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Gunmen attack Indian Consulate in Afghanistan

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Oh those " PESKY ISI NIGHTMARES " Again.... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Take two Valium and call me in the morning... :enjoy:

Do you have any Proof or just FIRING BLANKS as Usual.... :lol:
considering the goodwill that india has in afg and no military role it becomes quite obvious , but if you are in denial mode i wouldn't dare give you any proofs
Nice, a clear message must be send.
It was sent. The attackers were dispatched to hell by the Indian and Afghan security forces present there. The message, loud and clear, is that barbarians can try to harm India, but they will be dispatched to hell like their predecessors. India and her interests will remain.
All terrorists are dispatched to hell by ITBP Jawans and Afgan forces without any loss. LOLs
considering the goodwill that india has in afg and no military role it becomes quite obvious , but if you are in denial mode i wouldn't dare give you any proofs

Come on , Genious.

You ain't Got no Proof as usual.... :p:

All talk , no backup. Typical Indian Propaganda....

Show the evidence or STFU... :butcher:
ISI is focusing on attacking an Indian consulate in Afghanistan instead of using those resources in kashmir. Which means they are feeling the heat from the other side of their border. Which means RAW is working against ISI's interests. As usual, there is no trail of RAW left behind. In the end, ISI gets blamed for supporting terrorist activities in other countries! Masterstroke by RAW I say. :smokin:
i feel sorry for nawaz sharief , it becomes really tough to perform when your own people let you down and don't have faith in your wisdom and abilities.
And then you cry foul when people associate Muslims with terrorism.
well when u r the invaders ( or helping invaders ) and then u claim the people resisting are terrorists...well if we go by that definition muslims love be to terrorist
ISI is focusing on attacking an Indian consulate in Afghanistan instead of using those resources in kashmir. Which means they are feeling the heat from the other side of their border. Which means RAW is working against ISI's interests. As usual, there is no trail of RAW left behind. In the end, ISI gets blamed for supporting terrorist activities in other countries! Masterstroke by RAW I say. :smokin:
and who told u that arnab goswami
Shareef has a killer instinct of choosing bad generals :lol:

That's the problems with picking favourites. The guy so picked is under pressure to show his guys that he is his own man & no one's pet. Will happen every single time. Nawaz Sharif would have been better off picking the senior-most General who would have felt that he got the post on merit/seniority & will come less under pressure to prove himself.
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We are invaders? Are you out of your freaking mind?
Nopes US is invaders and u r helping them ... btw u call Kashmir people who stand up against ur aggression as terrorist ... 3

U blamed it on Pakistan without any proof .. just like u did so many times ... so obviously we dnt care about what u think..
Come on , Genious.

You ain't Got no Proof as usual.... :p:

All talk , no backup. Typical Indian Propaganda....

Show the evidence or STFU... :butcher:
its all over the internet use your brain and help yourself :coffee: , i am not going to waste my time on another mindf#cked pakistani .
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