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Growing ties between Turkey, China, Iran worry Israel and U.S.

as Turkiye is an independent, sovereign country, they are perfectly within their existential right to exercise an independent foreign policy based on their national interests

I smell double standards; I see no similar "worry" over France (a NATO country as well) decision to sell Mistral-class assault ships to Russia......



p.s. I see no ''worry'' over the fact that israel never even apologized to American (servicemen/women) 43 years after the USS Liberty incident. But then again --> troubles & worry are a lot like people -

they grow BIGGER if you nurse them :cheers: ;)
. . .
Israel is the cause of all problems in the region

you can't blame everything on them....the Arabs don't exactly have the brightest leaderships either; as a result, the income gaps are widening and so is frustration.

the settlements building, the collective punishment, the blockades --those are indeed problems however; it doesn't help when boat-loads of cash and weapons go there without any oversight
Main reason why i have my views on this issue. I don't see the Chinese as oppressing these people i see them in a similar as us with the Kurds in southeastern turkey. They get their rights(more so then Turks) but decide to riot for reasons that i still have trouble understanding. Little children rioting rather then going to school or staying in the free housing they get. Talking about rights that they don't realize the state has jumped through hoops to get them. So i am able to understand the Chinese issue through this viewpoint. Which is why i see no need for involvement of the Turkish state in these affairs. You see though the current administration likes to run a heavy religious undertone. Erdogan also likes to talk big on many issues. This party does not share the same secular concepts our countries founding father does.

Jigs, sorry for this late reply. I just forgot to visit this thread to see your reply.

Jigs, let me be more frank. To be honest, I must say, I am always with the oppressed people, no matter whoever they are and wherever they are. I myself would have condemned the Chinese govt for sure, had there been any oppression committed to the Chinese Uyghurs of Xinjiang.

I think, you have never visited Xinjiang. If you yourself visit Xinjiang, you will notice how much govt privileges the Uyghurs enjoy. You will certainly become jealous of the economic and social privileges the Chinese Uyghur people enjoy.

I can bet 10 thousand US dollars right now, you PM me your account, money will be transfered to your account right now, promise. But before that, you have to tell me where the Uyghurs are oppressed and which discrimination they face.

It is not the Uyghurs who are discriminated in Xinjiang, rather it is the Hans who are discriminated, if not oppressed, in Xinjiang, in their own motherland. From child policy to job quota, everywhere, Uyghurs get preferential treatment by the govt. Shinjang Uyghur Aptonom Rayoni is an autonomous region, it enjoys autonomy... we need to keep that in mind. The Chairman Nur Bekri himself is a Chinese Uyghur.


There are many other Chinese Uyghur high ranking officials in the autonomous administration of Xinjiang. They easily outnumber Han officials.

If some may say, many Uyghurs are unemployed. There is a reason for that. Suppose, you are a owner of a private enterprise, you are looking for efficient educated people. Will you recruit uneducated people who don't have any technical knowledge to work in your workshop? If some Uyghurs don't go to schools and colleges to study , how can they become employed? Quota based Govt jobs are not sufficient for all Uyghurs, they must study medical, engineering and other subjects to get employment. What is their problem in learning Chinese also? Chinese is their national language, they should learn it if they care about the nation. When Americans and Israelis are learning Chinese to seek economic opportunities in China, what is the problem of the Uyghurs to learn their own national language? Or are they superior to the Americans and Israelis?

Uyghurs should consider themselves lucky, that they are Chinese citizens. They should feel proud to be Chinese nationals. Just have a look at other central Asian countries... see what is happening there, riot, killing, raping, bombing, slaughtering... and what not? Xinjiang itself is a land locked non arable region. Without the contribution of the central govt, Xinjiang would not have been what it is today.

At the same time, I always encourage the Hans to learn Uyghur language, so that national integration and assimilation can be achieved. Yes, China is one nation and the nation should be integrated into one entity. That is a clear message. Chinese people don't want to be divided, no matter how some ferocious wolves try to create social trouble in China. If those ferocious wolves try to divide China, China will respond to them by dropping hydrogen bombs. Thats the answer to those anti social low life scums.

Xinjiang is a shelter to many ethnic minorities. Have you asked them whether they want to see any east turkestan? No, they never want. They know they will be slaughtered by the terrorists extremists and separatists as soon as separatists divide the country. China is a modern nation state ruled by law. And the law gives rights and protection to all of China's citizens, irrespective of religion and ethnicity.

I know, extremist separatist terrorists will always be there. Today, they are talking about east Turkestan, tomorrow, they will ask for West Turkestan, after that North Turkestan, after that South Turkestan... and their demands will go on. We give a damn to their demands. Arab descent my foot... even that guy who talks about east turkestan doesn't have any Arab descent, he can go and check his DNA marker and verify whether I am right or wrong. I know from where the Present Turkish people have come. I am not an uneducated, I know who is who.

I suggest you to personally visit China and particularly Xinjiang instead of listening to rumors and gossip. Uyghurs are Chinese, they will be Chinese, no matter which language they speak, no matter how they look, no matter which religion they belong to. Without Uyghurs, Chinese nation will be incomplete.
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What about the US? Only 70% of the US are whites, period. the original whites in the US were specifically anglo-saxons, now how many are there? What about the italians, germans, french and latinos in the US? the rest of the US is "minorities", maybe we should take back san francisco, and mexico should take back texas, and perhaps britain can take back the whole east coast?

This comparison that far away from the truth . . .The United States was established before only 234 years, and the American are immigrants and are not indigenous people . . We are talking here about the people exist on thier own territory for thousands of years but now they are part of other political entities. . . Called the names of countries does not represent their ethnicity . . . for example the chinese in united states are american nationality but they still chinese ethnic
. .

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