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Gulf countries do not need Pakistan, Pakistan needs them: Kuwaiti daily

The India has same national interest in Gulf as of Pakistan, its about attitude.

Pakistan has to worry about the following while sending troops

1 Relations with IRAN ; they have a 900 KM Border

2 Situation in Balochistan

3 Domestic sectarian clashes

4 Sending troops will give a big boost to extremist elements at home
who they are trying to contain

It is a difficult choice
why so much fuss in pakistani establishment in sending a a few divisions of pakistani infantry to fight as foot soldiers to invade yemen ? after all its not thefirst time pakistan is doing that they(pakistani soldiers under leader ship of genral zia) killed 1000s of "palestenians" as per order of king of jordan , then they faught against israel in arab israeli conflict then they regularlli keep sending there "milltarry insturcters" and they also did job for bahrain a few years back then why this hesitation ?

thing is pakistan is in no postion to say "NO" to arabs who have been giving millons of pakistanies employemnt on which billons of $$s come every year and is the biggest source of forighn currency for pakistani economy and how can pakistanies forget or ignore crude oil often given free or on defferred payment and that too on subsidised rates by saudies and other GCCstates
4 Sending troops will give a big boost to extremist elements at home
who they are trying to contain
Shia groups cannot create any trouble for Pakistan they are too weak and out numbered by groups like ASWJ
Mark my words. You wil soon find Israel and Iran a lot closer than any of the Arab countries.
hard to imagine that.

because both KSA and Israel will ensure diplomatically and practically to disrupt the American approach drive towards Iran.
both see this with great dismay that USA is moving to Iran which can effectively move the pivots of power in middle east. Israelis are over reacting because with the change of ruling party in America , this policy will be put in the bin and Iran will be in the cross hair again
Mark my words. You wil soon find Israel and Iran a lot closer than any of the Arab countries.

For that to happen IRANIAN leadership will have to APOLOGISE for
Ahmedinijad' words about " Wiping Israel off the map "

Is that possible

ask you. What on earth are they going to do? Stop the flow of oil? Stop the dollars?

YES definitely
hard to imagine that.

because both KSA and Israel will ensure diplomatically and practically to disrupt the American approach drive towards Iran.
both see this with great dismay that USA is moving to Iran which can effectively move the pivots of power in middle east. Israelis are over reacting because with the change of ruling party in America , this policy will be put in the bin and Iran will be in the cross hair again


So you are sure that Hillary is going to lose?
I forgot to show you the front page of this newspaper yesterday. Read the editorial comment

View attachment 214686

But this is the same newspaper which called India's decision to construct houses for Kashmiri pandits in Kashmir as Israeli-type colonies(L-O-L), and which blamed Kashmiri pandits for "migrating" to Hindu dominated areas(Ignoring the carnage that took place), so I've stopped taking them seriously. :)

View attachment 214687
Actually yes!!
It works in our favor if GCC stops supporting Pakistan, at least this newspaper would stop comparing Kashmir and Palestine. Lol.

Okay then you're beyond me. Lol

Its a newspaper published in UAE.
No offense , news papers such as Gulf News and KT are a joke.
Not entirely correct, but not very far off the mark either.

They have been two tangoing for awhile now.

hamas is now a wayward child, though it was very happy when israel, usa and britain brought it into power in gaza in 2007 through "democratic elections" forced upon the plo which had just lost yasser arafat.

also, the syrian government did the mistake for some years of allowing hamas to have office in damascus and all... maybe it was iran's idea... but 2011 came and hamas acted against syria... i saw a drawing by syrian people which depicts hamas as the dog that fed the hand that fed it... same case with hamas biting israel.

So you are sure that Hillary is going to lose?

Quite likely EIGHT years of democrats is enough

PS : Regarding your signature : PhDs in science and engineering do the following things
They create ; innovate ; discover and invent
I ask you. What on earth are they going to do? Stop the flow of oil? Stop the dollars?
not just that but sending back all pakistanies living in gulf nations + the bigger worry for pakistani elite what if all there properties in GCC states get confiscated

so instead of showing restrain pakistani establishment should do what GCC states want them to trust me dear friend pakistan has no choice
No offense , news papers such as Gulf News and KT are a joke.
I know!
Suggest me something better.

Btw there's another reason why I read Gulfnews.... they occasionally post my views in their news paper. :ashamed:
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