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Guesstimated Production in WW II



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Jul 29, 2011
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Guesstimated Production in WW II:

World Population in 1939 (millions): China 515, India 378 (in 1939 it included Pakistan and Bangladesh), USSR 170, USA 131, Germany (including Austria, etc,) 84, Japan 71 (plus 23.4 Koreans), UK 48, Italy 44, France 42, Brazil 40, Poland 35, Romania 20, Philippines 16, Czechoslovakia 15.3, Canada 11.3, South Africa 10.2, Hungary 9.1, Holland 8.7 (plus 69 from the Dutch West Indies), Belgium 8.4, Greece 7.2, Australia 7, Bulgaria 6.5, Malaya 4.4, Denmark 3.8, Finland 3.7, Norway 3, Lithuania 2.6, Yugoslavia 2, New Zealand 1.6, (these countries didn´t fight, but had: Spain 25, Mexico 20, Iran 14.3, Argentina 9, Portugal 6.5, Sweden 6.3, Switzerland 4.2).
1939 Steel Production (million tons): USA 51.4, Germany 23.3, USSR 18.8, UK 13.2, France 6.2, Japan 5.8, Italy 2.3, Canada 1.4, Australia 1.2, India 1. Note the absurdity of India with 378 million people, inexpensive labor and plenty of ore producing only 1 million tons and Australia with 7 million people producing 1.2 million tons. In contrast in 2009 India would produce 11 times more steel than Australia, although India no longer includes Pakistan and Bangla Desh and has no access to British investors, as it did in 1939. This provides a glimpse at the extreme inefficiency of British colonial government in India.

Japan’s wartime steel production peaked in 1943 at 9.6 million tons, but in 1945 Japan produced only 120,000 tons.
Germany’s steel production also peaked in 1943 at 38 million tons, in 1944 it dropped to 31.33 million (a remarkable amount, considering the massive bombing inflicted on German industry.
Incredibly, US Steel Corporation alone employed 340,000 people in 1943 and produced over 30 million tons. The total US production reached 89 million tons in 1943. So the steel industry alone probably employed over 1.2 million people in the US.

America alone produced 320,000 airplanes during WW II!. Including about 100,000 fighter planes (including night fighters), 40,000 twin engine bombers and transport planes (mostly C-47, B-25 Mitchell, PV-1, Douglas A-20, PBY, etc,), over 35,000 four engine bombers & cargo planes (mostly Liberators and Fortresses and a few thousand Super Fortresses and C-54s) and many single engine bombers, torpedo planes, transport, liaison, spotting, rescue and reconnaissance airplanes. About 55,000 of these planes were especially sturdy aircraft carrier units, designed to resist the impact of the landings in near collision conditions.

Guesstimated Airplane Production During WW II:
Axis: Reich 119,000, Japan 76,000, Italy 11,000, Romania & Hungary 2,000 Total 208,000 (practically no 4 engine bombers)
Allies: US 320,000, USSR 157,000 (36,000 Sturmoviks, 25,000 Po-2 biplanes), GB 131,000, Canada 16,000 Total 608,000 (about 50,000 of which were 4 engine planes made only by the US and GB. Note that GB alone produced 10% more planes than Germany, 15,000 of them with 4 engines)
Guesstimated Average Flight Hours Before Combat for A Pilot (in Germany, Italy and Japan the time decreased as fuel and pilots became more scarce, while it gradually increased in the USSR, US and Britain as more pilots and fuel became available):
Axis: Reich 250, Italy 180, Japan 150
Allies: US 400, GB 350, USSR 220
Guesstimated Tank & Self Propelled gun Production:
Axis: Reich 60,000, Italy 3,000, Japan 3,000. Total 66,000 (only 6,000 Panthers and 1,347 Tigers and 492 King Tigers)+3,600 captured vehicles that they used in the war
Allies: USSR 99,000, US 83,000, GB 28,300, Canada 2,600: Total 213,000
Guesstimated Submachine gun production:
Axis & Finland: Reich 1.6 million, Italy 400,000, Finland 80,000, Japan 25,000 Total 2.105 million
Allies: USSR 7 million, US 780,000, GB 620,000: Total 8.4 million (4 times more than the Axis)
Guesstimated Mortar Production:
Axis: Germany 74,000, Japan 29,000, Italy 22,000 Total 125,000
Allies: USSR 200,000, US 105,000, GB 103,000 Total 408,000 (3.3 times more than the Axis)
Guesstimated Machine gun Production:
Axis: Reich 680,000, Japan 380,000, Italy 160,000 Total 1,220,000 (by far most of them 8 mm or below)
Allies: US 2,670,000, USSR 1,477,000, GB 297,000, Canada 252,000, Total 4,666,000 (3.8 times more than the Axis, mostly 7.62 mm
over a million 12 mm)
Guesstimated Rifle Production:
Axis & Finland: Reich 7 million, Japan 4 million, Italy 1.8 million, Finland 300,000 Total 13.1 million
Allies: USSR 9 million, US 9 million, GB 6 million Total 24 million (Most of the American rifles were semiautomatic and over a million automatic)
Guesstimated Artillery Production:
Axis: Reich 159,150, Japan 13,350, Italy 7,200, Hungary 447 Total 180,147
Allies: USSR 516,000, US 257,000, GB 124,000, Canada 10,000 Total 907,000 (5 times more than the Axis)
Guesstimated Military Truck Production:
Axis: Reich 346,000, Japan 166,000, Italy 83,000: Total 595,000
Allies: US 2,380,000, Canada 815,000, GB 480,000, USSR 197,000 Total 3,872,000 (6.5 times more than the axis)
Guesstimated Men and Women at Arms Throughout the War (million):
Axis, etc,: Reich 19, Japan 6, Italy 3 (joined the allies in 1943), Romania 0.7 (joined the allies in 1944), Hungary 0.6 (joined the allies in 1944), Finland 0.5 (joined the allies in 1944), Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania 0.5 Total 28,300,000 (German women served mostly in Flak)
Allies: USSR 24, US 12, China 7, GB+Canada, Australia, NZ, etc, 6 India 5 Total 54,000,000 (not including 2 million Frenchmen and 1 million Poles, most of whom only participated for a few months and over 2 million partisans and resistance fighters: Poles, French, Filipinos, Chinese, Yugoslavs, Indonesians, Malays, Vietnamese, Norwegians, Yugoslavs, Czechs, Dutch, Danes, Greeks, Soviets, etc, and other allies: Brazilians, etc,)
Guesstimated Fleet Aircraft Carrier Production (141 American and 25 British light or escort carriers not included):
Axis: Japan 16 Total 16
Allies: US 22, Britain 14 Total 36
Guesstimated Destroyer Production:
Axis: Japan 63, Reich 17, Italy 6 Total 86
Allies: US 349, GB 240, USSR 25 Total 614 (7.14 times more than the Axis)
Guesstimated Submarine production:
Axis: Reich 1,141, Japan 167, Italy 28 Total 1,336 (3.16 times more than the Allies, very successful before 1942, became almost suicidal in 1943).
Allies: US 203, Britain 167, USSR 52 Total 422 (American subs & mines wiped out most of the Japanese merchant fleet)
Guesstimated Merchant Shipping Tonnage Production:
Axis: Japan 4.15 million Italy 1.4 million Total 5.62 million (Germany used mostly captured ships from Norway, Holland, Denmark, etc,)
Allies: US 34 million, GB 6.38 million, Canada 3.74 million Total 44.12 million (7.85 times more than the Axis)
Guesstimated Cruiser Production:
Axis: Japan 9, Italy 6, Reich 2 Total 17
Allies: US 48, GB 32, USSR 2 Total 82 (4.8 times more than the Axis)
Guesstimated Oil Production (million metric tons):
Axis: Reich 33.4 (23.4 of them synthetic), Romania 25, Japan 5.3, Hungary 3.1 Total 66.8
Allies: US 833, USSR 111, GB 91, Canada 8 Total 1,043 (15.6 times more than the Axis!)
Guesstimated Coal Production (million metric tons):
Axis: Reich 2,420, Japan 185, Italy 17, Hungary 7, Romania 2 Total 2.631
Allies: US 2,150, GB 1,441, USSR 591, Canada 102 Total 4,284 (Note that the huge USSR produced 2.44 times less coal than the UK and 3.6 times less than Germany)
Guesstimated Military Deaths (millions):
Axis, etc,: Reich 5.5 (1.3 million in the last 4.5 months), Japan 2, Italy 0.5, Romania .4, Hungary .4, Finland .2 Total 9
Allies: USSR 10.8, China 3.8, Yugoslavia .5, UK .5, US .5, India .2, Canada .1, Australia .1 Total 16.1
Guesstimated Civilian Deaths (millions):
Axis, etc,: Reich 2.1, Japan .7, Rumania .4, Hungary .3, Finland .1 Total 3.6
Allies: China & Taiwan 15, USSR 13, Poland 4, Indonesia 4, India 2, French Indochina 0.7, Yugoslavia 0.7, Czechoslovakia 0.4, France 0.4, Greece 0.3, Holland 0.2, Philippines 0.2, UK 0.1 Total 40.9
America also produced 35.000 landing craft, over 600,000 jeeps, thousands of railroad engines, hundreds of thousands of railroad cars, 6 million tons of bombs, 42 billion rounds of ammunition, 24 million uniforms and boots, 8 million helmets, hundreds of thousands of parachutes, billions of tons of grain, meats, eggs, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, steel, non ferrous metals, etc, and most importantly, besides producing prodigious amounts of invaluable supplies for all the allies, the US simultaneously developed and produced the atomic bomb.
The Allies had a proximity fuse for antiaircraft shells, but the Axis’ countries didn´t.
The Reich also produced 6 million Panzerfaust and 289,000 Panzerschreck.
The myth of the inferior German aviation gasoline during WW II: The same gasoline can be rated at 100 octane with a lean mixture and at 130 octane with a rich mixture. The allies used the rich rating and the Germans the lean rating. Accordingly, in 1944 the 100 octane German gasoline was equivalent to the 130 octane American gasoline. Incredibly, today’s American avgas is rated at 100 octane with a rich mixture, so that the supposedly inferior German gasoline of 1944 is much superior to todays avgas. This shows how little we really value quality over quantity. Higher octane gasoline allows for higher compression ratios, which produce more power with the same engine displacement and fuel.

Industries and activities employing more than a million people each during WW II in the US:
1)Steel, 2)Military Trucks, Jeeps, cars, etc,3)Aviation, 4)Smelting & Forming of Copper, Aluminum, Zinc, Tin, Lead & Other Nonferrous Metals, 5)Artillery, Tanks & Self Propelled Guns, 6)Munitions, 7)Machine & Submachine Guns, Rifles, Bazookas, Mortars, etc, 8)Sulfuric & Nitric Acid, Insecticides, Fertilizers, Explosives & Other Chemicals, 9)Building Merchant Ships, 10)Building Naval Ships, 11)Machine Tools, Hand tools, Cutting Tools, Abrasives, etc, 12) Mining, 13)Bolts, Nuts, Nails, Rivets, Welding Rods, Solder, Glues & Other Fasteners, Wire Mesh & Barbed Wire, 4)Lubricants, Paints, Solvents, Primers, Electroplating, etc, 12)Food Processing (pasta, dairy products, canned meats, fruits and vegetables, ham, K-rations), 13)Transportation, Freight, Packaging, Loading & Unloading, 14)Fabrics, Leather & Glass, 15)Uniforms, Boots, Helmets, Bayonets, Canteens, Blankets, Tents, Quanza Huts, etc, 16)Instrumentation, gauges, measuring equipment, 17)Medical Supplies, 18)Lumber, Plywood, Sheetrock, etc, 19)Crude Oil & Refineries, 20)Cement, Gravel, Sand & Stone, 21)Post, Paper Mills, Telephone, Printing, Telegraph, 22)Planning, Logistics, 23)Cigarettes, Low Alcohol Beer, Sodas, Candy Bars, Instant Coffee & Cocoa, Potato Chips, Booze, Soap, Water Treatment Plants, Water Tanks, Boilers, Pumps, Compressors, etc, 24) Manhattan Project, 25)Farming (crops), 26)Fishing, Cattle, Pigs and Poultry.
The miraculous production achieved in the US was made possible by long work hours, millions of housewives, single women and foreign workers and by very efficient production methods, which allowed millions of men to join the navy, army, air force, etc, over a million women also served as nurses, office workers, transport pilots, ferry pilots, etc,

Germany used 2.75 million horses, the USSR 3.5 million horses. The US used no horses in France or Germany and a few thousand in Burma, Italy, etc, A jeep can two a 5" gun much faster and for longer distances than horses can and with less fuel.

Throughout WW II the Soviets received about 2,050 Hurricanes, 1,020 Spitfires, 4,700 Airacobras, 2,100 P-40s, 2,400 Kingcobras, 203 P-47s, 5,000 Douglas A-20s, 866 B-25 Mitchells (18,339 planes in total), 2,000 Railroad engines, 4,100 Sherman tanks, over 300,000 Ford and Studebaker trucks, 51,000 Willys MB jeeps, 11,000 railroad cars, millions of tons of high octane aviation fuel, food, steel, explosives, boots, etc, The Iranian railroad alone transported 5 million metric tons of supplies to the USSR. In total the USSR received 178 million metric tons. In contrast, the Germans had to relocate many Luftwaffe units from the USSR to North Africa in the winter of 1942 (during the Battle of Stalingrad), lost over 25,000 airplanes on the western front and their factories, rail road centers, power plants and cities were consistently bombed, which greatly contributed to the defeat of Germany in the USSR. During 1944 the Germans lost on average 1,000 planes per month to the eastern allies and 400 to the Soviets.
It is unfortunate that this forum does not allow editting after a while. I want to correct a mistake in the production of submachine guns, where I had neglected the 1.5 million Thompsons produced:

Guesstimated Submachine gun production:
Axis & Finland: Reich 1.6 million, Italy 400,000, Finland 80,000, Japan 25,000 Total 2.105 million
Allies: USSR 7 million, US 2.2 million, GB 620,000: Total 9.82 million (4.7 times more than the Axis)
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