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Gwadar trade linkages and possibilities

bhai abhi wahan hai kia???
2 ships enter hoo sakti hain abhi to port main bas
chineese have plans to make port to deal with 50 ships in lease for 50 years…
or abhi kal ni aaraha china ka maal wait
sea rours means long wait……
atleast to see things clearly w8 20 years

Bhaijan, agar wahan abhi kuch hey hee nahi, to phir itnay oonchay oonchay da'way kiss baat key hein?

Let us get a basic port functioning smoothly first with good road and rail connections to the rest of the country, and then we can make tall claims about making it the center of the shipping world.
The British being a seapower cut off all the ancient land trade routes of India and made Afghanistan a buffer state, thus ending the trade with Central Asia. Ciniot's old name was Chin Kot. meaning that it was a hub of chinese trade. Now, with India being a much larger naval power, Pakistan has no option but to develop trade thru Iran to Turkey and EU, and after end of Afghan war to Central Asia. As long as there is fighting in Afghanistan, we can bypass that route by going to Turkmenistan thru Iran. There is a very large market for oranges in Russia already export is going on. Last year when the banana crop failed in Sindh we got them from India thru Kashmir barter trade. So, the regional dynamics are changing.

Iran has gas agreement with Turkmenistan and it will buy cheap Turkmen gas and sell costly Iranian gas to us. Already, Russia has made First use agreements for Turkmen gas. China is transporing gas thru its own pipeline from C.A.

We have to move fast to strengthen our economy thru trade. But there is a flip side that our manufacturing will suffer because of cheaper and better products from China, Iran and elsewhere. Overall the results for economy will be good as we'll develop strengths in some areas and as long we have some level of protectionism thru customs duties.

More Trade means better economy which translates into stronger army and less reliance on World Bank.
Actually you mentioned oil on rails:

read it twice
i never said they would use rail for oil
they do many other imports also and also exports……:yu:
it is hinted that they would use tankers maybe to certain point and then pipeline or maybe tankers till border(?)……:pop:

Actually you mentioned oil on rails:

read it twice
i never said they would use rail for oil
they do many other imports also and also exports……:yu:
it is hinted that they would use tankers maybe to certain point and then pipeline or maybe tankers till border(?)……:pop:
read it twice
i never said they would use rail for oil
they do many other imports also and also exports……:yu:
it is hinted that they would use tankers maybe to certain point and then pipeline or maybe tankers till border(?)……:pop:

What pipeline? How many tankers would be needed to carry the large amounts of oil needed by China? Both of these "hints" are even more unlikely than carrying oil by trains. Oh wait, there is no railway line either.
What pipeline? How many tankers would be needed to carry the large amounts of oil needed by China? Both of these "hints" are even more unlikely than carrying oil by trains. Oh wait, there is no railway line either.

am not saying this shi*
those articles says so
and this is the fastest and cheapest cost rout of middle east to china
so please ask the writers don't **** me off
am not saying this shi*
those articles says so
and this is the fastest and cheapest cost rout of middle east to china
so please ask the writers don't **** me off

Those articles are spouting crap.

Once you get oil on board a huge tanker, then it is easiest and cheapest to ship it all the way to the destination. There is no way that carriage by changing modes of transportation and then somehow over a 6,000 meter high mountain range that is snowed in for six month out of a year is going to be quick or cheap. NO WAY.

Other than oil, most of the exports from China to the Middle East originate in the eastern half of the country, and from there, ships again offer the most cost-effective way. Why do you think China has made all these huge ports on its eastern seaboard?

Gawadar is important, but for us only. No body else.
Those articles are spouting crap.

Once you get oil on board a huge tanker, then it is easiest and cheapest to ship it all the way to the destination. There is no way that carriage by changing modes of transportation and then somehow over a 6,000 meter high mountain range that is snowed in for six month out of a year is going to be quick or cheap. NO WAY.

Other than oil, most of the exports from China to the Middle East originate in the eastern half of the country, and from there, ships again offer the most cost-effective way. Why do you think China has made all these huge ports on its eastern seaboard?

Gawadar is important, but for us only. No body else.

With Every Passing Day The Eastern Route Is Becoming More and More Dangerous.Recently The US Has Decided To Shift 60% of It's Total Naval Strength In The South China Seas. Alongwith Allies Like Singapore Japan Korea and Taiwan,The Control Over This Vital Supply Line Is Viewed With Discomfort By China.They Need An Alternative Shorter and Safer and More Reliable Supply Line



Secondly Because It Is A Fast Growing Economy,Trade Has Been Increasing and It's Eastern Seaports Have Become Congested.They Need Extra Capacity Which Only Gwadar Can Provide.

Thirdly and This Is The Most Important,The Western Chinese Provinces Of Sinkiang and Tibet Are Closer To Gwadar Than To The Eastern Chinese Ports and Thus They Are A Cost Effective Option
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