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Gulf countries do not need Pakistan, Pakistan needs them: Kuwaiti daily

Imagine Pakistan

1. Recognizing "territorial" integrity of Israel.
2. Entering into mutual protection pact with Iran.
3. Declaring Arabian Gulf as Persian Gulf.
4. Stationing it's fleet off the coast of Yemen.
5. Opening up a fighter base in Gwadar.

Tell me something. Would that stir the pot?

Right now Arabs dont care whether Pakistan is recognising Israel or not

They only want Pakistan's trained Military manpower
AND an answer ie Yes / No
It is NOT about Self respect it is about self INTEREST
both immediate and LONG term

The India has same national interest in Gulf as of Pakistan, its about attitude.

I forgot to show you the front page of this newspaper yesterday. Read the editorial comment

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But this is the same newspaper which called India's decision to construct houses for Kashmiri pandits in Kashmir as Israeli-type colonies(L-O-L), and which blamed Kashmiri pandits for "migrating" to Hindu dominated areas(Ignoring the carnage that took place), so I've stopped taking them seriously. :)

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This is UAE newspaper? Seems like HT to me.
Let's not forget the Israel card up our sleeves. Want to destroy the so called "Arbee" ego? Accept Israel and it's territorial integrity.

Kill multiple birds with one stone. These Arabeez are living in some lalaland. They need to be shown their true auqat!

@Irfan Baloch
have to bite the tongue while we do that because the despicable Natanyahu he is a scumbag without a doubt
I don't know if our approach towards Israel will stir anything in the Arab kings, countries like Egypt and Jordan are already friends with them and others like KSA securely meet with Israelis regarding the attack on Iran.

approaching Israel has political and economic advantages for sure and this should be done sooner than later

Corrected it for you.
you are right
I missed that bit. Pakistanis hate Israel more than the Arabs. our Islamist parties will torch the country if that happens
pakistan establishment and army should stop this decades-old co-operation with the gulf kingdoms and move towards common sense.

it is clear that the houthis are being attacked for not being the "ideal rebels" that western governments promotes... pakistan army should really be helping the houthis.

parallely, pakistan army should help militarily helping syria is eradicating the nato-sponsored terrorists massacring syrians... after all, the qaeda/taliban/ikhwaan criminals running riot in syria are the same ones killing pakistanis.
Actually yes!!
It works in our favor if GCC stops supporting Pakistan, at least this newspaper would stop comparing Kashmir and Palestine. Lol.
I have read and understood everything. There are methods and nuances to my craziness Hope you understand them someday! :D

Okay then you're beyond me. Lol

This is UAE newspaper? Seems like HT to me.
Its a newspaper published in UAE.
countries like Egypt and Jordan are already friends with them and others like KSA securely meet with Israelis regarding the attack on Iran.

Mark my words. You wil soon find Israel and Iran a lot closer than any of the Arab countries.
My personal assessment about Islamists from ground zero is that they have been neutered to a large extent. Right now they are very much manageable.

you are right
I missed that bit. Pakistanis hate Israel more than the Arabs. our Islamist parties will torch the country if that happens
Imagine Pakistan

1. Recognizing "territorial" integrity of Israel.


Answer : NO benefits to Pakistan

2. Entering into mutual protection pact with Iran.

Saudis and GCC get really MAD at you

3. Declaring Arabian Gulf as Persian Gulf.

Changes NOTHING on the ground

4. Stationing it's fleet off the coast of Yemen.

Saudis will ask US navy or even worse India to intervene

Remember India has Military ties with QATAR

5. Opening up a fighter base in Gwadar.

What will you station there ; where are are the surplus F 16

who will look at it with concern; None

Tell me something. Would that stir the pot?

No it will simply burn ALL the relations that you have with GCC
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The Israelis have them by their balls... That's why.
Both Israel and Arabs see Tehran as a bigger threat to ME. Palistinian cause has also lost its support in Arab world because Hammas is seen as more a proxy of Iran rather than a palistinian authority. Even Al-Fatah and Hammas are bitter rivals of each other. Palistine is a more complex issue now than people consider it.
That's why I stay annoyed with these Arab folks.

Their incompetence surprises me. One day, I might snap and just order my military to invade GCC lands.

No wonder I am building up a military with Altay and Leopard A4 upgraded tanks, TFX-1 fifth generation fighter jet program, raising mechanized units with loads of armored vehicles and cavalry, buying new transport aircrafts, and so on.

I am just sick of all this bullsh!t.

Wait till 2030-40, I am going to take things into my own hands. My military is being raised. Be aware.
2030?? You should invade them NOW! The Arabs think they are the Lords and Masters of the Islamic world! They expect others to jump when the say 'jump'! Pakistan has refused to jump and that's why they're pissed off!
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