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Guns Fall Silent on the LoC

"Which flower should you give to an estranged neighbour who refuses to talk? But nothing says “I want to talk” like missed calls. There’s apparently been plenty of those missed calls from Prime Minister Imran Khan but the answer from Narendra Modi has remained “Can’t talk, WhatsApp only”.
Then there is the curious case of PM Khan who still hasn’t recovered from Modi snubbing him. “I couldn’t understand why Modi didn’t want to talk,” he perhaps thinks. But Khan understands that he wants to talk to Modi on Kashmir, the same Modi he wanted to see re-elected and solving the issue of Kashmir. So, in one speech you go on to compare the Modi government with ‘Nazis’, while in the next, you want Modi to be your ‘yaar’. How does that work? Nonstop rhetoric will win you hashtags, but that doesn’t take forward the bilateral discourse.
Then there is the dilemma of foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi. One day, he tells us Pakistan won’t talk to India till it rolls back the scrapping of Article 370. The next day, he asks why India fears talking to Pakistan? Consider this the modern version of Allama Iqbal’s “shikwa, jawab-e-shikwa (complaint, response to the complaint)”. Only making it more potent with Qureshi’s theatrics. Unlucky, Iqbal isn’t around to witness it. Lucky us, or not.
There was also special assistant to Imran Khan on national security division and strategic policy planning, Moeed Yusuf, who was the first to break the news that India desires to start talks with Pakistan. Yusuf seemed to imply that India was dying to talk to Pakistan, only that India was oblivious of its desires, as we later found out. “Pakistan will take two steps if India takes one,” he now tells us. All hangs in balance over the “if”."

The twists and convolutions by the powers that be in Pakistan is really comic.
we should not be always enthusiastic about peace.
In Global Politics Peace is only a 'Perception' which could only be 'Imposed' by Powers under their area of Influence and authority, therefore it could not be achieved or maintained by weak parties.

If Indian and Pakistan are trying to re-initiate the peace process then both are accepting their relative weakness due to Domestic, Regional and International situation.

In case of Pakistan we might want to avoid confrontation beyond a certain point due to some current prevailing domestic and regional conditions, India knowing this used this opportunity for petty political gain two years backs in the form of an attempt in Balakot and for a tactical gain by abolition of article 370 of Indian constitution and by committing demographic change in Kashmir.

In case of India the bigger question is why India is trying to tone the situation down both at LOC and LAC .... ??

India in terms of to International diplomacy related to the LOC and Kashmir is in relatively advantageous position, other than this after propagating Hyper Masculine and Godzallian image of Modi in domestic and International theatre and as well as the clear declaration of NO-DIALOGUE policy with Pakistan from first term of Modi lead BJP Government, how India will retreat from its stated position ..... ???

Or India is buying time to use it in her advantage
Think this would be relevant...

Some excerpt:

Over the years, it would appear that Indian skin has become thinner, and the chip Indians carry on their shoulders has got bigger. A few years ago, I met the Economist correspondent in Delhi who had come to Lahore to cover our general elections. When I asked him how covering India compared with writing about Pakistan, he replied: “When I do a negative story about India, all the Indians I know are furious; but when I am critical of Pakistan, my friends here all agree with me.”

So why are Indians so sensitive to criticism? Why can’t they take a joke at their expense? I suspect this has to do with the fact that India has been ruled by Muslims and Brits for close to 1,000 years, and won independence just over seven decades ago. This has made them averse to criticism. And the Hindutva poison being injected into the mainstream has only made matters worse.

Where do you get this 1000 year rule bull shit? Do you have historical data with geography stating the same?

Tomorrow If i become Muslim, do I also get to tell my cousins, I ruled them for 1000 years?
Where do you get this 1000 year rule bull shit? Do you have historical data with geography stating the same?

Tomorrow If i become Muslim, do I also get to tell my cousins, I ruled them for 1000 years?

Ask the writer...
maybe it was less like 950 years of even less.
People in their 40' know it is just the time out. You get your mizile I get mine plus some S400 and we go fight again...

This circle / cucle will go for another 50 years or till 100% janta on both side is educated.

Ladakh and Kargil is separate UT now. The population was always peaceful and now free from valley politics will get integrated with India at a faster pace. Demography issue will also get fixed. Kashmir politicians and bureaucracy used to stall the plans of Union, which has ceaesed now.

Jammu now is marching away to glory. Kashmir bureaucracy has been merged with other UT and the hurdles in population and demography integration has been removed.

Kashmir Valley: Pakistan has agreed to cease fire. It gives them real knowledge that Pakistan has no appetite and is only issuing statements as platitudes...the way it is done for Palestine.

China being forced to turn back , wise in Kashmir knows there is no hope. Best to carry Tiranga.
Ask the writer...
maybe it was less like 950 years of even less.

If I say not even 300 and only some parts and area which is Pakistan and Afghanistan, will it shock you. What if, your ancestors were the actual victims of forced conversion at gun point? More likely? So this slave mentality is with you guys. Post independence, it was USA now China. The damage is permanent.

What about second question? If I become Muslim tomorrow, can I say to my cousins that they are slaves and I am the ruler for 1000 years?
Where do you get this 1000 year rule bull shit? Do you have historical data with geography stating the same?

Tomorrow If i become Muslim, do I also get to tell my cousins, I ruled them for 1000 years?

Start with mahmud ghazni reign from 994 AD

And answer to your second question is YES
There should not be any peace or discussion till India is on the table for Kashmir talks
People in their 40' know it is just the time out
Time out?
Ladakh and Kargil is separate UT now. The population was always peaceful and now free from valley politics will get integrated with India at a faster pace. Demography issue will also get fixed. Kashmir politicians and bureaucracy used to stall the plans of Union, which has ceaesed now.

Jammu now is marching away to glory. Kashmir bureaucracy has been merged with other UT and the hurdles in population and demography integration has been removed.

Kashmir Valley: Pakistan has agreed to cease fire. It gives them real knowledge that Pakistan has no appetite and is only issuing statements as platitudes...the way it is done for Palestine.

China being forced to turn back , wise in Kashmir knows there is no hope. Best to carry Tiranga.
Indian timeout victory
Does this mean the LoC is being accepted as the final border? Or has India been forced to accept Pakistani claims (UN referendum) over Kashmir so that they can restore relations and focus on China per orders by the USA?
Really, you read into this the acceptance of Pakistani claims ?????
India is a status quo power its Pakistan that wants the valley.
Ceasefire means accepting what's there currently with no changes and the guns to fall silent.
Really, you read into this the acceptance of Pakistani claims ?????
India is a status quo power its Pakistan that wants the valley.
Ceasefire means accepting what's there currently with no changes and the guns to fall silent.

Cease fire agreement isn't new if you are trying to look it like a change about Kashmir. Before making such a claim like a naive, check history.

Kashmir status remains disputed as UN resolutions and Indian occupation couldn't change it.
Really, you read into this the acceptance of Pakistani claims ?????
India is a status quo power its Pakistan that wants the valley.
Ceasefire means accepting what's there currently with no changes and the guns to fall silent.
Disagree slightly.
The bjp government is now changing this Congressi status quo mantra , both internally and externally. And to be fair , creating Bangladesh is also not a sign of maintaining staus quo by India.
Inspite of its faulty implementation record, bjp is pushing for India in all fields.
Remember after the Myanmar surgical strike, people were daring them to try the same with Pakistan. And now the goalposts have changed to "hun maar".
Kashmir status remains disputed as UN resolutions and Indian occupation couldn't change it.
Have it your way, no one gives any credence to that. You can keep repeating that till the cows come home, run dry in the udders, give up the ghost and join the happy ranch in the sky.
370 has been abrogated. Ladakh and Kargil now part of the union. Jammu finally free of the shenanigans from Sri Nagar. Kashmir finally and permanently part of the Indian Union.
Ceasefire, a mere acceptance of those facts on the ground.
Kashmir status remains disputed as UN resolutions and Indian occupation couldn't change it.
Modi recklessness is a blessing.. campaigning for Trump, now asking Biden for help.. idk, how republican would see Dehli as no one on earth has done something like before. A country premier campaigning for a candidate in another country election.
Have it your way, no one gives any credence to that. You can keep repeating that till the cows come home, run dry in the udders, give up the ghost and join the happy ranch in the sky.
370 has been abrogated. Ladakh and Kargil now part of the union. Jammu finally free of the shenanigans from Sri Nagar. Kashmir finally and permanently part of the Indian Union.
Ceasefire, a mere acceptance of those facts on the ground.

Have it your way, no one gives any credence to that. You can keep repeating that till the cows come home, run dry in the udders, give up the ghost and join the happy ranch in the sky.

Nobody cares if India claims the flying cows after 370 but status remains as per UN. Point me to the mention where it says any status quo. Rest about Indian imaginations, last time India was super power in 2020 and Pakistan was supposed to be wiped out of the world map. Where is anything about Kashmir status?
Modi recklessness is a blessing.. campaigning for Trump, now asking Biden for help.. idk, how republican would see Dehli as no one on earth has done something like before. A country premier campaigning for a candidate in another country election.

US is already disappointed into Indian services in Afghanistan. No matter how much US armed them, India can't serve US ambitions against China at all. However, the region might be pushed into fire but in the end, India will lose more.

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