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Hafiz Saeed and Syed Ali Gillani in program with Kashif Abbasi

Off The Record - 5th February 2013
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed Ameer Jamat-ud-Dawa and Syed Ali Gilani Chairman PHC in fresh episode of Off The Record on Ary News and talk with Kashif Abbasi.

Dimwit Mullahs barking and barking. What's new in the Mullah lands?


Same old stone age ideas, same old pagans, same old Abu Jehal like arrogant SOBs spreading poison in the name of Islam.

Dimwit Mullahs barking and barking. What's new in the Mullah lands?


Same old stone age ideas, same old pagans, same old Abu Jehal like arrogant SOBs spreading poison in the name of Islam.


Yes they are spreading message of Islam but some old pathetic Abu Juhals SOB touts of USA and other kufr can only talk **** and keep doing it always but they are fighting for Islam and risking their lives to spread the message but paid touts of USA and kufr only talk ****
Hafiz Saeed seemed all at sea! Looked totally drained and defeated. High time he goes into retirement with some pensionary benefits from the ISI!! :lol:

The Bombay Circus is running short of jokers. Hafiz Saeed and Zaid Hamid make a dandy pair of clowns! They need to apply, pronto! :cheesy:
Hafiz Saeed seemed all at sea! Looked totally drained and defeated. High time he goes into retirement with some pensionary benefits from the ISI!! :lol:

The Bombay Circus is running short of jokers. Hafiz Saeed and Zaid Hamid make a dandy pair of clowns! They need to apply, pronto! :cheesy:

Hafiz Saeed and JuD types are nincompoop Mullahs who have created a state within Pakistani state in the name of Islamo-Fascism.

They think they can take on India and thus they do not need Pak army anymore.

Poor beardos do not know that Indians will make a quick minced meat out of all these just like Americans did to Talib-bozos of Afghanistan.

These Mullahto-es can only run insurgencies. They are not men enough to face an army in the open.

Bunch of Eunuchs.

just bunch of Eunuchs.
Hafiz Saeed and JuD types are nincompoop Mullahs who have created a state within Pakistani state in the name of Islamo-Fascism.

They think they can take on India and thus they do not need Pak army anymore.

Poor beardos do not know that Indians will make a quick minced meat out of all these just like Americans did to Talib-bozos of Afghanistan.

These Mullahto-es can only run insurgencies. They are not men enough to face an army in the open.

Bunch of Eunuchs.

just bunch of Eunuchs.
Well said, but the big mystery is as to why the Army/government is not taking any action against such screwballs who openly threaten war and jihad not only against India but also Pakistan if they do not stop cooperating in the WOT with the Americans.

It seems the Establishment is scared stiff of the backlash from a few hundred bearded jehadi bozos.

The usual excuse is: Pakistan is a democracy and people are free to spout jihad threats, indulge in intimidation and block traffic by taking out processions whenever they like. And it's amusing to see those bearded mullahs sharing the stage with Saeed with such arrogance and self importance and conceit written all over their faces as if they own Pakistan and the Muslim world!

Why are they given so much space in Pakistan? If such yahoos are not put into the cooler, things will only get worse. The government should grow some balls and take action against these self styled 'commander-in-chiefs' who seem to be running a parallel government in Pakistan.
Well said, but the big mystery is as to why the Army/government is not taking any action against such screwballs .....

There is no mystery my dear poster.

There is no mystery.

Come to Pakistan and you will see that these Mullah Hullah Ayatullahs carry too much headlines in the news.

For Indians they are bigger than life,

For us they are no more dangerous than other sundry political outfits like MQM Altaf mota chor, Bhatta khor.

Sub Chalta hai

They are just little rats, small time pigs that we can kill if we want to, but why bother

Our real fight is with the hawks in India who are constantly threatening us with water cut off and even direct attack.

Our real fight is with the hawks in India who are constantly threatening us with water cut off and even direct attack.

Bhaijaan relaax! We have no intention of attacking anyone!! :no: The hawks in India only have big mouths to spew crap at regular intervals to be in business.

And no one has cut off any water to Pakistan. This predicament, as your own experts too say, is attributable in large part to the country's haphazard water management policies, unproductive agricultural practices, dilapidated infrastructure and grossly inadequate water storage facilities. Climate change, too, has begun to have an impact. A recent Dutch study found that by 2050, shrinking glaciers are predicted to reduce the flows of the Indus by 8%. But in Pakistan, which is deeply distrustful of India, your country's crippling water shortage is seen as a direct result of India's upstream dams and water projects which is untrue.
There is no mystery my dear poster.

There is no mystery.

Come to Pakistan and you will see that these Mullah Hullah Ayatullahs carry too much headlines in the news.

For Indians they are bigger than life,

For us they are no more dangerous than other sundry political outfits like MQM Altaf mota chor, Bhatta khor.

Sub Chalta hai

They are just little rats, small time pigs that we can kill if we want to, but why bother

Our real fight is with the hawks in India who are constantly threatening us with water cut off and even direct attack.


It is the mullahs and jihadis who constantly remind you of India bullying with water cut off. Have we in 65 years of existence cut your water off??? Yes, we are building lots of small dams which are run of the river kind..... they do not stop the flow of water. It is just for generating electricity not for irrigation or consumption. It is allowed in IWT act.... even the International court gave the ruling in our favor. You guys have not built a single major dam in past two decades and are wasting precious water resources by not utilizing it fully. So, why blame India?? If you guys do not know how to use the water at least allow us to use it instead of allowing it flow into the oceans.

When did we attack directly?? All the wars were started by Pakistan including recent 1999 Kargil war. On top of that we had 2001 Parliament attack and recent 2008 26/11 Mumbai attack from jihadists from your country.
..... Have we in 65 years of existence cut your water off??? ....

Obviously my dear poster, you are not aware of the fact that in 1952 Indians completely cut off water on the rivers where they could.

As a result,

Ravi- completely gone, totally cut off
Satluj - completely gone, totally cut off
Bias -- totally cut off

Chenab - half gone, and the rest is in grave danger for being cut off

That leaves Jehlum and Sindh at full flow for now

But they too are in huge danger.

There is a report by South African water expert and he says it all.

So come out of your comfy apartment in the West and study some.

Don't be an Indian version of a UK/US Islamist.

Thank you.
Obviously my dear poster, you are not aware of the fact that in 1952 Indians completely cut off water on the rivers where they could.

As a result,

Ravi- completely gone, totally cut off
Satluj - completely gone, totally cut off
Bias -- totally cut off

Chenab - half gone, and the rest is in grave danger for being cut off

That leaves Jehlum and Sindh at full flow for now

But they too are in huge danger.

There is a report by South African water expert and he says it all.

So come out of your comfy apartment in the West and study some.

Don't be an Indian version of a UK/US Islamist.

Thank you.

Looks like you do not know IWT treaty that was signed by both of us. It gives you three western rivers and India gets three eastern rivers.

Indus Waters Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Indus System of Rivers comprises three Western Rivers the Indus, the Jhelum and Chenab and three Eastern Rivers - the Sutlej, the Beas and the Ravi; and with minor exceptions, the treaty gives India exclusive use of all of the waters of the Eastern Rivers and their tributaries before the point where the rivers enter Pakistan. Similarly, Pakistan has exclusive use of the Western Rivers. Pakistan also received one-time financial compensation for the loss of water from the Eastern Rivers.
The countries agree to exchange data and co-operate in matters related to the treaty. For this purpose, treaty creates the Permanent Indus Commission, with a commissioner appointed by each country.
Did they start the program with a prayer for the deported (sic) soul of osama bin laden?

The number of young these fossils will sacrifice for their politics is mindboggling.
Obviously my dear poster, you are not aware of the fact that in 1952 Indians completely cut off water on the rivers where they could.

As a result,

Ravi- completely gone, totally cut off
Satluj - completely gone, totally cut off
Bias -- totally cut off

Chenab - half gone, and the rest is in grave danger for being cut off

That leaves Jehlum and Sindh at full flow for now

But they too are in huge danger.

There is a report by South African water expert and he says it all.

So come out of your comfy apartment in the West and study some.

Don't be an Indian version of a UK/US Islamist.

Thank you.

Thats the Indus treaty.

India has exclusive right over Satluj, bias, ravi whereas pakistan has that over western river.

Two terrorist friend meeting after long time...
Haffez Saeed is Indian agent, He is creating terrorists in Pakistan, which today are hurting India. But in long turn they will hurt Pakistani (Just like TTP).

The day when Pakistan will ink deal with India on Kashmir (Making LoC permanent border or evacuating Gilgit-Baltistan for India) either peacefully or after loosing some war. These same ppl will turn there gun against Pakistani and more and more Pakistani will die.

Insahallah keep nurturing snake, the snake will bite Pakistan one day..
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