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Grumman will show off its sixth generation stealth jet fighter design during the Superbowl

Oh yes exactly ! Typical Indian delusion. How many Hi tech stealth aircrafts have US fielded as compared to Russia ?
  1. F-117 Nighthawk
  2. B-2 Spirit
  3. f-22
  4. f-35
And How many has Russia actually fielded? NONE ZERO ZILCH

and yet somehow without any prior experience Russia has this formidable beast ? A d the way America moved one step at a time and gained valuable experience is just to be regarded because a bharti like you says so :lol:

Do you realise how dumb you sound ?

Russia suddenly wakes up from slumber to field THE most advanced electronic, stealth and avionics jet ? A giant leap from its old rusty MIG and Su hard to operation ancient series ? As opposed to US in terms of electronics

US has always kept the edge and will remain in order to do so, that just not mean that their tech has become obsolete, They will always that ''edge''.

If I take your word for it, then I wonder why the Hi tech Stuff India imports from US, such as P8i, c-17 Globemaster and Specifically requested the Reaper drone.

What matters more is the quality of hardware that will come up.

Just because the US has been good before doesn't mean they will stay good always. Where is the American equivalent of the T-14 Armata?
It's a big deal. Especially considering the armed forces don't make silly political decisions like other countries.
Like Agustawestland scandal ? Like Bofors guns. Yes, and all the developed countries are foolish and stupid to induct f-35.

I am sorry Indian rejecting F-35 doesnt diminish it capability and capacity in anyway. Hell an air force so much inclined to purchase foreign maal that would even go on to have LWF in order to kill TEJAS, really shows how silly the leadership is.

You still havent answered why does India import Hi teh goodies from US like p8i ? Or requested EMALS and Reaper drone ?
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Just because the US has been good before doesn't mean they will stay good always. Where is the American equivalent of the T-14 Armata?
Because by the time we are done...


Russia's T-14 will be well done, as in steak over a coal fire done. :enjoy:

The technologies of armor piercing rounds, sensors, navigation, and propulsion are progressing faster than the technologies that make up the tank. That does not mean the days of the tank are over. What it means is that the days of the tank as THE dominant power in penetrating enemy forces are over. What made the M1 stood out was not its armor but its speed and agility, and that combination proved itself in the M1's first combat outing -- Desert Storm.

Since the end of WW II, no other MBT had combat experience to the scale of the US M1, from its first combat to how many tanks were in theater to how its crew used its capabilities to quickly destroy the Iraqi Army lines. Now DARPA is coming out with something that is companion to the M1 that will further enhance its lethality.

Whatever the Russian T-14 have that is allegedly 'superior' to the M1, we do not need to match it in order to destroy it.
5th gen isn't even mature?? F-22 is a early 90's design and F-35 has been in development for over a decade and half.

better start early with concepts for a 6th gen even before the tech has been invented.

you know the saying the early bird get's the worm. we gotta stay 1 step ahead.

Only the second mouse gets the cheese, LOL
5th gen isn't even mature yet. Is 6th gen even necessary now?

Yes, it keeps America on top of the game and it's enemies at rock bottom.

6th gen will need access to space, these jets will not go above 25Km altitude. They are simply slightly more advanced versions of the PAK FA. Like how the Typhoon is to the F-15.

The US is developing these new jets because they are unable to match the upcoming PAK FA with the F-22 or the F-35.

The F-22 is still superior to any upcoming jets, although I have my doubts about the F-35.
Are you living in this world or a rookie to aircraft field.. Look i am just 16 years old (may be the youngest member on PDF) and have more information than you..

Coming to the topic:
China has made 3 prototypes of J-20 and complete operational aircraft
(yet not inducted but for testing avionics)
! flown with russian al31
1 with ws-13
1 with ws 15
bro what are you talking about J-20 with WS-13:lol::rofl: its design for JF-17 and J-31 and their is no WS-15 on J-20, WS-15 completed its ground testing and go for air testing on IL-76 tesbed go to J-20 thread kid
Because by the time we are done...


Russia's T-14 will be well done, as in steak over a coal fire done. :enjoy:

The technologies of armor piercing rounds, sensors, navigation, and propulsion are progressing faster than the technologies that make up the tank. That does not mean the days of the tank are over. What it means is that the days of the tank as THE dominant power in penetrating enemy forces are over. What made the M1 stood out was not its armor but its speed and agility, and that combination proved itself in the M1's first combat outing -- Desert Storm.

Since the end of WW II, no other MBT had combat experience to the scale of the US M1, from its first combat to how many tanks were in theater to how its crew used its capabilities to quickly destroy the Iraqi Army lines. Now DARPA is coming out with something that is companion to the M1 that will further enhance its lethality.

Whatever the Russian T-14 have that is allegedly 'superior' to the M1, we do not need to match it in order to destroy it.

I apologize for the late reply.

Please do not argue like the Russians did when the F-22 started flight tests. Even they said they don't need to match it in order to destroy it, but were forced to develop the PAK FA anyway.

The real answer to the T-14, a 4th gen Russian tank, would be a 4th gen western tank. The Armata is a tank project the US will not be able to match for many more years simply because of the hundreds of billions spent on the Abrams in setting up a global supply chain. And it's obviously not going to happen during sequestration.

The fact is the T-14 Armata is a capability surprise. It comes with a long range radar, has SATCOM, and most importantly, is capable of operating without a crew. And the countries which are directly threatened by this capability surprise are now planning to develop their own 4th gen tank to counter the T-14.



So the Russian armour is somebody else's headache.

The Armata is a huge upgrade over 3rd gen tanks, no different from when the F-22 became operational. And this is no different from the advantage the Russians have in SAMs versus the West.

Since the end of WW II, no other MBT had combat experience to the scale of the US M1, from its first combat to how many tanks were in theater to how its crew used its capabilities to quickly destroy the Iraqi Army lines.

Beating 40-year-old Soviet monkey models isn't my definition of modern warfare. It was a turkey shoot.

Btw, the GXV-T isn't what you think it is. It's not going to engage the T-14 in battle. No different than sticking an AMRAAM on a T-38 and expecting it to battle a F-22. In fact, it will use its agility to run away from tank battles.
I apologize for the late reply.

Please do not argue like the Russians did when the F-22 started flight tests. Even they said they don't need to match it in order to destroy it, but were forced to develop the PAK FA anyway.

The real answer to the T-14, a 4th gen Russian tank, would be a 4th gen western tank. The Armata is a tank project the US will not be able to match for many more years simply because of the hundreds of billions spent on the Abrams in setting up a global supply chain. And it's obviously not going to happen during sequestration.

The fact is the T-14 Armata is a capability surprise. It comes with a long range radar, has SATCOM, and most importantly, is capable of operating without a crew. And the countries which are directly threatened by this capability surprise are now planning to develop their own 4th gen tank to counter the T-14.



So the Russian armour is somebody else's headache.

The Armata is a huge upgrade over 3rd gen tanks, no different from when the F-22 became operational. And this is no different from the advantage the Russians have in SAMs versus the West.

Beating 40-year-old Soviet monkey models isn't my definition of modern warfare. It was a turkey shoot.

Btw, the GXV-T isn't what you think it is. It's not going to engage the T-14 in battle. No different than sticking an AMRAAM on a T-38 and expecting it to battle a F-22. In fact, it will use its agility to run away from tank battles.

It has a crew, its just in the hull. There i nothing mind blowing about the Armata. It really isn't.
I think the technological edge which Western countries has makes them stand out in world. Chinese have their own issues which won't allow them to stand out and they just keep copying things.

Out of Topic:

As Turkey is getting 100+ F-35s and PAF is getting J-20s/J-31s.
PAC-TAI might also go for a 6th Generation Aircraft manned and unmanned ones.
I know about the crew. I'm saying the Armata T-14 can operate without a crew as well.

And who is going to take care of the tank if its stuck or a tracked wheel comes off? Who is going to maintain it in the field?
And who is going to take care of the tank if its stuck or a tracked wheel comes off? Who is going to maintain it in the field?

The teeth will be automated while the tail will still be human, for now.

What would you rather have? 200 men on the field fighting in 50 tanks under risk of death, or 20 men following 50 unmanned tanks from considerably safer distances in APCs, so they can fix that occasional one or two tanks with maintenance troubles.

It's a massive capability surprise, a massssssiiiivveeee one. Even multiple hits won't kill such tanks because there's no crew to kill, the ammo is sealed from cook off, and you can only cause superficial damage to the tank even with the best ammo you have, while ATGMs are killed before impact by the active APS. The turret is automated, maneuverability is automated, target identification and engagement is automated. They can send these tanks into any hellhole they want with zero risks.

Can you imagine the improvement in logistics if you've reduced your on field manpower requirement by 10 times? And the fact that the tanks will perform 24/7 without worrying about crew fatigue.
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