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Gwadar: The future hub of global trade.

Oh, I agree.

I don't Gwadar will reach it's promoted status in the near future at all.
You can't put a fancy cog in a broken machine and expect it to do wonders for you.

Gwadar is not a complete project. No port becomes a major trade route overnight.
That much we can all agree on.

Furthermore, Pakistan's economic climate is weak.
The economy is stagnant, inflation eroding what little gains we make.
Law on order (rather lack of it) deters any sort of FDI and promotes captial flight from Pakistan's own investors.

The energy situation is a whole other deal. One due to the sheer magnitude of the situation will take us a long time to solve, that is if we start now and give it our all.

So, I agree with you, Gwadar and the potential it holds will remain as it is, just untapped potential if other underlying national issues aren't dealt with. But that is why I said 'potential' in the first place. Anyway, I think you'll agree with me here when I say that it's good to see that we have something planned beyond just repairing the major issues. Something for look forward to in the future.

Afsoos sad afsoos har cheez mein humara potential humayshaa potential hee rehta hey, kabhi haqeeqat kyun nahi banta?
Afsoos sad afsoos har cheez mein humara potential humayshaa potential hee rehta hey, kabhi haqeeqat kyun nahi banta?

That's because of us Pakistanis and our 'ho jayega' attitude. We never gave it 100%, we've always cruised by.
Buddy, 7-8 years ago, did you ever think Pakistan would ever become so low? Would Pakistan ever get to the point at where it is now?

There's is some optimism to be had for the future. I remember when talking to @Secur about all this.
He said that we had hit rock bottom, and I have to agree with that. We can't get much lower then we already are.
Only way know is up.

I think over the next 5-10 years we'll see a change of mindset among Pakistanis. This will be our time of social change.
How long can it go on before we have to change? I still hold hope for the future, I don't hold much hope for the Pakistani people wise in good time, I expect at least that when they are pushed right to the edge, where they have nowhere left to go they may do something. Though what they do is an entirely different and delicate matter.
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Once the Motorways and Rail lines are developed, it will automatically become a hub.
That's because of us Pakistanis and our 'ho jayega' attitude. We never gave it 100%, we've always cruised by.
Buddy, 7-8 years ago, did you ever think Pakistan would ever become so low? Would Pakistan ever get to the point at where it is now?

There's is some optimism to be had for the future. I remember when talking to @Secur about all this.
He said that we had hit rock bottom, and I have to agree with that. We can't get much lower then we already are.
Only way know is up.

I think over the next 5-10 years we'll see a change of mindset among Pakistanis. This will be our time of social change.
How long can it go on before we have to change? I still hold hope for the future, I don't hold much hope for the Pakistani people wise in good time, I expect at least that when they are pushed right to the edge, where they have nowhere left to go they may do something. Though what they do is an entirely different and delicate matter.

Expect this project to be completed. There is a vested interest by China who need a short and secure supply line of fuel. This project is linked to their future growth. Call it fate, but we are now linked to China on a deep deep strategic level.

And they couldn't have picked a better partner in Pakistan. Reliable, trustworthy and strong.

It is not a question of conquest or winning as how Indians view the world. It is being an equal partner with another peaceful nation who share a common view of how the region should behave.

Trade and peaceful coexistence will propel us both into prosperity.
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That's because of us Pakistanis and our 'ho jayega' attitude. We never gave it 100%, we've always cruised by.
Buddy, 7-8 years ago, did you ever think Pakistan would ever become so low? Would Pakistan ever get to the point at where it is now?

There's is some optimism to be had for the future. I remember when talking to @Secur about all this.
He said that we had hit rock bottom, and I have to agree with that. We can't get much lower then we already are.
Only way know is up.

I think over the next 5-10 years we'll see a change of mindset among Pakistanis. This will be our time of social change.
How long can it go on before we have to change? I still hold hope for the future, I don't hold much hope for the Pakistani people wise in good time, I expect at least that when they are pushed right to the edge, where they have nowhere left to go they may do something. Though what they do is an entirely different and delicate matter.

Actually, yes, the signs were clear 10 years ago that things were going to get worse steadily in Pakistan. And sorry to say this, but things are about to get a whole lot worse since we have not hit rock bottom yet. Over the next 5 to 10 years we will be in for an even rougher time. You ain't seen nuthin' yet Sir.
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Dubai does not have any taxes and you can just look at the non-oil revenues the government generates yearly. Why can't the same be implemented in at least specific industrial or trading cities in Pakistan. Why can't the same be implemented in Gwadar for example? Make it like Jabal Ali Free Zone.


التاريخ: 25 أبريل 2012​

أظهرت نشرة إصدار صكوك سيادية لحكومة دبي أن الدائرة المالية طرحت في الأسواق الدولية، أمس، صكوكاً تستهدف جمع 1.5 مليار دولار بفعل الطلب القوي في الأسواق الدولية عليها، وبينت أن عجز ميزانية حكومة الإمارة سجل انخفاضاً حاداً إلى 3.7 مليارات درهم بفضل نمو إيرادات النفط وتراجع الإنفاق على مشروعات التنمية. ويعادل الانخفاض 1.2% تقريباً من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي لعام 2010. وارتفع إنفاق دبي قليلاً على أساس سنوي إلى 35.98 مليار درهم العام الماضي وجاء الإنفاق أعلى من 33.68 مليار درهم في خطة الميزانية.

وبحسب نشرة الإصدار تتوقع ميزانية 2012 إيرادات تصل إلى 30.4 مليار درهم منها 3.5 مليارات من النفط و18 ملياراً من الرسوم ومليارين من أرباح الشركات و6.6 مليارات من الجمارك. كما تتوقع الميزانية إنفاقاً يصل إلى 32.2 ملياراً منها 5.9 للتطوير و2.2 للدعم والتحويلات. وأظهرت النشرة أن القيمة الإجمالية لمبيعات العقارات نمت إلى 140.3 مليار درهم في 2011 مقارنة مع 119.4 ملياراً في 2010.
إيرادات ميزانية دبي في 2012: 3.5 مليارات من النفط و18 ملياراً من الرسوم - البيان


As per this news dated 25-Apr-2012 the expected revenues in the 2012 budget will reach 30.4 billion Dirhams out of which 3.5 billion will be from oil, 18 billion from fees and 2 billion form the profit of the companies and 6.6 billion from customs.
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