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Guangxi Liberation Army in the border areas of mass gathering

Jeez!!!! and i thought Pakistan-indian rivalry was bad.......I'm glad to know we arent the only ones with 'militaristic' and this 'MAD' approach to things

Again "Attitude" , there are people who get provoked and get inspired by it and implement it on the weak and helpless which is not good to upkeep the law and order of the country. On the other hand, there are people who restrict there belief to themselves and have there status lifted in the society.

That maybe the case but you also get ones who doesn't know reality and its place and always choose to go against the flow. It is something that we humans have lived to accept regardless of its rights or wrongs.

No it is, China is more developed and planned than India. Its a fact which does not need a debate.

I guess luck and timing can also be thrown into the equation.

Really?? Glory has been achieved by only those who chose to create there own path.

Not everyone's path works out the way it intends it to be. Therefore one must improvise if that is the case. Cooperation would be the sensible path to take.

Well, Certainly not you and I but some one there who for sure is.

If future can be predicted, then it will not be called future. If nukes are no longer threatening earth, peace and stability. Then something else will. It's a case of who gets their hands on it. This cycle will never end. Humans will always continue to play God.
1.Unfortunately, its not enough to sort out your country's economic problems. :lol:

2.They never did, but nothing changed China is still growing and Japan is still hurt by the recession and doesn't have a military. The defensive line of North Korea, China and Pakistan is very interesting too and all three has nuke boom!

1.Hehe, but Viet people still live peacefuly with hard time of economy and very happy to use Laos-Viet bank money to buy India weapons:azn:

2.hehe, they're doing now such as India conduct VietNam good Naval training, Japan lend VietNam lots of money, you can make a research for that.North Korea, Pakistan are far from VIetNam,and their Nuke will hurt India-Japan, not VietNam, diffrent with India-Thailand-Japan, very near China :azn:

Nuke in North Korea, Pakistan is also the reason for India-Japan to tie up the defensive line with VN to get stronger
Supporting Vietnam against China is no simple task. It's a matter of if they want to see their country's social and economic structure continue to move in the right direction or to destroy it in favor of a Vietnam war against China. Chances are, they will simply give you verbal support meanwhile maintaining a neutral stance. I think they also trust Vietnam's capability, they know Vietnam is very strong and can handle China alone, so no worries
Not simple bcz you always think you're stronger than VIetNam even you was defeated so badly in 1979.So, in fact, it's a simple task. Cambodia never care about CHina's propaganda, so they don't care much about China"power", that's it :azn:
He will just have to go when his time is up, otherwise he would be considered a dictator right? I am sure he is very safe already and Vietnam cannot protect him unless they meddle with Cambodia's internal affairs and make Cambodia their vassal state. If that is the case, then people should question their friendship and motives.
Yep, when his time is up, his talent son will win in fair and square election, and Mr.Hun Sen seems doesn't want any one to mess up this election just bcz his son will win :azn:

Coups can happen to any country, but it all depends on the support. See how quickly the Red party regained power because of people's support? It is unlikely to happen anytime soon because it would seriously disrupt Thailand's economy. I am sure they don't want to see riots every year. Vietnam couldn't stop the coup last time so what makes Vietnam think they can support Thailand or prevent it from happening again?
Yeh, so how the Red party can regain power ??Did Mr.Thaksin do something from Cambodia to support his sister??hehe, who knows :azn:
I have been to Thailand many times, and from personal experience I already know how much Chinese are respected over there and how influential we are compared to Vietnam. However, I will not stop one from hoping
Don't put so much confidence in what you can see, don't forget even CIA still can be decieved , bro:azn:
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