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Gwadar port city development project | News and Updates

TASHKENT - Pakistan is now focusing it attention on developing bilateral relations with Central Asian Republics (CARs) in an attempt to prepare itself for handling Afghanistan situation once the ISAF and NATO troops pull out of this war-torn Muslim neighbouring country.

Pakistan being a frontline state in the America-led war on terror has it genuine concerns regarding future of the region. Its concerns are shared by all those neighboring states in Central Asia. Islamabad wishes to take these states on board for formulating future strategy to ensure peace and tranquility in the region. Being Muslim states a closer cooperation is the need of the hour. It was against this backdrop that Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani undertook a two-day official visit to Kyrgyzstan on March 15 and held detailed discussion with counterpart Almazbek Atambaev for further deepening bilateral relations and exchanging views on regional and international issues. The two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on establishing Joint Business Council and an agreement on cooperation in military training. Only 9 days after his Kyrgyz visit, Premier Gilani is now arriving in Uzbekistan’s capital Tashkent Thursday (today) on a two-day official visit to hold bilateral talks with a focus on Afghanistan. Both Pakistan and Uzbekistan are cognizant of the multiple challenges being faced by the region. Islamabad and Tashkent are determined to work together for stability, peace and development to the mutual benefit as well as the region as a whole.

Pakistan and Uzbekistan have been closely cooperating at various regional and international forums including Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO), Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) and the United Nations. In fact, it was Uzbekistan which helped Pakistan secure the Observer status at the SCO. Pakistan would seek Uzbek support for attaining full membership of SCO.

Another item on the agenda for official talks is to offer Uzbekistan Gwadar seaport facilities it being the shortest route to trade with the rest of the world, including Pakistan.

During Prime Minister’s visit, taking place on the invitation of Uzbek President Islam Karimov, Pakistan and Uzbekistan will sign four agreements and MOUs including Protocol on Exchanges of Instrument of Ratification of Agreement on Transport and Transit of Goods. The MoUs to be signed include Cooperation in the field of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences as well as for Renewal of Cultural Programme.

Soon after his arrival, Premier Gilani will hold a tete-a-tete with his counterpart, the venue of which is Noval Hall International Business Centre followed by signing of MoUs and agreements and formal talks. The Premier will then leave for Oqsoray Palace, official residence of the President. Later in the evening, Gilani will attend a state banquet at Air Timur Hall.

SHANDONG - Sino-Pak bilateral relations would touch new heights during the next four years since leadership from both the countries has decided to pace up the development of Gwadar Port to provide China a shorter route and easy excess to world markets to dispatch its goods to remote destinations.

It may be recalled that India and the United States had unleashed negative propaganda alleging that China is building up a naval base at Gwadar which would be a serious threat to the South Asian regional peace. Pakistan and China had, time and again, denied any such plan clarifying that the seaport was being developed for commercial purposes all along. The American pressure on Pakistan, however, slowed down the pace of work on this gigantic project.

Beijing welcomes the recent statement by Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani that troops would be withdrawn from Balochistan. It feels this would resolve the law and order situation in that province and pave the way for speeding up the completion of this vital seaport.

At the same tim,e the two sides have also decided to increase their cooperation in the field of defence production and energy sectors. While China has extended a helping hand to cooperate in hydroelectric projects, it is pacing up work on early commissioning of Chashma-2 nuclear power project.

Beijing is also considering positively a request from Islamabad to fasten work on completion of remaining four nuclear power plants of 300 megawatt capacity each.

Under the agreement, China would supply remaining plants by the end of year 2016 and they would be commissioned by the end of year 2020, reliable sources here confided to The Nation.

Chinese official seldom speak about the nature and extent of cooperation with Pakistan know since it would hurt the Indians and the Americans.

Diplomatic sources said the two sides are reviewing possible expansion of Kamra Rebuild Factory for increasing the production of F-17 Thunder aircraft under a joint agreement since Pakistan is keen to initially export these flying machines to friendly Muslim states.

Sentiments witnessed by a visiting media delegation from Pakistan during their interaction with top-ranking Chinese officials indicate that Beijing is willing to extend cooperation in all spheres of life within the purview of the bilateral relations.

Both Pakistan and China had decided to celebrate the year 2011 as 60th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic ties. The enthusiasm demonstrated by top Chinese policy-makers is very encouraging and it is certain that Pakistan would be largely benefitted.

The enthusiasm was also fully demonstrated during the visit to China by Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to sign several Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) for launching various projects with Beijing’s cooperation and assistance.

Currently a 100-member youth delegation is visiting China as part of an exchange programme. During their month’s stay, they would interact with top government and party officials and would also be taken to different regions to witness China’s progress.
Rs3bn plan for Balochistan fishermen By Amin Ahmed | From the Newspaper (10 hours ago) Today

ISLAMABAD, April 29: The Balochistan government is set to launch a Rs3 billion project in the coastal districts of Gwadar and Lasbela to improve the livelihood of poor fishermen. Officials told Dawn on Friday that the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) had agreed to meet 85 per cent cost of the project by providing a loan of $30 million which would be approved by its executive board in Rome on May 10.

The provincial government and beneficiaries of the project will contribute to the project in the form of funds and kind.

The project spreading over six years is aimed at reducing poverty in Gwadar and Lasbela districts and increasing incomes by enhancing access of poor rural men and women to productive assets, skills, services and technologies. The project is designed to assist the provincial government in achieving its objectives of economic growth and poverty alleviation.

The overall responsibility for implementation and coordination of the project will rest with the provincial planning and development department.

Under the 18th Amendment, the provinces has got enhanced role in funding, procurement and loan management.

The amendment has increased the Balochistan government`s share in the federal divisible pool, benefiting it to contribute to the project.

According to the officials, the project is a response to the federal government`s identification of coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan as a priority target area for the IFAD support. Since coastal areas of Sindh have been covered by financing of $36 million by the Asian Development Bank, the government has decided that the IFAD-support project will only be implemented in Balochistan.

The project will also complement the government`s own efforts through an Italian debt swap-funded fisheries infrastructure support project. While the original government concept note had suggested a primary focus on the construction of a major fishing port and related facilities, the iterative design process and consultations with stakeholders have led to the recognition that a livelihoods approach should be adopted for the project, the officials said.

Data show that rural communities living along the 1100km long coastal belt of Pakistan heavily rely on fisheries as a major source of livelihoods.

Pakistan has reasonably well-endowed fishing grounds, but most fishermen do not earn matching returns due to a combination of under-developed support infrastructure, a poor regulatory regime, antiquated harvesting and transport practices, under-developed markets and processing and weak capacity and resources of fishing communities.

ISLAMABAD: The government has allocated Rs 1100 million under Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for New Gwadar International Airport during the year 2011-12. According to details, the total estimated cost of the project is Rs 7675 million, which included Rs 1464 million of foreign loan. The total expenditure of the project up to June 2011 is Rs 485.032 million while throw forward amount as on July 1, 2011 is Rs 7189.968 million. Out of total allocation for the year 2011-12, Rs 220 million is foreign loan while Rs 880 million has been arranged from own resources. According to PSDP, a total of Rs 1470 million has been earmarked for difference ongoing schemes of Defence Division during the year 2011-12. The other major ongoing schemes included capacity building of Pakistan Meteorological Department of Islamabad, establishment of Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre at Karachi, construction of residential accommodation for operational staff at PMD Headquarters, Islamabad, Water Distribution Network Phase-III for RCB/CCB based on Khanpur Dam Water Source, establishment of MSA Digitised Operation Room at New HQ MSA Building MSA, upgradation of Pediatric, Cardiac, Surgical Facility in NIHD, AFIC and establishment of Pak-China Seismic Network in Pakistan. app


Another agreement is likely to be concluded by 2013 for 1,000MW for Makran division.

The government is set to sign an agreement with Iran for importing 100 megawatts (MW) of electricity for Gwadar port within six months, Mir Lashkari Raisani informed the Senate.

“The agreement is a breakthrough (enabling us) to import electricity on low tariff,” he said. “With our efforts, Iran has agreed to provide electricity (at just) Rs7 per unit. In another agreement of 1,000MW, electricity import can materialise by 2013 as Islamabad and Tehran are negotiating the matter,” he explained. JUI-F’s Ismail Buledi informed the upper house of parliament that they have also signed an agreement for importing electricity from Iran for the Makran division as well. Initially, Iran would provide 35.7MW to the division from next month, he added. Earlier, there was a dispute on tariff rates as Tehran was offering electricity at Rs13 per unit but Islamabad kept requesting for a reduction in tariff, he explained.

ANP’s Ilyas Bilour said army and security agencies are responsible and respectable departments and everyone should give them due regard. “The only way to pay tribute to our motherland is by showing loyalty and devotion,” he said.

Counter Terrorism Authority Act

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said that the National Counter Terrorism Authority Act would be tabled before parliament for approval. In this regard, he urged the Senate committee on interior to finalise amendments in the Anti-Terrorism Act as soon as possible for effectively prosecuting anti-social elements. Provinces will issue arms licences after the completion of the devolution process, he added.

NCHD’s unpaid employees

Jamaat-e-Islami’s Prof Muhammad Ibrahim Khan said the employees of National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) were calling for the payment of the remainder of their salaries. “It is important that the government should resolve the issue as soon as possible,” he demanded.

Chairman of the Implementation Commission Senator Raza Rabbani said that some elements were creating hurdles in the way of the devolution.

&#8220;I know some elements are dead against the devolution process<&#8221; Rabbani said.

He was speaking on various points of orders in the Senate.

Rabbani said that the commission would approve the devolution process by the end of this month.

On the NCHD issue, he said that all teachers were working on contract basis. &#8220;So, it is difficult for the government and the provinces to accept these employees after the devolution,&#8221; he added. &#8220;The lawmakers who favour the regularisation of these teachers should approach prime minister, who is in-charge of the Council of Common Interests &#8212; engage provinces to resolve such issues,&#8221; he added.

Outstanding dues of the teachers would be cleared till June 30, he said.
Published in The Express Tribune, June 24th, 2011.
‘Urea import through Gwadar not helping locals’

Hina Mahgul Rind
Thursday, July 07, 2011

KARACHI: The government is importing 100,000 tons of urea through Gwadar Port this month, but it will not help the people of Gwadar, Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo said.

The total urea to reach the country in July is 150,000 tons, including 100,000 tons through Gwadar Port.

But Bizenjo said that Gwadar Port must not depend on the government’s seasonal cargo. The government should take Gwadar Port seriously and should be more focused to develop the links to the port as a port cannot be run in isolation.

The government should give priority to the development of the roads, not to the seasonal cargos, said the National Party Senator.

Due to these government cargoes of wheat and urea commencing from 2008, the Singapore Port Authority has managed to handle numerous ships, but not a single ship belonging to the private sector has been attracted by PSA.

In 2008, 2009 and 2010 when 3.073 million metric tons of wheat and urea was imported through Gwadar port, the government incurred extra cost of about Rs1 billion.

The government imported 133,219 metric tons of urea during March and April 2011 through Gwadar port and incurred extra cost of about Rs330 million.

The total extra cost that the government has incurred so far due to import of government cargoes through Gwadar port is about Rs1.33 billion.

These government subsidies only benefited some individuals and not the people of Gwadar, the former National Assembly member said.

The ultimate beneficiaries are people from outside the Balochistan and PSA. Even most of the skilled labour is hired from Karachi, he said.

The government should invest this money in development of the connectivity of the port to the rest of the country, he said.

Most of the connectivity roads are 30 to 40 percent completed. The government should complete these roads so that the port is connected to the rest of the country according to the master plan and starts attracting business.

Round-the-clock and efficient movement of containers to and from the port should be made possible by completing roads to Karachi (the Makran Coastal Highway), to Punjab through Turbat, Khoshab, Awaran, Khuzdar, Ratodero and to Quetta through Turbat, Panjgur, and Surab.

He said that the Balochistan situation is not as tense as that of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA, but developments preject are being carried out there and not in Balochistan.

If only 50 percent of the amount spent on giving government cargo to Gwadar had been spent on schools, hospitals and roads, it would have improved the living conditions of the people on a long term basis.

Ahmed Baksh Lehri, Chief Secretary Balochistan, said that the issues pertaining to Balochistan will be discussed in federal cabinet meetings to be held in Balochistan.

He said that Gwadar Port cannot be made fully operational until some issues are resolved.

The chief secretary said that a substitute land would be provided to Pakistan Navy at the sea front in Pishukan. The proposal of the substitute land has been sent to the federal government, he said.

Balochistan government will provide 300 acres of land to Pakistan Navy for free and the rest of the land will be provided at the rate of around Rs100,000 per acre.

The federal government is yet to reply on the issue.

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh said Gwadar Port project is vital for the economic uplift of the country and coastal lines of Balochistan. Presiding over a meeting about the progress of different sections of Gwadar Link Road to Rattodaro he was informed about the four projects of Gwadar Rattodaro Link Road and M-8 Gwadar-Turber-Hoshab (193 km) would be completed by December 2012. It was informed overall progress is 68 percent and the PSDP allocation for FY 2011-12 was Rs 15 million. The meeting informed the overall progress on N-85-Hosbad-Panjgur-Naag-Basima-Sorab (454 km) was 17 percent and PSDP allocation for FY 2011-12 was Rs 1800 million. It would be completed by June 2014. Meanwhile, M-8-Hosbab-Awaran-Khuzdar (414 km) project will be initiated in second phase. The minister was informed the design phase of the Bahima-Khuzdar section has been completed the PC-1 costing Rs 4,397.293 million has been approved by ECNEC. Procurement of supervisory consultants and contractors is in progress. M-8-Khuzdar-Shahdad Kot (242 km) showed progress about 73 percent. Out of 242 km length, 100 km has already been constructed whereas work on the left over sections is in progress. An amount of Rs 6.5 billion would be required for a completion of remaining work. Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Secretary Finance, Secretary Economic Affairs Division, Secretary Communication, Secretary Planning and Development, Chairman NHA, DG FWO and other high officials were present in the meeting. app
Chinese investment sought for Gwadar port
Published: August 14, 2011

China stresses development of communication links to Gwadar. PHOTO: FILE
Pakistan Ambassador to China Masood Khan said on Saturday that Pakistan would welcome China&#8217;s help in the development of the Gwadar port.
Talking to journalists, the Pakistan envoy termed the Gwadar port the gateway to the Middle East and Indian Ocean economies.
&#8220;China has already built the Gwadar port. We want to develop it further. We will welcome a role by China in the future,&#8221; he said.
He said that Pakistan needed to develop rail, road, air and communication networks. &#8220;When this network is fully operational from Gwadar to Khunjerab, Urumqi, Beijing and Shanghai, it will give alternative choices to China for its trade with the Middle East and Europe. This alternative route will be much shorter than the one passing through the Malacca Straits,&#8221; he said.
Khan said that Pakistan and China had a common goal of making South Asia a prosperous region. &#8220;The two countries have common interests. Both want peace and stability in the region. Both want this region to prosper,&#8221; he said.
He said that traditionally Pakistan and China had collaborated closely in the UN and multilateral forums. &#8220;We support each other on issues like the UN reform, disarmament, climate change, food security and international financial matters,&#8221; he said.
He mentioned that Pakistan and China were cooperating in many sectors, including energy, telecommunications, agriculture and infrastructure. &#8220;China&#8217;s top brands are already in Pakistan. We are working on enhanced and assured inflows of Chinese investment in Pakistan&#8221;, he said.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 14th, 2011.
Raisani to meet Zardari to discuss Gwadar Port handover

Mumtaz Alvi
Monday, August 15, 2011

ISLAMABAD: Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Muhammad Aslam Raisani will meet President Asif Ali Zardari within two days to discuss a formal handing over of the Gwadar Port to his government and completion of main highways and roads, work on which started during the Musharraf regime.

Sources close to the chief minister told The News here on Sunday that Aslam Raisani would also request President Zardari to push for early legislation from parliament on making the Gwadar Port a provincial subject.

The upcoming meeting, to be held at the Presidency, is expected to be attended among others by Balochistan Governor Nawab Zulfiqar Magsi, Law Minister Maula Bakhsh Chandio, concerned provincial ministers and NHA officials, the sources said.

&#8220;The chief minister will also ask for the Centre&#8217;s cooperation in making the port fully operational as early as possible that will lessen the burden on other two major ports,&#8221; the sources maintained.

The Gwadar Port has the potential to serve as one of the best world trans-shipment ports once developed as envisioned in its master plan. The facility could handle massive shipments and wheat, sugar, fertilizer and other such items under the Afghan transit trade.

A Balochistan minister, requesting anonymity, revealed that in one of the meetings with NHA officials, Chief Minister Raisani had threatened to halt its operations in the province, as it was playing havoc with environment due to inordinate delays in completion of the already under construction roads.

The road-related situation was so depressing that even the 45-minute travel from Quetta to Mastung, the native district of the chief minister, consumes nearly 90 minutes, as the road is uprooted and only some patches are properly macadamised so far.

The orchards, mostly of apples, along the road have either dried up or have stopped producing fruit for years now, mainly because of clouds of dust hovering around 24 hours a day: A bus, 22-wheeler truck or a van leaves a long trail of dust behind, as the road is unpaved.

He pointed out that many roads, work on which was initiated five to 10 years ago, were yet to be completed, resulting in spread of dust and dirt that had destroyed many orchards, causing also lung complications among the locals.

&#8220;You can well imagine, how helpless even a chief minister is in getting a road leading to his own native district completed despite having served for nearly three and half years as the head of provincial government,&#8221; the minister contended. He noted the chief minister had visited NHA headquarters several times ever since he became chief minister.

Replying to a question, he said that for the Balochistan&#8217;s ongoing NHA projects worth well over Rs100 billion, Rs1 billion had been earmarked for 2011-2012 financial year. He lamented that this would result in further delays and cause health and environmental hazards across the province that is 44 percent of Pakistan&#8217;s total area.
which of the above things has been accomplished? has the government started the project of uplift for farmers of gawadar or has electricity allocation budget given out or has the airport construction started?

ISLAMABAD - In order to complete the delayed road projects of comparatively deprived province, the government is likely to speed up work on Balochistan’s communication projects soon.

In this prioritising policy, work on Gwadar Link Road and other delayed projects would be sped up, as some of the projects could not be completed in stipulated time due to certain reasons, sources in Communication Ministry told TheNation. They said over 40 per cent was still remaining on Sorab-Basima-Naag-Panjgur-Hoshab (454-km) Road even after passage of three years, as this project was considered to be one of the important projects of this province.

Another important project - the Gwadar Port road - is yet to be completed. The delayed payment and various other factors remained the reasons behind its delay. Work on this project would be carried out on priority basis, said the sources.

Other projects including (N-25) Widening of Kalat-Quetta-Chaman, Kalat-Quetta(60 km), Quetta-Chaman(57 Km), Lakpass Tunnel (180M), Musli Bagh-Qila Saifulla (50km), Ormara-Pasni section and others are still not completed even after passage of their completion dates. Work on these projects would be started with pace to complete them as early as possible, said the sources.

It is relevant to mention here that a couple of weeks back, the Federal Minister for Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Sheikh had held a meeting discussing the progress of different sections of Gwadar Link Road to Rattodaro and other projects.

Considering the importance of these projects, the meeting decided a mechanism to prioritize comparatively deprived province Balochistan extra ordinary delayed projects for early completion.

Abdul Hafeez Sheikh had said that Gwadar Port Project was vital for the uplifting desert areas and coastal lines of Balochistan.

It is relevant to mention here that M-8 (GWADAR-TURBAT-HOSHAB (193-km) that has 75 per cent completed and there were much chances to complete it by December 2012 on its completion date. Likewise, work on N-85 (Hosbad-Panjgur-Naag-Basima-Sorab) (454 KM) is underway and its completion date is in June 2014.
Communication infrastructure has to be completed to give easy access from Gawadar and to Gawadar, moreover contract status of Gawader with PSA Singapore should be review over its involvement in development and ship berthing. It is important to bring port into full functional scale.
Communication infrastructure has to be completed to give easy access from Gawadar and to Gawadar, moreover contract status of Gawader with PSA Singapore should be review over its involvement in development and ship berthing. It is important to bring port into full functional scale.

From what i read here on this forum from many senior members is that in order for the port to be fully functional it needs all the required roads, railways, and pipelines constructed, and as you mentioned the contract status of Gwadar with PSA should also be reviewed.
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