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Hafiz Saeed asks Pakistan govt not to buy electricity from India

Start a thread with Hafiz Saeed name in it. Even if its empty, Indian trolls will shred it to pieces.
Nothing will be happening until they resolve circular debt problem. There is no point importing electricity when we are not even using our current power plants at their max efficiency.
Last time I was in India there was power cut (Hyderabad). I was told India is adding almost 20 gig of power every year which happens to be more than the total installed capacity of Pakistan. But I do not know if India can actually supply power to Pakistan in the immediate future but it is a start for better relations.
Hafiz Saeed is a Pakistani hero, he killed Indians.
Hafiz Saeed is right.

These Hindus will play games and stop supplying whenever they feel like it.
Good job Hafiz saeed.... You can become a good foreign minister..... But i wonder why is he opposing.... Is it because its Hindu electricity????? or Raw might kill him using this 1000Mw power..... :omghaha:

I agree,,,, he shall rather demand, charging of import duty on Indian, cosmetics, tea, auto parts, chemicals, textiles etc. etc. and transit of Indian goods for Afghanistan and central Asia shall be totally banned.
I suggest him to deliver a protest speech standing on a high voltage pole ..
you dont have any short term option but to buy electricity.

I think India should divert this electricity towards UP and Bihar..they are still having electricity shortage

It is better to utilize electricity in India rather than selling to others
you dont have any short term option but to buy electricity.
What made you say that?

I think India should divert this electricity towards UP and Bihar..they are still having electricity shortage
India would not risk to annoy Sharif... considering Indian troops and contractors are being supplied free petrol by Pakistan.

It is better to utilize electricity in India rather than selling to others
Stupid idea... you can sell electricity to Pakistan more expensive than what you sell in your country, we'll pay you in dollars and it will be a big boost for your forex reserves.
Hafiz Saeed is worried, as he has got to know the Indian plan of switching off electricity when he's in Bathroom, halfway. :P
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