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GSLV mK III with SRE-2 atop to be launched in April 2014

Our powerful Cryo for GSLV Mk 3 is ready. it will be used in 2016 in its first flight. Our Semi cryos are are under development which is about to over. It will be used as booster or in Second stage (I do not know exactly). this combo of Cryo and semi cryo will give us over 6 tons capability in Geo and over 15 tons in Leo.

Semi-cryos will be used in second stage replacing the liquid stage .

15 tons to LEO will be with the help of two solid boosters (2S200+SC160+C25) .

Any idea what is the lift capacity of Core alone (SC160+C25) ??
Your booster looks like much longer than the others.

Indeed largest in Asia ...and third largest in world !


Proposed derivatives of GSLV Mk III

When GSLV Mk-III will be tested in three months' time, the heavy-duty rocket will fly the module to an altitude of about 120 km to see if it is safe for human flight. “GSLV Mk-III will carry the crew module to study re-entry and thermal behaviour,” said Isro chairman K Radhakrishnan .


CE20 cryogenic engine in C25 stage is a Gas-generator cycle based engine. The CE7.5 cryogenic engine recently successfully tested on GSLV Mk2 is a Staged combustion cycle engine. Though Staged combustion cycle engine is more complex and efficient engine than Gas-generator based engine, it cannot be scaled up in size. Only Russia and India have mastered the Staged combustion cycle cryogenic engine technology.

Staged combustion engine:


Gas-generator cycle engine:
CE20 cryogenic engine in C25 stage is a Gas-generator cycle based engine. The CE7.5 cryogenic engine recently successfully tested on GSLV Mk2 is a Staged combustion cycle engine. Though Staged combustion cycle engine is more complex and efficient engine than Gas-generator based engine, it cannot be scaled up in size. Only Russia and India have mastered the Staged combustion cycle cryogenic engine technology.

Staged combustion engine:


Gas-generator cycle engine:

Russians have penchant for far more complex design and technology when one looks at corresponding western designs in almost all domains of advance fields of science ....Indians followed the suit ...

Hopefully CE 20 won't give as many problems ....

CE 20 is not fully ready yet ...that's why we are testing new launch vehicle in form of GSLV Mk II without its cryogenic upper stage ....

It is expected to be ready by 2017 ...GSLV Mk III is expected to be functional by 2020 ...!!!

What is the problem with you ?????/?

I will apologize of behalf of my fellow countryman ...his outburst is totally unwarranted .....!!!

Please ignore him !

CHINAMAN -YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN US of A gave you CryoTech in 1980s.


why you have to play spoiler ?

Your comment is totally unwarranted and in bad taste ...

Should look into intention of person before jumping guns on few words !
CHINAMAN -YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN US of A gave you CryoTech in 1980s.


What the heck? That was uncalled for! He was just making an observation, I doubt there was any intention to troll. Please delete your comment, its racist.
I don't thnk this is the SRE 2. This is the final crew module. Don't think they're ready to test this yet.

Indeed this is not SRE 2 . I posted the picture here just for info . so that people would know how Indian Space crew module will look like ...

Guess I should have clarified before ....thanks for pointing out !
CE20 cryogenic engine in C25 stage is a Gas-generator cycle based engine. The CE7.5 cryogenic engine recently successfully tested on GSLV Mk2 is a Staged combustion cycle engine. Though Staged combustion cycle engine is more complex and efficient engine than Gas-generator based engine, it cannot be scaled up in size. Only Russia and India have mastered the Staged combustion cycle cryogenic engine technology.

Staged combustion engine:


Gas-generator cycle engine:

Cryogenic engine means the fuel should be very low temp ,right ?

But kerosene can be kept at normal temp ,I stil do not get it .

And what is the oxidizer of GLSV ?
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Thats what i m saying we r yet to produce our very first Semi-Cryo Engine n our current Cryo engine is a very low thrust n inefficient engine in comparision to international standards.
Our cryogenic engine CE-20 in mk3 is advanced and efficient (compare thrust to weight ratio and thrust range of other final stage cryo engines) final stage cryogenic engine using gas generation cycle..... We at present condition not want a more high thrust(>200KN) final stage engine in near future... Semi-Cryo Engine development for core stage is under progress... When compared to cryogenic engine, semi cryogenic engine is less efficient and less complex , but its advantage lies in comparatively reduced engine design complexity and fuel handling cost.. A Semi Cryogenic Stage (SC160) with 160 ton propellant loading powered by the 2000 kN semi cryogenic engine to be used in place of L110 stage of GSLV Mk III... Already started in 2008 expected completion within 6 years...
My time limit of 2-3 decades is for coming up with US n Russian standards in Cryo n Semi Cryo engines, similar to that used in Atlas V.
Yes, We will take time...
Our cryogenic engine CE-20 in mk3 is advanced and efficient (compare thrust to weight ratio and thrust range of other final stage cryo engines) final stage cryogenic engine using gas generation cycle..... We at present condition not want a more high thrust(>200KN) final stage engine in near future... Semi-Cryo Engine development for core stage is under progress... When compared to cryogenic engine, semi cryogenic engine is less efficient and less complex , but its advantage lies in comparatively reduced engine design complexity and fuel handling cost.. A Semi Cryogenic Stage (SC160) with 160 ton propellant loading powered by the 2000 kN semi cryogenic engine to be used in place of L110 stage of GSLV Mk III... Already started in 2008 expected completion within 6 years...

Yes, We will take time...

US's engine can produce 1600T thrust. China only 120T.

There will be a very long road need to go , 20years might be too optimistic.
Why send an empty space capsule aboard the GSLV? Why not put a monkey in there? By monkey I mean one of those Hurriyat bozos like SAS Geelani!!! :cheesy:

Needless to say, after attaining full apogee, eject the capsule into the depths of space!! That would be good riddance!! :wave: :D

Only one bullet in head is sufficiant for that which'll be million times cheaper then giving ride to a rocket... but these type of guys are poltical needs so no say...
DM-2 of Alliant Tech system

They did the experiment at 2009 , the max thrust was 1633T!!

Development Motor-2 (DM-2) is a solid rocket motor...
Here efficiency and requirement is the key factor.... Every launch vehicles need efficient( high thrust to weight ratio) engine in upper stage because as the weight of final stage increases it we want more powerfull main stages(ie. first and second stages).... So we can only achieve that with cryo engines... We can choose the main stages according to economy... But for final stage we have no option...For example Atlas 5 using only a 110KN engine in upper stage.... ISRO also aimed for that... We have no plan for a high thrust cryogenic Main stage like Ariane rocket...Also we are developing semi cryo core engine as cost effective and enviornmental friendly option... Thrust is not a factor when we mastered the tech....
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Development Motor-2 (DM-2) is a solid rocket motor...
Here efficiency and requirement is the key factor.... Every launch vehicles need efficient( high thrust to weight ratio) engine in upper stage....For example Atlas 5 using a 110KN engine in upper stage.... ISRO also aimed for that... We have no plan for a high thrust cryogenic Main stage like Ariane rocket... So we are developing semi cryo core engine... Thrust is not a factor as we mastered the tech....
Compared to US , our tech is really a piece of cake , a little bit frustrated !:undecided:
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