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GSLV-D5, India's first indigenous cryogenic rocket, launched successfully

I'm impressed that India can launch the rocket. It bring pride and joy to people of India. Hopefully, the hungry and the poor can feel better going to bed in their empty stomach knowing that their country had launched a cryogenic rocket.


Pakistani Mods, Can you stop such Chinese Trolls? Your high time frnds are spoiling threads... Why you guys do favor on chinese trolls..
We know their claims...

They were just CLAIMS, based on Political and Commercial considerations.
Which in turn got incorporated into American Policy, as simple "Arm-Twisting" i.e. sanctions.
However the REALITY was different as borne out by @45'22" s post#41 above.
Hence drawing the appropriate conclusions in this regard is a simple "no-brainer"........
In retrospect, the American petty-minded games turned out to be a boon; simply because India ended up with its own Cryo-Engine at the end, notwithstanding all the road-blocks.
Pakistani Mods, Can you stop such Chinese Trolls? Your high time frnds are spoiling threads... Why you guys do favor on chinese trolls..

Just report the bugger, persistent troll that the species is: and hope that the mods are awake.
Or is it just hoping for too much? :what:

ISRO and the Russians have reason to lie about this.

What reason do the Americans have to lie?

LOLL, What reasons did the Yanquis have to tell the "truth" about WMDs in "Eyerak"??
the FAS felt that it would take around 15 years to develop that engine indigenously and it took us even more than that....almost 20 years.......

going by what the scientists are saying its very much possible that the ISRO scientists did it by themselves

A number of countries have developed cryogenic engine tech. Given enough time, money and talent (all of which India has), there is no reason why India couldn't develop the engine from scratch.

The fact remains, however, that the FAS report raises questions about how much of this tech is indigenous and how much is Russian.

LOLL, What reasons did the Yanquis have to tell the "truth" about WMDs in "Eyerak"??

It's possible that the FAS report is made up, even though they claim to quote Indian officials.

Anything's possible.
A number of countries have developed cryogenic engine tech. Given enough time, money and talent (all of which India has), there is no reason why India couldn't develop the engine from scratch.

The fact remains, however, that the FAS report raises questions about how much of this tech is indigenous and how much is Russian.

see i gave you another FAS report that contradicts your previous report.......

for argument sake.......u can say that for sure.......but if we look at the way things have really progressed,its pretty much evident that there was no foreign help in this project..........
see i gave you another FAS report that contradicts your previous report.......

Where is the contradiction?

One report details the sequence of official events.

The other reports the clandestine events.
A number of countries have developed cryogenic engine tech. Given enough time, money and talent (all of which India has), there is no reason why India couldn't develop the engine from scratch.

The fact remains, however, that the FAS report raises questions about how much of this tech is indigenous and how much is Russian.

It's possible that the FAS report is made up, even though they claim to quote Indian officials.

Anything's possible.

Which is just what India had to do eventually , LoL.

LoL. "Anything's possible". Yes, of course.
But not everybody that finally gets to do it eventually.
So that is an inane statement really........
Which is just what India had to do eventually , LoL.

LoL. "Anything's possible". Yes, of course.
But not everybody that finally gets to do it eventually.
So that is an inane statement really........

You are just repeating your assertion and discounting the FAS report.

You are welcome to declare the report false and ignore its claims. It won't make the report go away.
You are quoting public propaganda.

I am quoting a report by Federation of American Scientists.

Federation of American Scientists is not a American body, but an NGO 'educating' the public about a secure world.

And most of the 'theories' that Federation of American Scientists publish are self made without any evidence.
Where is the contradiction?

One report details the sequence of official events.

The other reports the clandestine events.

one report states that the deal took place unofficially while the other one claims no such things happened

both the report are official

the report you gave was written by author Henry Sokloski andd the date isnt mentioned....most probably in 90's
he is the executive director of a washington based non profit organization which promotes better understanding of weapons proliferation.......some of the links he gave are from unknown authors

the report this man gave was refuted by a report by the same organization in 2000
now coming to this author.....
Major (Sel.) Jerome M. Conley was commissioned in the United States Marine Corps through the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps, College of the Holy Cross, in 1990, with a B.A. in Economics. His military occupational specialties include Weapons and Tactics Instructor, CH-46E pilot, Combat Engineer, and Regional Affairs Officer for the Former Soviet Union. He served with the Greyhawks of HMM-161 and deployed extensively to the Arabian Gulf, East Africa, and Southeastern Asia while conducting operations in Eritrea, Somalia, and Kuwait. Major (Sel.) Conley's military education includes The Basic School, Combat Engineer Officer Basic Course, Naval Aviation Training, Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Instructor Course, the Defense Language Institute, and The Naval Postgraduate School. He holds a Masters in National Security Affairs from The Naval Postgraduate School and is presently assigned to the On-Site Inspection Agency, Defense Threat Reduction Agency as a Deputy Team Leader in the Open Skies Division. His personal awards include the Air Medal and the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal. He is the author of the book, Indo-Russian Military and Nuclear Cooperation: Lessons and Options for U.S. Policy in South Asia (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, forthcoming).

now its upto you to decide whom you want to believe......
i rest my case
Federation of American Scientists is not a American body, but an NGO 'educating' the public about a secure world.

And most of the 'theories' that Federation of American Scientists publish are self made without any evidence.

@Developereo too
And they are propagators of Indian SLV = US Scout theory too...
Dr Gary Milhollin is also a member I guess
@Developereo too
And they are propagators of Indian SLV = US Scout theory too...
Dr Gary Milhollin is also a member I guess

The problem with these NGOs are that they claim the sky and don't have to prove their 'theories'.

I know for sure many of their past reports were dubious.
The problem with these NGOs are that they claim the sky and don't have to prove their 'theories'.

I know for sure many of their past reports were dubious.

Well their theory is that In '1965 Indian government asked NASA for design information' (before we even made a sounding rocket on our own :lol: ) & ' Indian SLV 3 was a exact copy of scout ' but 'wind tunnel testing & guidance was done by Germany' ( yeah...exact copy :lol:)

:woot::woot::woot: Shows how credible these NGOs are.
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