer, do share with us about your experience if you come back.. :pop:

It was horrid in there :P

I almost died!

On a side note, I'm not even 18 yet, a month left /facepalm
so when Indian Hindu terrorists die dont you arrange for their last rituals or just throw them hafl-eaten in the ganga ?

and FYI in India may be performing last rituals of a dead irrespective of his deeds, might be cheap stunt but for us its an obligation. We pray for forgiveness of the departed from the God for all sins and faults

For starters, we've stopped eating dead terrorists.
Not worth my time.

But take some time to consider your pathetic defense of the undefensible.

Also,think how it weakens your case against drone attacks,racial profiling,terms like "Islamophobia".

Dont cry hoarse when Pakistan is called the "Hub of terrorism".

how does islamophobia, drne strikes, come play into this? how does kasab even relate to Pakistan? you are an idiot who couldnt deliver a sane reply, now i could say alot of generalizations about india as welll but i dont want to hurt ur feelings :P
Yes common people do offer funeral prayer for these dead militants as well. Its normal obligation for a Muslim to offer funeral prayer of a dead fellow be he a criminal or a poise person.

Which would apply if Hafiz was to pop over to India to attend the funeral, which im sure would have made a number of people very happy.

However he is offering prayers after the fact.

"Intercession with Him will be in vain, unless it coincides with His will." 34:23

"It is not up to you; He may redeem them, or He may punish them for their transgressions." 3:128

"No soul benefits except from it's own works, and none bears the burden of another." 6:164

So are they really prayers for the dead or a public relations exercise?
how does islamophobia, drne strikes, come play into this? how does kasab even relate to Pakistan? you are an idiot who couldnt deliver a sane reply, now i could say alot of generalizations about india as welll but i dont want to hurt ur feelings :P

You have a comprehension problem. If you insist that you will see the world wearing a particular type of glasses which include support of terrorist leaders offering prayer for mass murderers and further insist that you do so on account of your religion, you must then not be surprised that the rest of the world will insist in seeing with their own glasses which would include actions that will make life harder for your "innocent" travelers and a lack of sympathy for your "victims". No point in insisting that the majority of Pakistanis do not support terrorists & then joining in or supporting terrorists holding prayers for killers of "innocents" elsewhere? Most of us would see that as sympathising with terrorists/terrorism regardless of how much you try to split hairs on the kind of support being offered.



Notice the foreheads of all three.
Yes this is a sign which come on your forehead if you pray a lot this sign is on several forehead of several Muslims and through janaza you ask ALLAH to forgive the person who is now dead and grant him or her Jannah
Which would apply if Hafiz was to pop over to India to attend the funeral, which im sure would have made a number of people very happy.

IF AND BUTS. oNLY IF India had given him visas :)

"Intercession with Him will be in vain, unless it coincides with His will." 34:23

"It is not up to you; He may redeem them, or He may punish them for their transgressions." 3:128

"No soul benefits except from it's own works, and none bears the burden of another." 6:164

So are they really prayers for the dead or a public relations exercise?

In Islam everyone will get reward for their deeds in the hereafter. In Islam indeed everyone is responsible for own deed however as you quoted as well, its up to the Allah to either punish or forgive the person.

On the other hand Funeral prayer is a must for every Muslim soul in our religion irrespective of his/her deeds. Allah in Quran time and again reminded the human of His kindness and wrath. He also calls for asking His fogiveness for the crimes and sins.

as far HS offering funeral prayer well i dont think so he is doing any public relations or may be that is not the point but what he did has nothing wrong. A funeral prayer was right of Kasab. He got punishment for his crime in this world and now he needs prayers for forgiveness in the after world.
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