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GSLV-D5, India's first indigenous cryogenic rocket, launched successfully

And also there was a
No it doesn't. For a reason there is 'official data'. The question here is how come FAS got hold of such data?

I can start a website and claim that cryo tech that India used is from US through ToT. Would you believe it?

Anyway as the thread is growing, your posts are getting more devoid of logic.

As I said before appreciate when it is due...or you would look a jealous child.
report which said that Russia didnt transfer any technology.....
@Developereo can you point us to the FAS report/article that you are referring to? I went through the thread, couldn't find it.
2. Mission to the Sun by the year 2015-16

dude as far as i know our solar mission Aditya 1 wont leave the earths orbit. it would continue making solar observation being in earths orbit.

3. Mission to the Moon, will have an Orbiter and Lander-Rover module by 2015.

make that 2017-18

4. Manned mission to Moon with humans by 2020

lol you forgot our own space station launch by 2025 and Manned Landing Mission to Mars by 2030 :rofl:

on a serious note how will we do that even if gslv mk3 becomes operational it still isnt big enough for such mission. even if we successfully conduct a human space flight by that time it would be a miracle.
dude as far as i know our solar mission Aditya 1 wont leave the earths orbit. it would continue making solar observation being in earths orbit.

make that 2017-18

lol you forgot our own space station launch by 2025 and Manned Landing Mission to Mars by 2030 :rofl:

on a serious note how will we do that even if gslv mk3 becomes operational it still isnt big enough for such mission. even if we successfully conduct a human space flight by that time it would be a miracle.

I got those figures from Wikipedia. I may be wrong.

Anyway the point I was making here was not the time table, but capabilities of ISRO to take on such highly complex missions.
Congratulations to team ISRO. A proud and great day for people of South Asian origins
Hope Team ISRO reaches greater and greater heights.
You are just repeating your assertion and discounting the FAS report.

You are welcome to declare the report false and ignore its claims. It won't make the report go away.

You are very low on content and substantial evidence still you chose to be a party spoiler. Talks much of your intentions.

We Indians who constitute top of the world engineers and doctors are not that incompetent to take 20 years to replicate already provided technology. If someone will promise us this much delivery time we will/can make it on our own. ISRO is not dud.
Guys, these are not theories. We are discussing a very specific claim.

According to the FAS, the reference for the claim of 4/5th technology transfer is:

Vivek Raghuvanishi, "Russia, India Discuss Cryogenic Contract," Space News, November 15-28, 1993

Now, I don't have access to this magazine issue, so we can only leave it at that.
why ur digging so much?
Not even chinnis or bangladeshi digged ...
so why even bothered whether it is indian or russian its not projected towards pakistan ?
why it bothering to u whether ISRO is lying or not?
Why Developereo ?
why ur digging so much?
Not even chinnis or bangladeshi digged ...
so why even bothered whether it is indian or russian its not projected towards pakistan ?
why it bothering to u whether ISRO is lying or not?
Why Developereo ?

Indians often accuse Pakistan of simply repainting Chinese or North Korean stuff.

Just returning the favor...
Indians often accuse Pakistan of simply repainting Chinese or North Korean stuff.

Just returning the favor...

Indians often accuse Pakistan of simply repainting Chinese or North Korean stuff.

Just returning the favor...
we even accuse chinnis for copy paste but they did,t bothered to digging so hard why u ?
and abt accusing its discussed in this fourum many times..ok
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