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Hacker leaks Bangladesh Intelligence classified Emails


Jun 2, 2011
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Indian hacker, Godzilla once again hit Bangladesh government server. Hacker told us about his latest cyber attack on Directorate General of Forces Intelligence Bangladesh (DGFI - - Welcome to DGFI) server . He claimed to back up all confidential mails in the server and list of all their agents around the globe

Hacker taunt Bangladesh govt , "To all stupid Intelligence people of Bangladesh do you know what is security??, Iam really felling pitty for you."

Through a paste note, hacker leak one sample mail (funny one), which is the conversation between Dewan Mamoon and DGFI Director. Some words from email are, "I love the CIA. I love the DGFI. I love the Bangladesh armed forces. I love America and I love Bangladesh." and "I know that you are the ones to thank for sponsoring me in Bangladesh and the CIA for sponsoring me in America."

Compromised Intelligence server claimed to be full of sensitive information. In past year, Godzilla had hacked many Bangladeshi and Pakistani Government and Military websites.

Hacker leaks Bangladesh Intelligence classified Emails - Hacking and Security News

Bangladesh also have Intelligence Services :what:
Good job.
We are proud of you.

He hacked into the admin's account:
These so called hackers are mostly jobless idiots without access to fun, booze or sex. What they mostly do is to run pre-compiled scripts written by someone else, try sql injection hoping the webmaster is a fool etc. Script kiddies.
These so called hackers are mostly jobless idiots without access to fun, booze or sex. What they mostly do is to run pre-compiled scripts written by someone else, try sql injection hoping the webmaster is a fool etc. Script kiddies.

Wikileaks are the real deal!
Such unnecessary destructive behaviour must be condemned.

@Hammer-fist, pakistans intelligence services performance must be seen in terms of their priorities. I don't think mohajirs, pathans, sindhis and balochis killing one another in karachi is one.
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Capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka...not Islamabad any more (fortunately).


Biggest city of Bangladesh is Dhaka which is peaceful.....whereas Pakistan's biggest city has a mini-civil war with 6 people killed a day, what are your intelligence services doing?

Anyway I could go on, but I'll stop there as I don't want to offend sincere Pakistanis here.

I also don't want to offend sincere Bangladeshis here but effective capital of Bangladesh is New Delhi these days...

Now back to topic. Indian Hacker leaks Bangladesh Intelligence Classified Emails
Wikileaks are the real deal!

Wikileaks no real deal as well, the guy who leaked the data had access to all the data, so he just copied it to a CD and gave to the wikileak guy.

There are real deals however, but they are few and far in between and certainly not this grammatically-challenged idiot who writes this - "To all stupid Intelligence people of Bangladesh do you know what is security??, Iam really felling pitty for you."
Wikileaks no real deal as well, the guy who leaked the data had access to all the data, so he just copied it to a CD and gave to the wikileak guy.

There are real deals however, but they are few and far in between and certainly not this grammatically-challenged idiot who writes this - "To all stupid Intelligence people of Bangladesh do you know what is security??, Iam really felling pitty for you."

The guy,Bradly Manning is in custody.But Wikileaks is still leaking info....recently they have released confidential info about treatment of detainees under military custody and files regarding Syria.So,either they have real hackers or moles inside the government.I think they have hackers.
Wikileaks no real deal as well, the guy who leaked the data had access to all the data, so he just copied it to a CD and gave to the wikileak guy.

There are real deals however, but they are few and far in between and certainly not this grammatically-challenged idiot who writes this - "To all stupid Intelligence people of Bangladesh do you know what is security??, Iam really felling pitty for you."

The guy,Bradly Manning is in custody.But Wikileaks is still leaking info....recently they have released confidential info about treatment of detainees under military custody and files regarding Syria.So,either they have real hackers or moles inside the government.I think they have hackers.
I also don't want to offend sincere Bangladeshis here but effective capital of Bangladesh is New Delhi these days...

Now back to topic. Indian Hacker leaks Bangladesh Intelligence Classified Emails

You've been reading too much PDF Jamati/razakar propaganda.

Bangladesh still won't even give India transit and is going to take it to court over maritime territory.

Anyway just stop your Bangladesh-bashing and focus on the topic.

Such unnecessary destructive behaviour must be condemned.

@Hammer-fist, pakistans intelligence services performance must be seen in terms of their priorities. I don't think mohajirs, pathans, sindhis and balochis killing one another in karachi is one.

Karachi is the economic centre of the country, the damage the MQM and other parties are doing to Karachi (the Mumbai of India) is more than what Ajmal Kasab and terrorists did to Mumbai.

Karachi is around 40% of the Pakistani economy. A government's security services are there to protect the welfare of the country and its citizens.

Anyway let's forget this and save it for somewhere else.
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link- Directorate General of Forces Intelligence Bangladesh - Pastebin.com

Directorate General of Forces Intelligence Bangladesh Webserver Compromised by Godzilla aka G.O.D

To all stupid Intelligence people of Bangladesh do you know what is security??
your mail server is open to all !!!
you have all confidential mails in the server and list of all agents around the globe. Iam really felling pitty for you.
Iam currently leaking conversation of Mamoon with Director.

WELCOME TO 2013....

Target: - Welcome to DGFI
Server Ip:
Operating System: Linux
PHP Version: 5.3.3
Apache version: 2.2.15

# Chittagong plan
pic: http://tinyurl.com/a6g3ph6

Conversation between Dewan Mamoon and DGFI Director (Funny coded language used)

Hon’ble Director, please request her to see me again or please make happen my marriage this Sunday

Dear Brother DGFI Director, I guess there was an issue. No matter but I assure you that it is not based on anything substantive. Please request her to see me again. Please have the American Embassy call me again. I guess the fee issue is not there anymore. I need to get started and I desperately need to move on from this situation. If this is not possible then please move on with my marriage to Ms. Monem. I am planning to attend the Amcham luncheon on Sunday.

Please take help. I don’t have time.

Dear Brother DGFI Director, Please take the help of my father or Emad bhai and Khalid bhai or Helal and Faisal to close my marriage with Ms. Monem on Sunday. I don’t have time and so I plead to you to please take the help. I will do as they say. Please do not make lose any more days. I love the CIA. I love the DGFI. I love the Bangladesh armed forces. I love America and I love Bangladesh. May god bless you all. Sincerely, Dewan Mamoon

Dear Brother DGFI Director, Please think about the girl of the Chittagong plan. Please lets not do this to her. Please help me marry Ms. Monem or do the bride switch with Ms. Monem. I shall be so glad and so grateful. Thanking you, Dewan Mamoon

Dear Brother DGFI Director, The Chittagong plan is back on. I think I can pull through the traumatic event. But you can help me avoid if you help me marry Ms. Monem or you do the bride switch. Please help me. I shall be so grateful. Thanking you, Dewan Mamoon

Dear Brother DGFI Director, Happy Victory Month and Happy Victory Day on the 16th. May the Glory of Victory be always with us. Please help me marry Ms. Monem in this most great month. I shall be eternally grateful. Thanking you, Dewan Mamoon

Dear Brother DGFI Director, Tomorrow my uncle is taking us to see a girl in Kanchan. Please implement the Chittagong plan with the Ms. Monem switch. Otherwise please help me marry Ms. Monem with the help of my uncle. I need a wife who is suitable to be queen. I shall be so grateful. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Dewan Mamoon

Dear Brother DGFI Director, I do not have time and desperately need to get started and get married soon. I know that you are the ones to thank for sponsoring me in Bangladesh and the CIA for sponsoring me in America. I just need a little bit of help to overcome the last hurdle. Please provide your approval through Emad bhai and Khalid bhai. I just need their help for a tiny little bit. I can assure you that I know that it is you who deserves the most credits for my success.

./Logging Off

If this is the current condition of our DGFI then i dont wanna live anymore, Some one kill me.....:hitwall: ...
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